Lineage for Species: Haemophilus influenzae [TaxId: 727]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.06
  2. 2021373Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (177 folds)
  3. 2080271Fold b.82: Double-stranded beta-helix [51181] (7 superfamilies)
    one turn of helix is made by two pairs of antiparallel strands linked with short turns
    has appearance of a sandwich of distinct architecture and jelly-roll topology
  4. 2081124Superfamily b.82.2: Clavaminate synthase-like [51197] (16 families) (S)
    Iron and ketoglutarate-dependent enzymes; elaborated version of this common fold
  5. 2081348Family b.82.2.7: YhcH-like [89413] (1 protein)
    automatically mapped to Pfam PF04074
  6. 2081349Protein Hypothetical protein HI0227 [89414] (1 species)
  7. 2081350Species Haemophilus influenzae [TaxId:727] [89415] (2 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Haemophilus influenzae [TaxId: 727]:

  1. Domain(s) for 1jop:
    1. 2081355Domain d1jopa_: 1jop A: [84187]
      structural genomics
      complexed with hg
    2. 2081356Domain d1jopb_: 1jop B: [84188]
      structural genomics
      complexed with hg
    3. 2081357Domain d1jopc_: 1jop C: [84189]
      structural genomics
      complexed with hg
    4. 2081358Domain d1jopd_: 1jop D: [84190]
      structural genomics
      complexed with hg
  2. Domain(s) for 1s4c:
    1. 2081351Domain d1s4ca_: 1s4c A: [118860]
      automated match to d1jopa_
      complexed with act, cu
    2. 2081352Domain d1s4cb_: 1s4c B: [118861]
      automated match to d1jopa_
      complexed with act, cu
    3. 2081353Domain d1s4cc_: 1s4c C: [118862]
      automated match to d1jopa_
      complexed with act, cu
    4. 2081354Domain d1s4cd_: 1s4c D: [118863]
      automated match to d1jopa_
      complexed with act, cu

More info for Species Haemophilus influenzae [TaxId:727] from b.82.2.7 Hypothetical protein HI0227

Timeline for Species Haemophilus influenzae [TaxId:727] from b.82.2.7 Hypothetical protein HI0227: