Lineage for d1hxga2 (1hxg A:221-548)

  1. Root: SCOP 1.65
  2. 275720Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (179 folds)
  3. 285858Fold a.128: Terpenoid synthases [48575] (1 superfamily)
    multihelical; core: 8 helices (C-J) are arranged in 2 parallel layers
  4. 285859Superfamily a.128.1: Terpenoid synthases [48576] (5 families) (S)
    duplication: two metal-binding sites are related by a pseudo dyad that also relates helices C-F to helices G-J
  5. 285874Family a.128.1.3: Terpenoid cyclase C-terminal domain [48583] (2 proteins)
  6. 285890Protein 5-Epi-aristolochene synthase [48584] (1 species)
  7. 285891Species Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) [TaxId:4097] [48585] (7 PDB entries)
  8. 285896Domain d1hxga2: 1hxg A:221-548 [83646]
    Other proteins in same PDB: d1hxga1
    complexed with mg; mutant

Details for d1hxga2

PDB Entry: 1hxg (more details), 2.9 Å

PDB Description: crystal structure of teas w273s/c440w

SCOP Domain Sequences for d1hxga2:

Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)

>d1hxga2 a.128.1.3 (A:221-548) 5-Epi-aristolochene synthase {Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)}

SCOP Domain Coordinates for d1hxga2:

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Timeline for d1hxga2:

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