Lineage for Species: Chicken (Gallus gallus) [TaxId: 9031]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.06
  2. 2256768Class g: Small proteins [56992] (94 folds)
  3. 2259038Fold g.7: Snake toxin-like [57301] (1 superfamily)
    disulfide-rich fold: nearly all-beta
  4. 2259039Superfamily g.7.1: Snake toxin-like [57302] (4 families) (S)
  5. 2259269Family g.7.1.3: Extracellular domain of cell surface receptors [57354] (6 proteins)
  6. 2259309Protein TGF-beta type II receptor extracellular domain [69951] (2 species)
    elaborated with additional structures resulting in a beta-sandwich fold
  7. 2259310Species Chicken (Gallus gallus) [TaxId:9031] [82900] (1 PDB entry)

PDB entry in Species: Chicken (Gallus gallus) [TaxId: 9031]:

More info for Species Chicken (Gallus gallus) [TaxId:9031] from g.7.1.3 TGF-beta type II receptor extracellular domain

Timeline for Species Chicken (Gallus gallus) [TaxId:9031] from g.7.1.3 TGF-beta type II receptor extracellular domain: