Lineage for Superfamily b.70.3: Dipeptidyl peptidase IV/CD26, N-terminal domain

  1. Root: SCOP 1.65
  2. 287094Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (126 folds)
  3. 302133Fold b.70: 8-bladed beta-propeller [50997] (3 superfamilies)
    consists of eight 4-stranded beta-sheet motifs; meander
    also found in some members of the WD40-repeat superfamily
  4. 302206Superfamily b.70.3: Dipeptidyl peptidase IV/CD26, N-terminal domain [82171] (1 family) (S)


More info for Superfamily b.70.3: Dipeptidyl peptidase IV/CD26, N-terminal domain

Timeline for Superfamily b.70.3: Dipeptidyl peptidase IV/CD26, N-terminal domain: