Lineage for Fold f.23: Single transmembrane helix

  1. Root: SCOP 1.73
  2. 744527Class f: Membrane and cell surface proteins and peptides [56835] (50 folds)
  3. 745533Fold f.23: Single transmembrane helix [81407] (30 superfamilies)
    not a true fold


  1. 745534f.23.1: Mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV [81406] (1 family) (S)
  2. 745566f.23.2: Mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit VIa [81411] (1 family) (S)
  3. 745598f.23.3: Mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit VIc [81415] (1 family) (S)
  4. 745630f.23.4: Mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit VIIa [81419] (1 family) (S)
  5. 745662f.23.5: Mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit VIIb [81423] (1 family) (S)
  6. 745694f.23.6: Mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit VIIc (aka VIIIa) [81427] (1 family) (S)
  7. 745726f.23.7: Mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit VIIIb (aka IX) [81431] (1 family) (S)
  8. 745758f.23.8: Bacterial aa3 type cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV [81469] (1 family) (S)
  9. 745768f.23.9: Bacterial ba3 type cytochrome c oxidase subunit IIa [81473] (1 family) (S)
  10. 745774f.23.10: Photosystem II reaction centre subunit H, transmembrane region [81490] (1 family) (S)
  11. 745838f.23.11: Cytochrome c1 subunit of cytochrome bc1 complex (Ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase), transmembrane anchor [81496] (1 family) (S)
  12. 745875f.23.12: ISP transmembrane anchor [81502] (1 family) (S)
  13. 745916f.23.13: Ubiquinone-binding protein QP-C of cytochrome bc1 complex (Ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase) [81508] (1 family) (S)
  14. 745953f.23.14: Subunit X (non-heme 7 kDa protein) of cytochrome bc1 complex (Ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase) [81514] (1 family) (S)
  15. 745989f.23.15: Subunit XI (6.4 kDa protein) of cytochrome bc1 complex (Ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase) [81518] (1 family) (S)
  16. 746004f.23.16: Subunit III of photosystem I reaction centre, PsaF [81536] (1 family) (S)
  17. 746009f.23.17: Subunit VIII of photosystem I reaction centre, PsaI [81540] (1 family) (S)
  18. 746014f.23.18: Subunit IX of photosystem I reaction centre, PsaJ [81544] (1 family) (S)
  19. 746019f.23.19: Subunit XII of photosystem I reaction centre, PsaM [81548] (1 family) (S)
  20. 746024f.23.20: Subunit PsaX of photosystem I reaction centre [81552] (1 family) (S)
  21. 746029f.23.21: F1F0 ATP synthase subunit B, membrane domain [81573] (1 family) (S)
  22. 746034f.23.22: Iron-sulfur subunit of formate dehydrogenase N, transmembrane anchor [81597] (1 family) (S)
  23. 746040f.23.23: Cytochrome f subunit of the cytochrome b6f complex, transmembrane anchor [103431] (1 family) (S)
  24. 746048f.23.24: PetL subunit of the cytochrome b6f complex [103436] (1 family) (S)
  25. 746056f.23.25: PetM subunit of the cytochrome b6f complex [103441] (1 family) (S)
  26. 746069f.23.26: PetG subunit of the cytochrome b6f complex [103446] (1 family) (S)
  27. 746082f.23.27: PetN subunit of the cytochrome b6f complex [103451] (1 family) (S)
  28. 746090f.23.28: Preprotein translocase SecE subunit [103456] (1 family) (S)
  29. 746096f.23.29: Sec-beta subunit [103460] (1 family) (S)
  30. 746102f.23.30: Oligosaccharyltransferase subunit ost4p [103464] (1 family) (S)

More info for Fold f.23: Single transmembrane helix

Timeline for Fold f.23: Single transmembrane helix: