Lineage for d1n3jb_ (1n3j B:)

  1. Root: SCOP 1.63
  2. 218896Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (119 folds)
  3. 235002Fold b.85: beta-clip [51268] (7 superfamilies)
    double-stranded ribbon sharply bent in two places; the ribbon ends form incomplete barrel; jelly-roll
  4. 235137Superfamily b.85.7: SET domain [82199] (3 families) (S)
    duplication: the core is composed of two structural repeats similar to (circularly permuted) repeats of AFPIII
    also contains a substrate-binding alpha+beta subdomain inserted in the core
  5. 235156Family b.85.7.2: Viral histone H3 Lysine 27 Methyltransferase [82207] (1 protein)
    consists of SET domain only; dimeric
  6. 235157Protein Viral histone H3 Lysine 27 Methyltransferase [82208] (1 species)
  7. 235158Species Paramecium bursaria chlorella virus 1, PBCV-1 [TaxId:10506] [82209] (1 PDB entry)
  8. 235160Domain d1n3jb_: 1n3j B: [79964]

Details for d1n3jb_

PDB Entry: 1n3j (more details)

PDB Description: structure and substrate of a histone h3 lysine methyltransferase from paramecium bursaria chlorella virus 1

SCOP Domain Sequences for d1n3jb_:

Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)

>d1n3jb_ b.85.7.2 (B:) Viral histone H3 Lysine 27 Methyltransferase {Paramecium bursaria chlorella virus 1, PBCV-1}

SCOP Domain Coordinates for d1n3jb_:

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Timeline for d1n3jb_:

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