Lineage for Species: Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.03
  2. 1287432Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (174 folds)
  3. 1300526Fold b.2: Common fold of diphtheria toxin/transcription factors/cytochrome f [49379] (10 superfamilies)
    sandwich; 9 strands in 2 sheet; greek-key; subclass of immunoglobin-like fold
  4. 1300967Superfamily b.2.5: p53-like transcription factors [49417] (7 families) (S)
  5. 1301247Family b.2.5.4: T-box [81316] (3 proteins)
    automatically mapped to Pfam PF00907
  6. 1301252Protein T-box protein 3, tbx3 [74868] (1 species)
  7. 1301253Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [74869] (1 PDB entry)

PDB entry in Species: Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]:

More info for Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] from b.2.5.4 T-box protein 3, tbx3

Timeline for Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] from b.2.5.4 T-box protein 3, tbx3: