Lineage for Protein: Adenylylsulfate reductase B subunit

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2923792Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (396 folds)
  3. 2949054Fold d.58: Ferredoxin-like [54861] (62 superfamilies)
    alpha+beta sandwich with antiparallel beta-sheet; (beta-alpha-beta)x2
  4. 2949055Superfamily d.58.1: 4Fe-4S ferredoxins [54862] (7 families) (S)
  5. 2949232Family d.58.1.5: Ferredoxin domains from multidomain proteins [54884] (14 proteins)
    members of this "family" may be more closely related to other ferredoxins than to each other
    in the multi-domain class (e), this applies to domains with different numbers of (sub)domains than the most common domain
  6. 2949233Protein Adenylylsulfate reductase B subunit [69726] (1 species)
    includes C-terminal partly folded tail


More info for Protein Adenylylsulfate reductase B subunit from d.58.1.5: Ferredoxin domains from multidomain proteins

Timeline for Protein Adenylylsulfate reductase B subunit from d.58.1.5: Ferredoxin domains from multidomain proteins:

  • Protein Adenylylsulfate reductase B subunit from d.58.1.5: Ferredoxin domains from multidomain proteins first appeared in SCOP 1.59
  • Protein Adenylylsulfate reductase B subunit from d.58.1.5: Ferredoxin domains from multidomain proteins appears in SCOPe 2.07