Lineage for Protein: Alkyl hydroperoxide reductase AhpC

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2826024Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2876126Fold c.47: Thioredoxin fold [52832] (2 superfamilies)
    core: 3 layers, a/b/a; mixed beta-sheet of 4 strands, order 4312; strand 3 is antiparallel to the rest
  4. 2876127Superfamily c.47.1: Thioredoxin-like [52833] (24 families) (S)
  5. 2877441Family c.47.1.10: Glutathione peroxidase-like [52901] (29 proteins)
  6. 2877472Protein Alkyl hydroperoxide reductase AhpC [69516] (5 species)


  1. 2877473Amphibacillus xylanus [TaxId:1449] [142369] (1 PDB entry)
    Uniprot O87200 2-167
  2. 2877475Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:1773] [142368] (1 PDB entry)
    Uniprot Q7BHK8 2-170
  3. 2877479Salmonella enterica [TaxId:90371] [229124] (7 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4ma9:
      1. 2877480Domain d4ma9a_: 4ma9 A: [229125]
        automated match to d1yepa_
        complexed with cl, gol, k
      2. 2877481Domain d4ma9b_: 4ma9 B: [229129]
        automated match to d1yepa_
        complexed with cl, gol, k
      3. 2877482Domain d4ma9c_: 4ma9 C: [229128]
        automated match to d1yepa_
        complexed with cl, gol, k
      4. 2877483Domain d4ma9d_: 4ma9 D: [229127]
        automated match to d1yepa_
        complexed with cl, gol, k
      5. 2877484Domain d4ma9e_: 4ma9 E: [229126]
        automated match to d1yepa_
        complexed with cl, gol, k
    2. Domains for 4mab:
      1. 2877490Domain d4maba_: 4mab A: [235558]
        automated match to d4mabd_
        complexed with cl, gol, k
      2. 2877491Domain d4mabb_: 4mab B: [235557]
        automated match to d4mabd_
        complexed with cl, gol, k
      3. 2877492Domain d4mabc_: 4mab C: [235559]
        automated match to d4mabd_
        complexed with cl, gol, k
      4. 2877493Domain d4mabd_: 4mab D: [229122]
        automated match to d1n8ja_
        complexed with cl, gol, k
      5. 2877494Domain d4mabe_: 4mab E: [229123]
        automated match to d1n8ja_
        complexed with cl, gol, k
    3. Domains for 4xra:
      1. 2877485Domain d4xraa_: 4xra A: [311697]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl, k, so4; mutant
      2. 2877486Domain d4xrab_: 4xra B: [311708]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl, k, so4; mutant
      3. 2877487Domain d4xrac_: 4xra C: [311712]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl, k, so4; mutant
      4. 2877488Domain d4xrad_: 4xra D: [311721]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl, k, so4; mutant
      5. 2877489Domain d4xrae_: 4xra E: [311859]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl, k, so4; mutant
    4. Domains for 4xrd:
      1. 2877500Domain d4xrda_: 4xrd A: [311825]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl, k, so4; mutant
      2. 2877501Domain d4xrdb_: 4xrd B: [311736]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl, k, so4; mutant
      3. 2877502Domain d4xrdc_: 4xrd C: [311848]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl, k, so4; mutant
      4. 2877503Domain d4xrdd_: 4xrd D: [311801]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl, k, so4; mutant
      5. 2877504Domain d4xrde_: 4xrd E: [311964]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl, k, so4; mutant
    5. Domains for 4xs1:
      1. 2877495Domain d4xs1a_: 4xs1 A: [311681]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl, k, so4; mutant
      2. 2877496Domain d4xs1b_: 4xs1 B: [311871]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl, k, so4; mutant
      3. 2877497Domain d4xs1c_: 4xs1 C: [311691]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl, k, so4; mutant
      4. 2877498Domain d4xs1d_: 4xs1 D: [311720]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl, k, so4; mutant
      5. 2877499Domain d4xs1e_: 4xs1 E: [311831]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl, k, so4; mutant
    6. Domains for 4xs4:
      1. 2877505Domain d4xs4a_: 4xs4 A: [311741]
        automated match to d4mabb_
        complexed with k; mutant
      2. 2877506Domain d4xs4b_: 4xs4 B: [311978]
        automated match to d4mabb_
        complexed with k; mutant
      3. 2877507Domain d4xs4c_: 4xs4 C: [311822]
        automated match to d4mabb_
        complexed with k; mutant
      4. 2877508Domain d4xs4d_: 4xs4 D: [311740]
        automated match to d4mabb_
        complexed with k; mutant
      5. 2877509Domain d4xs4e_: 4xs4 E: [312042]
        automated match to d4mabb_
        complexed with k; mutant
    7. Domains for 4xts:
      1. 2877510Domain d4xtsa_: 4xts A: [311929]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl; mutant
      2. 2877511Domain d4xtsb_: 4xts B: [311921]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl; mutant
      3. 2877512Domain d4xtsc_: 4xts C: [311828]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl; mutant
      4. 2877513Domain d4xtsd_: 4xts D: [311998]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl; mutant
      5. 2877514Domain d4xtse_: 4xts E: [311797]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl; mutant
      6. 2877515Domain d4xtsf_: 4xts F: [311813]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl; mutant
      7. 2877516Domain d4xtsg_: 4xts G: [311770]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl; mutant
      8. 2877517Domain d4xtsh_: 4xts H: [311705]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl; mutant
      9. 2877518Domain d4xtsi_: 4xts I: [311844]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl; mutant
      10. 2877519Domain d4xtsj_: 4xts J: [311762]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl; mutant
      11. 2877520Domain d4xtsk_: 4xts K: [311853]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl; mutant
      12. 2877521Domain d4xtsl_: 4xts L: [311725]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl; mutant
      13. 2877522Domain d4xtsm_: 4xts M: [311931]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl; mutant
      14. 2877523Domain d4xtsn_: 4xts N: [311925]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl; mutant
      15. 2877524Domain d4xtso_: 4xts O: [311755]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl; mutant
      16. 2877525Domain d4xtsp_: 4xts P: [311906]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl; mutant
      17. 2877526Domain d4xtsq_: 4xts Q: [311980]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl; mutant
      18. 2877527Domain d4xtsr_: 4xts R: [311899]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl; mutant
      19. 2877528Domain d4xtss_: 4xts S: [311718]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl; mutant
      20. 2877529Domain d4xtst_: 4xts T: [311869]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with cl; mutant
  4. 2877530Salmonella typhimurium [TaxId:90371] [69517] (6 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1kyg:
      1. 2877566Domain d1kyga_: 1kyg A: [343511]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2877567Domain d1kygb_: 1kyg B: [302642]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with so4
      3. 2877568Domain d1kygc_: 1kyg C: [302643]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with so4
      4. 2877569Domain d1kygd_: 1kyg D: [343512]
        automated match to d4ma9b_
        complexed with so4
    2. Domains for 1n8j:
      1. 2877531Domain d1n8ja_: 1n8j A: [85401]
      2. 2877532Domain d1n8jb_: 1n8j B: [85402]
      3. 2877533Domain d1n8jc_: 1n8j C: [85403]
      4. 2877534Domain d1n8jd_: 1n8j D: [85404]
      5. 2877535Domain d1n8je_: 1n8j E: [85405]
      6. 2877536Domain d1n8jf_: 1n8j F: [85406]
      7. 2877537Domain d1n8jg_: 1n8j G: [85407]
      8. 2877538Domain d1n8jh_: 1n8j H: [85408]
      9. 2877539Domain d1n8ji_: 1n8j I: [85409]
      10. 2877540Domain d1n8jj_: 1n8j J: [85410]
      11. 2877541Domain d1n8jk_: 1n8j K: [85411]
      12. 2877542Domain d1n8jl_: 1n8j L: [85412]
      13. 2877543Domain d1n8jm_: 1n8j M: [85413]
      14. 2877544Domain d1n8jn_: 1n8j N: [85414]
      15. 2877545Domain d1n8jo_: 1n8j O: [85415]
      16. 2877546Domain d1n8jp_: 1n8j P: [85416]
      17. 2877547Domain d1n8jq_: 1n8j Q: [85417]
      18. 2877548Domain d1n8jr_: 1n8j R: [85418]
      19. 2877549Domain d1n8js_: 1n8j S: [85419]
      20. 2877550Domain d1n8jt_: 1n8j T: [85420]
    3. Domains for 1yep:
      1. 2877561Domain d1yepa_: 1yep A: [123016]
        automated match to d1n8ja_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2877562Domain d1yepb_: 1yep B: [123017]
        automated match to d1n8ja_
        complexed with so4
      3. 2877563Domain d1yepc_: 1yep C: [123018]
        automated match to d1n8ja_
        complexed with so4
      4. 2877564Domain d1yepd_: 1yep D: [123019]
        automated match to d1n8ja_
        complexed with so4
      5. 2877565Domain d1yepe_: 1yep E: [123020]
        automated match to d1n8ja_
        complexed with so4
    4. Domains for 1yex:
      1. 2877551Domain d1yexa1: 1yex A:1-166 [123021]
        complexed with so4
      2. 2877552Domain d1yexb_: 1yex B: [123022]
        automated match to d1n8ja_
        complexed with so4
      3. 2877553Domain d1yexc_: 1yex C: [123023]
        automated match to d1n8ja_
        complexed with so4
      4. 2877554Domain d1yexd_: 1yex D: [123024]
        automated match to d1n8ja_
        complexed with so4
      5. 2877555Domain d1yexe_: 1yex E: [123025]
        automated match to d1n8ja_
        complexed with so4
    5. Domains for 1yf0:
      1. 2877556Domain d1yf0a1: 1yf0 A:1-166 [123027]
        complexed with so4
      2. 2877557Domain d1yf0b_: 1yf0 B: [123028]
        automated match to d1n8ja_
        complexed with so4
      3. 2877558Domain d1yf0c_: 1yf0 C: [123029]
        automated match to d1n8ja_
        complexed with so4
      4. 2877559Domain d1yf0d_: 1yf0 D: [123030]
        automated match to d1n8ja_
        complexed with so4
      5. 2877560Domain d1yf0e_: 1yf0 E: [123031]
        automated match to d1n8ja_
        complexed with so4
    6. Domains for 1yf1:
      1. 2877570Domain d1yf1a1: 1yf1 A:1-166 [123032]
        complexed with na
      2. 2877571Domain d1yf1b_: 1yf1 B: [123033]
        automated match to d1n8ja_
        complexed with na
      3. 2877572Domain d1yf1c_: 1yf1 C: [123034]
        automated match to d1n8ja_
        complexed with na
      4. 2877573Domain d1yf1d_: 1yf1 D: [123035]
        automated match to d1n8ja_
        complexed with na
      5. 2877574Domain d1yf1e_: 1yf1 E: [123036]
        automated match to d1n8ja_
        complexed with na
      6. 2877575Domain d1yf1f_: 1yf1 F: [123037]
        automated match to d1n8ja_
        complexed with na
      7. 2877576Domain d1yf1g_: 1yf1 G: [123038]
        automated match to d1n8ja_
        complexed with na
      8. 2877577Domain d1yf1h_: 1yf1 H: [123039]
        automated match to d1n8ja_
        complexed with na
      9. 2877578Domain d1yf1i_: 1yf1 I: [123040]
        automated match to d1n8ja_
        complexed with na
      10. 2877579Domain d1yf1j_: 1yf1 J: [123041]
        automated match to d1n8ja_
        complexed with na
  5. 2877580Salmonella typhimurium [TaxId:99287] [347787] (1 PDB entry)

More info for Protein Alkyl hydroperoxide reductase AhpC from c.47.1.10: Glutathione peroxidase-like

Timeline for Protein Alkyl hydroperoxide reductase AhpC from c.47.1.10: Glutathione peroxidase-like: