Class h: Coiled coil proteins [57942] (5 folds) |
Fold h.1: Parallel coiled-coil [57943] (22 superfamilies) |
Superfamily h.1.8: Fibrinogen coiled-coil and central regions [58010] (1 family) |
Family h.1.8.1: Fibrinogen coiled-coil and central regions [58011] (1 protein) |
Protein Fibrinogen coiled-coil and central regions [58012] (4 species) |
Species Cow (Bos taurus) [TaxId:9913] [69977] (2 PDB entries) |
Domain d1jy2q_: 1jy2 Q: [67443] |
PDB Entry: 1jy2 (more details), 1.4 Å
SCOP Domain Sequences for d1jy2q_:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d1jy2q_ h.1.8.1 (Q:) Fibrinogen coiled-coil and central regions {Cow (Bos taurus)} gwpfcsdedwntkcpsgcrmkglidevdqdftsrinklrdslf
Timeline for d1jy2q_: