Lineage for Species: Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId: 1773]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2826024Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2916469Fold c.95: Thiolase-like [53900] (1 superfamily)
    consists of two similar domains related by pseudo dyad; duplication
    3 layers: a/b/a; mixed beta-sheet of 5 strands, order 32451; strand 5 is antiparallel to the rest
  4. 2916470Superfamily c.95.1: Thiolase-like [53901] (3 families) (S)
  5. 2916987Family c.95.1.2: Chalcone synthase-like [53914] (15 proteins)
  6. 2917122Protein Ketoacyl-ACP synthase III (FabH) [53912] (5 species)
  7. 2917174Species Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:1773] [64196] (12 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId: 1773]:

  1. Domain(s) for 1hzp:
    1. 2917191Domain d1hzpa1: 1hzp A:-10-174 [61455]
      complexed with dao, gol
    2. 2917192Domain d1hzpa2: 1hzp A:175-317 [61456]
      complexed with dao, gol
    3. 2917193Domain d1hzpb1: 1hzp B:-10-174 [61457]
      complexed with dao, gol
    4. 2917194Domain d1hzpb2: 1hzp B:175-317 [61458]
      complexed with dao, gol
  2. Domain(s) for 1m1m:
    1. 2917199Domain d1m1ma1: 1m1m A:2-185 [74409]
    2. 2917200Domain d1m1ma2: 1m1m A:186-333 [74410]
    3. 2917201Domain d1m1mb1: 1m1m B:5-185 [74411]
    4. 2917202Domain d1m1mb2: 1m1m B:186-333 [74412]
  3. Domain(s) for 1u6e:
    1. 2917175Domain d1u6ea1: 1u6e A:-10-174 [119568]
      automated match to d2qnza1
      complexed with cl; mutant
    2. 2917176Domain d1u6ea2: 1u6e A:175-317B [119569]
      automated match to d1u6ea2
      complexed with cl; mutant
    3. 2917177Domain d1u6eb1: 1u6e B:-10-174 [119570]
      automated match to d2qnza1
      complexed with cl; mutant
    4. 2917178Domain d1u6eb2: 1u6e B:175-317B [119571]
      automated match to d1u6eb2
      complexed with cl; mutant
  4. Domain(s) for 1u6s:
    1. 2917203Domain d1u6sa1: 1u6s A:-10-174 [119604]
      automated match to d2qnza1
      complexed with dcc
    2. 2917204Domain d1u6sa2: 1u6s A:175-317B [119605]
      automated match to d2ahba2
      complexed with dcc
    3. 2917205Domain d1u6sb1: 1u6s B:-10-174 [119606]
      automated match to d2qnza1
      complexed with dcc
    4. 2917206Domain d1u6sb2: 1u6s B:175-317B [119607]
      automated match to d2ahba2
      complexed with dcc
  5. Domain(s) for 2ahb:
    1. 2917187Domain d2ahba1: 2ahb A:1-184 [126744]
      automated match to d2qnza1
    2. 2917188Domain d2ahba2: 2ahb A:185-334 [126745]
      automated match to d2ahba2
    3. 2917189Domain d2ahbb1: 2ahb B:1-184 [126746]
      automated match to d2qnza1
    4. 2917190Domain d2ahbb2: 2ahb B:185-334 [126747]
      automated match to d2ahbb2
  6. Domain(s) for 2aj9:
    1. 2917207Domain d2aj9a1: 2aj9 A:1-184 [126852]
      automated match to d2qnza1
    2. 2917208Domain d2aj9a2: 2aj9 A:185-334 [126853]
      automated match to d1hzpa2
    3. 2917209Domain d2aj9b1: 2aj9 B:1-184 [126854]
      automated match to d2qnza1
    4. 2917210Domain d2aj9b2: 2aj9 B:185-334 [126855]
      automated match to d1hzpa2
  7. Domain(s) for 2qnx:
    1. 2917219Domain d2qnxa1: 2qnx A:-10-174 [150956]
      automated match to d1hzpa1
      complexed with mdx, udt
    2. 2917220Domain d2qnxa2: 2qnx A:175-317B [150957]
      automated match to d1hzpa2
      complexed with mdx, udt
    3. 2917221Domain d2qnxb1: 2qnx B:-10-174 [150958]
      automated match to d1hzpa1
      complexed with mdx, udt
    4. 2917222Domain d2qnxb2: 2qnx B:175-317B [150959]
      automated match to d1hzpa2
      complexed with mdx, udt
  8. Domain(s) for 2qny:
    1. 2917195Domain d2qnya1: 2qny A:-9-174 [150960]
      automated match to d2qnza1
      complexed with bme, dfd; mutant
    2. 2917196Domain d2qnya2: 2qny A:175-317B [150961]
      automated match to d1hzpa2
      complexed with bme, dfd; mutant
    3. 2917197Domain d2qnyb1: 2qny B:-10-174 [150962]
      automated match to d2qnza1
      complexed with bme, dfd; mutant
    4. 2917198Domain d2qnyb2: 2qny B:175-317B [150963]
      automated match to d1hzpa2
      complexed with bme, dfd; mutant
  9. Domain(s) for 2qnz:
    1. 2917179Domain d2qnza1: 2qnz A:-10-174 [150964]
      automated match to d1hzpa1
      complexed with bme, dfd
    2. 2917180Domain d2qnza2: 2qnz A:175-317B [150965]
      automated match to d1hzpa2
      complexed with bme, dfd
    3. 2917181Domain d2qnzb1: 2qnz B:-10-174 [150966]
      automated match to d1hzpa1
      complexed with bme, dfd
    4. 2917182Domain d2qnzb2: 2qnz B:175-317B [150967]
      automated match to d1hzpa2
      complexed with bme, dfd
  10. Domain(s) for 2qo0:
    1. 2917183Domain d2qo0a1: 2qo0 A:-10-174 [150968]
      automated match to d2qnza1
      complexed with d1t; mutant
    2. 2917184Domain d2qo0a2: 2qo0 A:175-317B [150969]
      automated match to d1hzpa2
      complexed with d1t; mutant
    3. 2917185Domain d2qo0b1: 2qo0 B:-10-174 [150970]
      automated match to d2qnza1
      complexed with d1t; mutant
    4. 2917186Domain d2qo0b2: 2qo0 B:175-317B [150971]
      automated match to d1hzpa2
      complexed with d1t; mutant
  11. Domain(s) for 2qo1:
    1. 2917211Domain d2qo1a1: 2qo1 A:-10-174 [150972]
      automated match to d1hzpa1
      complexed with d1t, vzz
    2. 2917212Domain d2qo1a2: 2qo1 A:175-317B [150973]
      automated match to d1hzpa2
      complexed with d1t, vzz
    3. 2917213Domain d2qo1b1: 2qo1 B:-10-174 [150974]
      automated match to d1hzpa1
      complexed with d1t, vzz
    4. 2917214Domain d2qo1b2: 2qo1 B:175-317B [150975]
      automated match to d1hzpa2
      complexed with d1t, vzz
  12. Domain(s) for 2qx1:
    1. 2917215Domain d2qx1a1: 2qx1 A:-10-174 [151443]
      automated match to d1hzpa1
      complexed with coa, d1t
    2. 2917216Domain d2qx1a2: 2qx1 A:175-317B [151444]
      automated match to d1hzpa2
      complexed with coa, d1t
    3. 2917217Domain d2qx1b1: 2qx1 B:-10-174 [151445]
      automated match to d1hzpa1
      complexed with coa, d1t
    4. 2917218Domain d2qx1b2: 2qx1 B:175-317B [151446]
      automated match to d1hzpa2
      complexed with coa, d1t

More info for Species Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:1773] from c.95.1.2 Ketoacyl-ACP synthase III (FabH)

Timeline for Species Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:1773] from c.95.1.2 Ketoacyl-ACP synthase III (FabH):