Lineage for Protein: Non-hem ferritin

  1. Root: SCOP 1.75
  2. 758332Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (284 folds)
  3. 766018Fold a.25: Ferritin-like [47239] (6 superfamilies)
    core: 4 helices; bundle, closed, left-handed twist; 1 crossover connection
  4. 766019Superfamily a.25.1: Ferritin-like [47240] (9 families) (S)
    contains bimetal-ion centre in the middle of the bundle
  5. 766020Family a.25.1.1: Ferritin [47241] (9 proteins)
  6. 766587Protein Non-hem ferritin [63524] (4 species)


  1. 766588Archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus [TaxId:2234] [140432] (2 PDB entries)
    Uniprot O29424 3-164
    1. Domains for 1s3q:
      1. 766589Domain d1s3qa1: 1s3q A:3-164 [118848]
        complexed with zn
      2. 766590Domain d1s3qb1: 1s3q B:3-164 [118849]
        automatically matched to 1S3Q A:3-164
        complexed with zn
      3. 766591Domain d1s3qc1: 1s3q C:3-164 [118850]
        automatically matched to 1S3Q A:3-164
        complexed with zn
      4. 766592Domain d1s3qd1: 1s3q D:3-164 [118851]
        automatically matched to 1S3Q A:3-164
        complexed with zn
      5. 766593Domain d1s3qe1: 1s3q E:3-164 [118852]
        automatically matched to 1S3Q A:3-164
        complexed with zn
      6. 766594Domain d1s3qf1: 1s3q F:3-164 [118853]
        automatically matched to 1S3Q A:3-164
        complexed with zn
      7. 766595Domain d1s3qg1: 1s3q G:3-164 [118854]
        automatically matched to 1S3Q A:3-164
        complexed with zn
      8. 766596Domain d1s3qh1: 1s3q H:3-164 [118855]
        automatically matched to 1S3Q A:3-164
        complexed with zn
      9. 766597Domain d1s3qi1: 1s3q I:3-164 [118856]
        automatically matched to 1S3Q A:3-164
        complexed with zn
      10. 766598Domain d1s3qj1: 1s3q J:3-164 [118857]
        automatically matched to 1S3Q A:3-164
        complexed with zn
      11. 766599Domain d1s3qk1: 1s3q K:3-164 [118858]
        automatically matched to 1S3Q A:3-164
        complexed with zn
      12. 766600Domain d1s3ql1: 1s3q L:3-164 [118859]
        automatically matched to 1S3Q A:3-164
        complexed with zn
    2. Domains for 1sq3:
      1. 766601Domain d1sq3a1: 1sq3 A:3-164 [118983]
        automatically matched to 1S3Q A:3-164
        complexed with fe
      2. 766602Domain d1sq3b1: 1sq3 B:3-164 [118984]
        automatically matched to 1S3Q A:3-164
        complexed with fe
      3. 766603Domain d1sq3c1: 1sq3 C:3-164 [118985]
        automatically matched to 1S3Q A:3-164
        complexed with fe
      4. 766604Domain d1sq3d1: 1sq3 D:3-164 [118986]
        automatically matched to 1S3Q A:3-164
        complexed with fe
      5. 766605Domain d1sq3e1: 1sq3 E:3-164 [118987]
        automatically matched to 1S3Q A:3-164
        complexed with fe
      6. 766606Domain d1sq3f1: 1sq3 F:3-164 [118988]
        automatically matched to 1S3Q A:3-164
        complexed with fe
      7. 766607Domain d1sq3g1: 1sq3 G:3-164 [118989]
        automatically matched to 1S3Q A:3-164
        complexed with fe
      8. 766608Domain d1sq3h1: 1sq3 H:3-164 [118990]
        automatically matched to 1S3Q A:3-164
        complexed with fe
      9. 766609Domain d1sq3i1: 1sq3 I:3-164 [118991]
        automatically matched to 1S3Q A:3-164
        complexed with fe
      10. 766610Domain d1sq3j1: 1sq3 J:3-164 [118992]
        automatically matched to 1S3Q A:3-164
        complexed with fe
      11. 766611Domain d1sq3k1: 1sq3 K:3-164 [118993]
        automatically matched to 1S3Q A:3-164
        complexed with fe
      12. 766612Domain d1sq3l1: 1sq3 L:3-164 [118994]
        automatically matched to 1S3Q A:3-164
        complexed with fe
  2. 766613Campylobacter jejuni [TaxId:197] [69005] (1 PDB entry)
  3. 766615Escherichia coli, FtnA [TaxId:562] [63525] (1 PDB entry)
  4. 766622Thermotoga maritima [TaxId:2336] [109783] (1 PDB entry)
    Uniprot Q9X0L2

More info for Protein Non-hem ferritin from a.25.1.1: Ferritin

Timeline for Protein Non-hem ferritin from a.25.1.1: Ferritin: