Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (141 folds) |
Fold c.55: Ribonuclease H-like motif [53066] (7 superfamilies) 3 layers: a/b/a; mixed beta-sheet of 5 strands, order 32145; strand 2 is antiparallel to the rest |
Superfamily c.55.1: Actin-like ATPase domain [53067] (13 families) duplication contains two domains of this fold |
Family c.55.1.1: Actin/HSP70 [53068] (7 proteins) |
Protein Prokaryotic actin homolog MreB [64087] (1 species) |
Species Thermotoga maritima [TaxId:2336] [64088] (3 PDB entries) |
Domain d1jcea1: 1jce A:4-140 [62876] |
PDB Entry: 1jce (more details), 2.1 Å
SCOP Domain Sequences for d1jcea1:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d1jcea1 c.55.1.1 (A:4-140) Prokaryotic actin homolog MreB {Thermotoga maritima [TaxId: 2336]} kdigidlgtantlvflrgkgivvnepsviaidsttgeilkvgleaknmigktpatikair pmrdgviadytvalvmlryfinkakggmnlfkprvvigvpigitdverraildagleaga skvflieepmaaaigsn
Timeline for d1jcea1: