Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (178 folds) |
Fold b.121: Nucleoplasmin-like/VP (viral coat and capsid proteins) [88632] (7 superfamilies) sandwich; 8 strands in 2 sheets; jelly-roll; some members can have additional 1-2 strands characteristic interaction between the domains of this fold allows the formation of five-fold and pseudo six-fold assemblies |
Superfamily b.121.2: Group II dsDNA viruses VP [49749] (4 families) duplication: consists of two domains of this fold packed together like the nucleoplasmin subunits trimeric; in the trimers, the domains are arranged around pseudo six-fold axis |
Family b.121.2.1: Coat protein p3 [49750] (2 proteins) |
Protein Coat protein p3 [63403] (1 species) |
Species Bacteriophage PRD1 [TaxId:10658] [49752] (3 PDB entries) |
Domain d1hx6b1: 1hx6 B:11-244 [58997] complexed with cl, mpd, na |
PDB Entry: 1hx6 (more details), 1.65 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d1hx6b1:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d1hx6b1 b.121.2.1 (B:11-244) Coat protein p3 {Bacteriophage PRD1 [TaxId: 10658]} qqaalrnqqamaanlqarqivlqqsypviqqvetqtfdpanrsvfdvtpanvgivkgflv kvtaaitnnhateavaltdfgpanlvqrviyydpdnqrhtetsgwhlhfvntakqgapfl ssmvtdspikygdvmnvidapatiaagatgeltmyywvplaysetdltgavlanvpqskq rlklefannntafaavganpleaiyqgagaadcefeeisytvyqsyldqlpvgq
Timeline for d1hx6b1:
View in 3D Domains from other chains: (mouse over for more information) d1hx6a1, d1hx6a2, d1hx6c1, d1hx6c2 |