Lineage for Protein: N-terminal segment of surfactant protein B

  1. Root: SCOP 1.57
  2. Class j: Peptides [58231] (84 folds)
  3. Fold j.35: Transmembrane helical fragments [58517] (1 superfamily)
  4. Superfamily j.35.1: Transmembrane helical fragments [58518] (1 family) (S)
  5. Family j.35.1.1: Transmembrane helical fragments [58519] (19 proteins)
  6. Protein N-terminal segment of surfactant protein B [58528] (1 species)


More info for Protein N-terminal segment of surfactant protein B from j.35.1.1: Transmembrane helical fragments

Timeline for Protein N-terminal segment of surfactant protein B from j.35.1.1: Transmembrane helical fragments: