Lineage for Species: Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.01
  2. 1069520Class i: Low resolution protein structures [58117] (25 folds)
  3. 1069521Fold i.1: Ribosome and ribosomal fragments [58118] (1 superfamily)
  4. 1069522Superfamily i.1.1: Ribosome and ribosomal fragments [58119] (3 families) (S)
  5. 1069523Family i.1.1.1: Ribosome complexes [58120] (1 protein)
  6. 1069524Protein 70S ribosome functional complex [58121] (9 species)
  7. 1069596Species Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [58123] (72 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562]:

  1. Domain(s) for 1eg0:
    1. 1069667Domain d1eg0a_: 1eg0 A: [45807]
    2. 1069668Domain d1eg0b_: 1eg0 B: [45808]
    3. 1069669Domain d1eg0c_: 1eg0 C: [45809]
    4. 1069670Domain d1eg0d_: 1eg0 D: [45810]
    5. 1069671Domain d1eg0e_: 1eg0 E: [45811]
    6. 1069672Domain d1eg0f_: 1eg0 F: [45812]
    7. 1069673Domain d1eg0g_: 1eg0 G: [45813]
    8. 1069674Domain d1eg0h_: 1eg0 H: [45814]
    9. 1069675Domain d1eg0j_: 1eg0 J: [45816]
    10. 1069676Domain d1eg0k_: 1eg0 K: [45817]
    11. 1069677Domain d1eg0n_: 1eg0 N: [45820]
  2. Domain(s) for 1jqm:
    1. 1069991Domain d1jqma_: 1jqm A: [63235]
      Fitting of L11 protein and elongation factor G (EF-G) in the cryo-EM map
    2. 1069992Domain d1jqmb_: 1jqm B: [63236]
      Fitting of L11 protein and elongation factor G (EF-G) in the cryo-EM map
  3. Domain(s) for 1jqs:
    1. 1069993Domain d1jqsa_: 1jqs A: [63237]
      Fitting of L11 and EF-G domains G' and V in the cryo-EM map
    2. 1069994Domain d1jqsb_: 1jqs B: [63238]
      Fitting of L11 and EF-G domains G' and V in the cryo-EM map
    3. 1069995Domain d1jqsc_: 1jqs C: [63239]
      Fitting of L11 and EF-G domains G' and V in the cryo-EM map
  4. Domain(s) for 1jqt:
  5. Domain(s) for 1ls2:
    • 1069788Domain d1ls2a_: 1ls2 A: [74238]
      Fitting of EF-TU and tRNA in the cryo-EM map
      protein/RNA complex
  6. Domain(s) for 1mi6:
  7. Domain(s) for 1mj1:
    1. 1069657Domain d1mj1a_: 1mj1 A: [79175]
      Fitting the ternary complex of EF-TU/tRNA/GTP in the cryo-EM map
      protein/RNA complex
    2. 1069658Domain d1mj1l_: 1mj1 L: [79178]
      Fitting the ternary complex of EF-TU/tRNA/GTP in the cryo-EM map
      protein/RNA complex
    3. 1069659Domain d1mj1o_: 1mj1 O: [79179]
      Fitting the ternary complex of EF-TU/tRNA/GTP in the cryo-EM map
      protein/RNA complex
    4. 1069660Domain d1mj1p_: 1mj1 P: [79180]
      Fitting the ternary complex of EF-TU/tRNA/GTP in the cryo-EM map
      protein/RNA complex
  8. Domain(s) for 1ml5:
    1. 1069766Domain d1ml5c_: 1ml5 c: [79259]
      also include low case chains a;b;c;d;e;f;g;h;l;m;n;o;p;q;r;s;t;u;v;w;x
      termination complex with release factor 2
    2. 1069767Domain d1ml5e_: 1ml5 E: [79260]
      also include low case chains a;b;c;d;e;f;g;h;l;m;n;o;p;q;r;s;t;u;v;w;x
      termination complex with release factor 2
    3. 1069768Domain d1ml5f_: 1ml5 F: [79261]
      also include low case chains a;b;c;d;e;f;g;h;l;m;n;o;p;q;r;s;t;u;v;w;x
      termination complex with release factor 2
    4. 1069769Domain d1ml5g_: 1ml5 G: [79262]
      also include low case chains a;b;c;d;e;f;g;h;l;m;n;o;p;q;r;s;t;u;v;w;x
      termination complex with release factor 2
    5. 1069770Domain d1ml5h_: 1ml5 H: [79263]
      also include low case chains a;b;c;d;e;f;g;h;l;m;n;o;p;q;r;s;t;u;v;w;x
      termination complex with release factor 2
    6. 1069771Domain d1ml5i_: 1ml5 I: [79264]
      also include low case chains a;b;c;d;e;f;g;h;l;m;n;o;p;q;r;s;t;u;v;w;x
      termination complex with release factor 2
    7. 1069772Domain d1ml5j_: 1ml5 J: [79265]
      also include low case chains a;b;c;d;e;f;g;h;l;m;n;o;p;q;r;s;t;u;v;w;x
      termination complex with release factor 2
    8. 1069773Domain d1ml5k_: 1ml5 K: [79266]
      also include low case chains a;b;c;d;e;f;g;h;l;m;n;o;p;q;r;s;t;u;v;w;x
      termination complex with release factor 2
    9. 1069774Domain d1ml5l_: 1ml5 L: [79267]
      also include low case chains a;b;c;d;e;f;g;h;l;m;n;o;p;q;r;s;t;u;v;w;x
      termination complex with release factor 2
    10. 1069775Domain d1ml5m_: 1ml5 M: [79268]
      also include low case chains a;b;c;d;e;f;g;h;l;m;n;o;p;q;r;s;t;u;v;w;x
      termination complex with release factor 2
    11. 1069776Domain d1ml5n_: 1ml5 N: [79269]
      also include low case chains a;b;c;d;e;f;g;h;l;m;n;o;p;q;r;s;t;u;v;w;x
      termination complex with release factor 2
    12. 1069777Domain d1ml5o_: 1ml5 O: [79270]
      also include low case chains a;b;c;d;e;f;g;h;l;m;n;o;p;q;r;s;t;u;v;w;x
      termination complex with release factor 2
    13. 1069778Domain d1ml5p_: 1ml5 P: [79271]
      also include low case chains a;b;c;d;e;f;g;h;l;m;n;o;p;q;r;s;t;u;v;w;x
      termination complex with release factor 2
    14. 1069779Domain d1ml5q_: 1ml5 Q: [79272]
      also include low case chains a;b;c;d;e;f;g;h;l;m;n;o;p;q;r;s;t;u;v;w;x
      termination complex with release factor 2
    15. 1069780Domain d1ml5r_: 1ml5 R: [79273]
      also include low case chains a;b;c;d;e;f;g;h;l;m;n;o;p;q;r;s;t;u;v;w;x
      termination complex with release factor 2
    16. 1069781Domain d1ml5s_: 1ml5 S: [79274]
      also include low case chains a;b;c;d;e;f;g;h;l;m;n;o;p;q;r;s;t;u;v;w;x
      termination complex with release factor 2
    17. 1069782Domain d1ml5t_: 1ml5 T: [79275]
      also include low case chains a;b;c;d;e;f;g;h;l;m;n;o;p;q;r;s;t;u;v;w;x
      termination complex with release factor 2
    18. 1069783Domain d1ml5u_: 1ml5 U: [79276]
      also include low case chains a;b;c;d;e;f;g;h;l;m;n;o;p;q;r;s;t;u;v;w;x
      termination complex with release factor 2
    19. 1069784Domain d1ml5v_: 1ml5 V: [79277]
      also include low case chains a;b;c;d;e;f;g;h;l;m;n;o;p;q;r;s;t;u;v;w;x
      termination complex with release factor 2
    20. 1069785Domain d1ml5w_: 1ml5 W: [79278]
      also include low case chains a;b;c;d;e;f;g;h;l;m;n;o;p;q;r;s;t;u;v;w;x
      termination complex with release factor 2
    21. 1069786Domain d1ml5x_: 1ml5 X: [79279]
      also include low case chains a;b;c;d;e;f;g;h;l;m;n;o;p;q;r;s;t;u;v;w;x
      termination complex with release factor 2
    22. 1069787Domain d1ml5z_: 1ml5 Z: [79280]
      also include low case chains a;b;c;d;e;f;g;h;l;m;n;o;p;q;r;s;t;u;v;w;x
      termination complex with release factor 2
  9. Domain(s) for 1p6g:
    1. 1069723Domain d1p6gc_: 1p6g C: [87821]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    2. 1069724Domain d1p6gd_: 1p6g D: [87822]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    3. 1069725Domain d1p6ge_: 1p6g E: [87823]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    4. 1069726Domain d1p6gf_: 1p6g F: [87824]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    5. 1069727Domain d1p6gg_: 1p6g G: [87825]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    6. 1069728Domain d1p6gh_: 1p6g H: [87826]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    7. 1069729Domain d1p6gi_: 1p6g I: [87827]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    8. 1069730Domain d1p6gj_: 1p6g J: [87828]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    9. 1069731Domain d1p6gk_: 1p6g K: [87829]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    10. 1069732Domain d1p6gl_: 1p6g L: [87830]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    11. 1069733Domain d1p6gm_: 1p6g M: [87831]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    12. 1069734Domain d1p6gn_: 1p6g N: [87832]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    13. 1069735Domain d1p6go_: 1p6g O: [87833]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    14. 1069736Domain d1p6gp_: 1p6g P: [87834]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    15. 1069737Domain d1p6gq_: 1p6g Q: [87835]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    16. 1069738Domain d1p6gr_: 1p6g R: [87836]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    17. 1069739Domain d1p6gs_: 1p6g S: [87837]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    18. 1069740Domain d1p6gt_: 1p6g T: [87838]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
  10. Domain(s) for 1p85:
    1. 1069741Domain d1p851_: 1p85 1: [87867]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    2. 1069742Domain d1p854_: 1p85 4: [87868]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    3. 1069743Domain d1p85a_: 1p85 A: [87870]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    4. 1069744Domain d1p85b_: 1p85 B: [87871]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    5. 1069745Domain d1p85c_: 1p85 C: [87872]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    6. 1069746Domain d1p85d_: 1p85 D: [87873]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    7. 1069747Domain d1p85e_: 1p85 E: [87874]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    8. 1069748Domain d1p85f_: 1p85 F: [87875]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    9. 1069749Domain d1p85g_: 1p85 G: [87876]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    10. 1069750Domain d1p85h_: 1p85 H: [87877]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    11. 1069751Domain d1p85i_: 1p85 I: [87878]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    12. 1069752Domain d1p85j_: 1p85 J: [87879]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    13. 1069753Domain d1p85k_: 1p85 K: [87880]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    14. 1069754Domain d1p85l_: 1p85 L: [87881]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    15. 1069755Domain d1p85m_: 1p85 M: [87882]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    16. 1069756Domain d1p85n_: 1p85 N: [87883]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    17. 1069757Domain d1p85o_: 1p85 O: [87884]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    18. 1069758Domain d1p85q_: 1p85 Q: [87885]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    19. 1069759Domain d1p85r_: 1p85 R: [87886]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    20. 1069760Domain d1p85s_: 1p85 S: [87887]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    21. 1069761Domain d1p85t_: 1p85 T: [87888]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    22. 1069762Domain d1p85u_: 1p85 U: [87889]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    23. 1069763Domain d1p85w_: 1p85 W: [87890]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    24. 1069764Domain d1p85x_: 1p85 X: [87891]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    25. 1069765Domain d1p85z_: 1p85 Z: [87892]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
  11. Domain(s) for 1p86:
    1. 1069678Domain d1p861_: 1p86 1: [87894]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    2. 1069679Domain d1p864_: 1p86 4: [87895]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    3. 1069680Domain d1p86a_: 1p86 A: [87898]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    4. 1069681Domain d1p86b_: 1p86 B: [87899]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    5. 1069682Domain d1p86c_: 1p86 C: [87900]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    6. 1069683Domain d1p86d_: 1p86 D: [87901]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    7. 1069684Domain d1p86e_: 1p86 E: [87902]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    8. 1069685Domain d1p86f_: 1p86 F: [87903]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    9. 1069686Domain d1p86g_: 1p86 G: [87904]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    10. 1069687Domain d1p86h_: 1p86 H: [87905]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    11. 1069688Domain d1p86i_: 1p86 I: [87906]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    12. 1069689Domain d1p86j_: 1p86 J: [87907]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    13. 1069690Domain d1p86k_: 1p86 K: [87908]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    14. 1069691Domain d1p86l_: 1p86 L: [87909]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    15. 1069692Domain d1p86m_: 1p86 M: [87910]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    16. 1069693Domain d1p86n_: 1p86 N: [87911]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    17. 1069694Domain d1p86o_: 1p86 O: [87912]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    18. 1069695Domain d1p86q_: 1p86 Q: [87913]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    19. 1069696Domain d1p86r_: 1p86 R: [87914]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    20. 1069697Domain d1p86s_: 1p86 S: [87915]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    21. 1069698Domain d1p86t_: 1p86 T: [87916]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    22. 1069699Domain d1p86u_: 1p86 U: [87917]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    23. 1069700Domain d1p86w_: 1p86 W: [87918]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    24. 1069701Domain d1p86x_: 1p86 X: [87919]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    25. 1069702Domain d1p86z_: 1p86 Z: [87920]
      50S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
  12. Domain(s) for 1p87:
    1. 1069703Domain d1p87b_: 1p87 B: [87922]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    2. 1069704Domain d1p87c_: 1p87 C: [87923]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    3. 1069705Domain d1p87d_: 1p87 D: [87924]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    4. 1069706Domain d1p87e_: 1p87 E: [87925]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    5. 1069707Domain d1p87f_: 1p87 F: [87926]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    6. 1069708Domain d1p87g_: 1p87 G: [87927]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    7. 1069709Domain d1p87h_: 1p87 H: [87928]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    8. 1069710Domain d1p87i_: 1p87 I: [87929]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    9. 1069711Domain d1p87j_: 1p87 J: [87930]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    10. 1069712Domain d1p87k_: 1p87 K: [87931]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    11. 1069713Domain d1p87l_: 1p87 L: [87932]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    12. 1069714Domain d1p87m_: 1p87 M: [87933]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    13. 1069715Domain d1p87n_: 1p87 N: [87934]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    14. 1069716Domain d1p87o_: 1p87 O: [87935]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    15. 1069717Domain d1p87p_: 1p87 P: [87936]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    16. 1069718Domain d1p87q_: 1p87 Q: [87937]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    17. 1069719Domain d1p87r_: 1p87 R: [87938]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    18. 1069720Domain d1p87s_: 1p87 S: [87939]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
    19. 1069721Domain d1p87t_: 1p87 T: [87940]
      30S subunit fit in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
  13. Domain(s) for 1pn6:
    • 1069661Domain d1pn6a_: 1pn6 A: [88161]
      domain-wise fitting of the crystal structure of T. thermophilus EF-G in the cryo-EM map of 70S ribosome
  14. Domain(s) for 1pn7:
    1. 1069662Domain d1pn7l_: 1pn7 L: [88163]
      S12, L11 proteins and p-tRNA aligned to the cryo-EM map
      protein/RNA complex
    2. 1069663Domain d1pn7o_: 1pn7 O: [88164]
      S12, L11 proteins and p-tRNA aligned to the cryo-EM map
      protein/RNA complex
  15. Domain(s) for 1pn8:
    1. 1069664Domain d1pn8l_: 1pn8 L: [88166]
      S12, L11 proteins and E-site tRNA aligned to the cryo-EM map
      protein/RNA complex
    2. 1069665Domain d1pn8o_: 1pn8 O: [88167]
      S12, L11 proteins and E-site tRNA aligned to the cryo-EM map
      protein/RNA complex
  16. Domain(s) for 1pns:
    1. 1069791Domain d1pnsb_: 1pns B: [88169]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pnu
      protein/RNA complex
    2. 1069792Domain d1pnsc_: 1pns C: [88170]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pnu
      protein/RNA complex
    3. 1069793Domain d1pnsd_: 1pns D: [88171]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pnu
      protein/RNA complex
    4. 1069794Domain d1pnse_: 1pns E: [88172]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pnu
      protein/RNA complex
    5. 1069795Domain d1pnsf_: 1pns F: [88173]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pnu
      protein/RNA complex
    6. 1069796Domain d1pnsg_: 1pns G: [88174]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pnu
      protein/RNA complex
    7. 1069797Domain d1pnsh_: 1pns H: [88175]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pnu
      protein/RNA complex
    8. 1069798Domain d1pnsi_: 1pns I: [88176]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pnu
      protein/RNA complex
    9. 1069799Domain d1pnsj_: 1pns J: [88177]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pnu
      protein/RNA complex
    10. 1069800Domain d1pnsk_: 1pns K: [88178]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pnu
      protein/RNA complex
    11. 1069801Domain d1pnsl_: 1pns L: [88179]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pnu
      protein/RNA complex
    12. 1069802Domain d1pnsm_: 1pns M: [88180]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pnu
      protein/RNA complex
    13. 1069803Domain d1pnsn_: 1pns N: [88181]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pnu
      protein/RNA complex
    14. 1069804Domain d1pnso_: 1pns O: [88182]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pnu
      protein/RNA complex
    15. 1069805Domain d1pnsp_: 1pns P: [88183]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pnu
      protein/RNA complex
    16. 1069806Domain d1pnsq_: 1pns Q: [88184]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pnu
      protein/RNA complex
    17. 1069807Domain d1pnsr_: 1pns R: [88185]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pnu
      protein/RNA complex
    18. 1069808Domain d1pnss_: 1pns S: [88186]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pnu
      protein/RNA complex
    19. 1069809Domain d1pnst_: 1pns T: [88187]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pnu
      protein/RNA complex
  17. Domain(s) for 1pnu:
    1. 1069829Domain d1pnu1_: 1pnu 1: [88192]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    2. 1069830Domain d1pnu2_: 1pnu 2: [88193]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    3. 1069831Domain d1pnu3_: 1pnu 3: [88194]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    4. 1069832Domain d1pnu4_: 1pnu 4: [88195]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    5. 1069833Domain d1pnu5_: 1pnu 5: [88196]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    6. 1069834Domain d1pnua_: 1pnu A: [88198]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    7. 1069835Domain d1pnub_: 1pnu B: [88199]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    8. 1069836Domain d1pnuc_: 1pnu C: [88200]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    9. 1069837Domain d1pnud_: 1pnu D: [88201]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    10. 1069838Domain d1pnue_: 1pnu E: [88202]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    11. 1069839Domain d1pnuf_: 1pnu F: [88203]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    12. 1069840Domain d1pnug_: 1pnu G: [88204]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    13. 1069841Domain d1pnuh_: 1pnu H: [88205]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    14. 1069842Domain d1pnui_: 1pnu I: [88206]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    15. 1069843Domain d1pnuj_: 1pnu J: [88207]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    16. 1069844Domain d1pnuk_: 1pnu K: [88208]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    17. 1069845Domain d1pnul_: 1pnu L: [88209]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    18. 1069846Domain d1pnum_: 1pnu M: [88210]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    19. 1069847Domain d1pnun_: 1pnu N: [88211]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    20. 1069848Domain d1pnuo_: 1pnu O: [88212]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    21. 1069849Domain d1pnup_: 1pnu P: [88213]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    22. 1069850Domain d1pnuq_: 1pnu Q: [88214]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    23. 1069851Domain d1pnur_: 1pnu R: [88215]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    24. 1069852Domain d1pnus_: 1pnu S: [88216]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    25. 1069853Domain d1pnut_: 1pnu T: [88217]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    26. 1069854Domain d1pnuu_: 1pnu U: [88218]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    27. 1069855Domain d1pnuv_: 1pnu V: [88219]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    28. 1069856Domain d1pnuw_: 1pnu W: [88220]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    29. 1069857Domain d1pnux_: 1pnu X: [88221]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    30. 1069858Domain d1pnuy_: 1pnu Y: [88222]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
    31. 1069859Domain d1pnuz_: 1pnu Z: [88223]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pns
      protein/RNA complex
  18. Domain(s) for 1pnx:
    1. 1069810Domain d1pnxb_: 1pnx B: [88225]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pny
      protein/RNA complex
    2. 1069811Domain d1pnxc_: 1pnx C: [88226]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pny
      protein/RNA complex
    3. 1069812Domain d1pnxd_: 1pnx D: [88227]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pny
      protein/RNA complex
    4. 1069813Domain d1pnxe_: 1pnx E: [88228]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pny
      protein/RNA complex
    5. 1069814Domain d1pnxf_: 1pnx F: [88229]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pny
      protein/RNA complex
    6. 1069815Domain d1pnxg_: 1pnx G: [88230]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pny
      protein/RNA complex
    7. 1069816Domain d1pnxh_: 1pnx H: [88231]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pny
      protein/RNA complex
    8. 1069817Domain d1pnxi_: 1pnx I: [88232]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pny
      protein/RNA complex
    9. 1069818Domain d1pnxj_: 1pnx J: [88233]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pny
      protein/RNA complex
    10. 1069819Domain d1pnxk_: 1pnx K: [88234]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pny
      protein/RNA complex
    11. 1069820Domain d1pnxl_: 1pnx L: [88235]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pny
      protein/RNA complex
    12. 1069821Domain d1pnxm_: 1pnx M: [88236]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pny
      protein/RNA complex
    13. 1069822Domain d1pnxn_: 1pnx N: [88237]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pny
      protein/RNA complex
    14. 1069823Domain d1pnxo_: 1pnx O: [88238]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pny
      protein/RNA complex
    15. 1069824Domain d1pnxp_: 1pnx P: [88239]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pny
      protein/RNA complex
    16. 1069825Domain d1pnxq_: 1pnx Q: [88240]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pny
      protein/RNA complex
    17. 1069826Domain d1pnxr_: 1pnx R: [88241]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pny
      protein/RNA complex
    18. 1069827Domain d1pnxs_: 1pnx S: [88242]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pny
      protein/RNA complex
    19. 1069828Domain d1pnxt_: 1pnx T: [88243]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in 1pny
      protein/RNA complex
  19. Domain(s) for 1pny:
    1. 1069860Domain d1pny1_: 1pny 1: [88245]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    2. 1069861Domain d1pny2_: 1pny 2: [88246]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    3. 1069862Domain d1pny3_: 1pny 3: [88247]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    4. 1069863Domain d1pny4_: 1pny 4: [88248]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    5. 1069864Domain d1pny5_: 1pny 5: [88249]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    6. 1069865Domain d1pnya_: 1pny A: [88251]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    7. 1069866Domain d1pnyb_: 1pny B: [88252]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    8. 1069867Domain d1pnyc_: 1pny C: [88253]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    9. 1069868Domain d1pnyd_: 1pny D: [88254]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    10. 1069869Domain d1pnye_: 1pny E: [88255]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    11. 1069870Domain d1pnyf_: 1pny F: [88256]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    12. 1069871Domain d1pnyg_: 1pny G: [88257]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    13. 1069872Domain d1pnyh_: 1pny H: [88258]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    14. 1069873Domain d1pnyi_: 1pny I: [88259]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    15. 1069874Domain d1pnyj_: 1pny J: [88260]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    16. 1069875Domain d1pnyk_: 1pny K: [88261]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    17. 1069876Domain d1pnyl_: 1pny L: [88262]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    18. 1069877Domain d1pnym_: 1pny M: [88263]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    19. 1069878Domain d1pnyn_: 1pny N: [88264]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    20. 1069879Domain d1pnyo_: 1pny O: [88265]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    21. 1069880Domain d1pnyp_: 1pny P: [88266]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    22. 1069881Domain d1pnyq_: 1pny Q: [88267]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    23. 1069882Domain d1pnyr_: 1pny R: [88268]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    24. 1069883Domain d1pnys_: 1pny S: [88269]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    25. 1069884Domain d1pnyt_: 1pny T: [88270]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    26. 1069885Domain d1pnyu_: 1pny U: [88271]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    27. 1069886Domain d1pnyv_: 1pny V: [88272]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    28. 1069887Domain d1pnyw_: 1pny W: [88273]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    29. 1069888Domain d1pnyx_: 1pny X: [88274]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    30. 1069889Domain d1pnyy_: 1pny Y: [88275]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
    31. 1069890Domain d1pnyz_: 1pny Z: [88276]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in 1pnx
      protein/RNA complex
  20. Domain(s) for 1qzc:
    • 1069651Domain d1qzcl_: 1qzc L: [96627]
      S12, sh44, lh69 and srl separately fitted into the cryo-EM map of EF-Tu ternary complex
      protein/RNA complex
  21. Domain(s) for 1qzd:
    • 1069656Domain d1qzda_: 1qzd A: [96628]
      EF-Tu/kirromycin model fitted into the cryo-EM map of EF-Tu ternary complex
  22. Domain(s) for 1r2w:
    • 1069652Domain d1r2wa_: 1r2w A: [96885]
      L11 with 58nts of 23s rRNA fitted into the cryo-em map of the 70S ribosome
      protein/RNA complex
  23. Domain(s) for 1r2x:
    • 1069653Domain d1r2xa_: 1r2x A: [96887]
      L11 with 58nts of 23s rRNA fitted into the cryo-em map of EF-Tu ternary complex
      protein/RNA complex
  24. Domain(s) for 1t1m:
  25. Domain(s) for 1voq:
    1. 1069951Domain d1voqa_: 1voq a: [113683]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    2. 1069952Domain d1voqb_: 1voq B: [113684]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    3. 1069953Domain d1voqc_: 1voq C: [113685]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    4. 1069954Domain d1voqd_: 1voq D: [113686]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    5. 1069955Domain d1voqe_: 1voq E: [113687]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    6. 1069956Domain d1voqf_: 1voq F: [113688]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    7. 1069957Domain d1voqg_: 1voq G: [113689]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    8. 1069958Domain d1voqh_: 1voq H: [113690]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    9. 1069959Domain d1voqi_: 1voq I: [113691]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    10. 1069960Domain d1voqj_: 1voq J: [113692]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    11. 1069961Domain d1voqk_: 1voq K: [113693]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    12. 1069962Domain d1voql_: 1voq L: [113694]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    13. 1069963Domain d1voqm_: 1voq M: [113695]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    14. 1069964Domain d1voqn_: 1voq N: [113696]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    15. 1069965Domain d1voqo_: 1voq O: [113697]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    16. 1069966Domain d1voqp_: 1voq P: [113698]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    17. 1069967Domain d1voqq_: 1voq Q: [113699]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    18. 1069968Domain d1voqr_: 1voq R: [113700]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    19. 1069969Domain d1voqs_: 1voq S: [113701]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    20. 1069970Domain d1voqt_: 1voq T: [113702]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
  26. Domain(s) for 1vor:
    1. 1069997Domain d1vor1_: 1vor 1: [113703]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    2. 1069998Domain d1vor2_: 1vor 2: [113704]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    3. 1069999Domain d1vor3_: 1vor 3: [113705]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    4. 1070000Domain d1vor4_: 1vor 4: [113706]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    5. 1070001Domain d1vor5_: 1vor 5: [113707]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    6. 1070002Domain d1vor6_: 1vor 6: [113708]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    7. 1070003Domain d1vor7_: 1vor 7: [113709]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    8. 1070004Domain d1vord_: 1vor D: [113710]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    9. 1070005Domain d1vore_: 1vor E: [113711]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    10. 1070006Domain d1vorf_: 1vor F: [113712]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    11. 1070007Domain d1vorg_: 1vor G: [113713]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    12. 1070008Domain d1vorh_: 1vor H: [113714]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    13. 1070009Domain d1vori_: 1vor I: [113715]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    14. 1070010Domain d1vorj_: 1vor J: [113716]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    15. 1070011Domain d1vork_: 1vor K: [113717]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    16. 1070012Domain d1vorl_: 1vor L: [113718]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    17. 1070013Domain d1vorm_: 1vor M: [113719]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    18. 1070014Domain d1vorn_: 1vor N: [113720]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    19. 1070015Domain d1voro_: 1vor O: [113721]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    20. 1070016Domain d1vorp_: 1vor P: [113722]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    21. 1070017Domain d1vorq_: 1vor Q: [113723]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    22. 1070018Domain d1vorr_: 1vor R: [113724]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    23. 1070019Domain d1vors_: 1vor S: [113725]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    24. 1070020Domain d1vort_: 1vor T: [113726]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    25. 1070021Domain d1voru_: 1vor U: [113727]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    26. 1070022Domain d1vorv_: 1vor V: [113728]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    27. 1070023Domain d1vorw_: 1vor W: [113729]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    28. 1070024Domain d1vorx_: 1vor X: [113730]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    29. 1070025Domain d1vory_: 1vor Y: [113731]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    30. 1070026Domain d1vorz_: 1vor Z: [113732]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
  27. Domain(s) for 1vos:
    1. 1069931Domain d1vosa_: 1vos a: [113733]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    2. 1069932Domain d1vosb_: 1vos B: [113734]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    3. 1069933Domain d1vosc_: 1vos C: [113735]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    4. 1069934Domain d1vosd_: 1vos D: [113736]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    5. 1069935Domain d1vose_: 1vos E: [113737]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    6. 1069936Domain d1vosf_: 1vos F: [113738]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    7. 1069937Domain d1vosg_: 1vos G: [113739]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    8. 1069938Domain d1vosh_: 1vos H: [113740]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    9. 1069939Domain d1vosi_: 1vos I: [113741]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    10. 1069940Domain d1vosj_: 1vos J: [113742]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    11. 1069941Domain d1vosk_: 1vos K: [113743]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    12. 1069942Domain d1vosl_: 1vos L: [113744]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    13. 1069943Domain d1vosm_: 1vos M: [113745]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    14. 1069944Domain d1vosn_: 1vos N: [113746]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    15. 1069945Domain d1voso_: 1vos O: [113747]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    16. 1069946Domain d1vosp_: 1vos P: [113748]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    17. 1069947Domain d1vosq_: 1vos Q: [113749]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    18. 1069948Domain d1vosr_: 1vos R: [113750]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    19. 1069949Domain d1voss_: 1vos S: [113751]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    20. 1069950Domain d1vost_: 1vos T: [113752]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
  28. Domain(s) for 1vou:
    1. 1070027Domain d1vou1_: 1vou 1: [113753]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    2. 1070028Domain d1vou2_: 1vou 2: [113754]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    3. 1070029Domain d1vou3_: 1vou 3: [113755]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    4. 1070030Domain d1vou4_: 1vou 4: [113756]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    5. 1070031Domain d1vou5_: 1vou 5: [113757]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    6. 1070032Domain d1vou6_: 1vou 6: [113758]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    7. 1070033Domain d1vou7_: 1vou 7: [113759]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    8. 1070034Domain d1voud_: 1vou D: [113760]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    9. 1070035Domain d1voue_: 1vou E: [113761]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    10. 1070036Domain d1vouf_: 1vou F: [113762]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    11. 1070037Domain d1voug_: 1vou G: [113763]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    12. 1070038Domain d1vouh_: 1vou H: [113764]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    13. 1070039Domain d1voui_: 1vou I: [113765]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    14. 1070040Domain d1vouj_: 1vou J: [113766]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    15. 1070041Domain d1vouk_: 1vou K: [113767]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    16. 1070042Domain d1voul_: 1vou L: [113768]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    17. 1070043Domain d1voum_: 1vou M: [113769]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    18. 1070044Domain d1voun_: 1vou N: [113770]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    19. 1070045Domain d1vouo_: 1vou O: [113771]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    20. 1070046Domain d1voup_: 1vou P: [113772]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    21. 1070047Domain d1vouq_: 1vou Q: [113773]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    22. 1070048Domain d1vour_: 1vou R: [113774]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    23. 1070049Domain d1vous_: 1vou S: [113775]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    24. 1070050Domain d1vout_: 1vou T: [113776]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    25. 1070051Domain d1vouu_: 1vou U: [113777]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    26. 1070052Domain d1vouv_: 1vou V: [113778]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    27. 1070053Domain d1vouw_: 1vou W: [113779]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    28. 1070054Domain d1voux_: 1vou X: [113780]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    29. 1070055Domain d1vouy_: 1vou Y: [113781]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    30. 1070056Domain d1vouz_: 1vou Z: [113782]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
  29. Domain(s) for 1vov:
    1. 1069971Domain d1vova_: 1vov a: [113783]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    2. 1069972Domain d1vovb_: 1vov B: [113784]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    3. 1069973Domain d1vovc_: 1vov C: [113785]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    4. 1069974Domain d1vovd_: 1vov D: [113786]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    5. 1069975Domain d1vove_: 1vov E: [113787]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    6. 1069976Domain d1vovf_: 1vov F: [113788]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    7. 1069977Domain d1vovg_: 1vov G: [113789]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    8. 1069978Domain d1vovh_: 1vov H: [113790]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    9. 1069979Domain d1vovi_: 1vov I: [113791]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    10. 1069980Domain d1vovj_: 1vov J: [113792]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    11. 1069981Domain d1vovk_: 1vov K: [113793]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    12. 1069982Domain d1vovl_: 1vov L: [113794]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    13. 1069983Domain d1vovm_: 1vov M: [113795]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    14. 1069984Domain d1vovn_: 1vov N: [113796]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    15. 1069985Domain d1vovo_: 1vov O: [113797]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    16. 1069986Domain d1vovp_: 1vov P: [113798]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    17. 1069987Domain d1vovq_: 1vov Q: [113799]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    18. 1069988Domain d1vovr_: 1vov R: [113800]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    19. 1069989Domain d1vovs_: 1vov S: [113801]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    20. 1069990Domain d1vovt_: 1vov T: [113802]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
  30. Domain(s) for 1vow:
    1. 1070087Domain d1vow1_: 1vow 1: [113803]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    2. 1070088Domain d1vow2_: 1vow 2: [113804]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    3. 1070089Domain d1vow3_: 1vow 3: [113805]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    4. 1070090Domain d1vow4_: 1vow 4: [113806]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    5. 1070091Domain d1vow5_: 1vow 5: [113807]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    6. 1070092Domain d1vow6_: 1vow 6: [113808]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    7. 1070093Domain d1vow7_: 1vow 7: [113809]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    8. 1070094Domain d1vowd_: 1vow D: [113810]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    9. 1070095Domain d1vowe_: 1vow E: [113811]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    10. 1070096Domain d1vowf_: 1vow F: [113812]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    11. 1070097Domain d1vowg_: 1vow G: [113813]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    12. 1070098Domain d1vowh_: 1vow H: [113814]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    13. 1070099Domain d1vowi_: 1vow I: [113815]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    14. 1070100Domain d1vowj_: 1vow J: [113816]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    15. 1070101Domain d1vowk_: 1vow K: [113817]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    16. 1070102Domain d1vowl_: 1vow L: [113818]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    17. 1070103Domain d1vowm_: 1vow M: [113819]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    18. 1070104Domain d1vown_: 1vow N: [113820]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    19. 1070105Domain d1vowo_: 1vow O: [113821]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    20. 1070106Domain d1vowp_: 1vow P: [113822]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    21. 1070107Domain d1vowq_: 1vow Q: [113823]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    22. 1070108Domain d1vowr_: 1vow R: [113824]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    23. 1070109Domain d1vows_: 1vow S: [113825]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    24. 1070110Domain d1vowt_: 1vow T: [113826]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    25. 1070111Domain d1vowu_: 1vow U: [113827]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    26. 1070112Domain d1vowv_: 1vow V: [113828]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    27. 1070113Domain d1voww_: 1vow W: [113829]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    28. 1070114Domain d1vowx_: 1vow X: [113830]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    29. 1070115Domain d1vowy_: 1vow Y: [113831]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    30. 1070116Domain d1vowz_: 1vow Z: [113832]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
  31. Domain(s) for 1vox:
    1. 1069911Domain d1voxa_: 1vox a: [113833]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    2. 1069912Domain d1voxb_: 1vox B: [113834]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    3. 1069913Domain d1voxc_: 1vox C: [113835]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    4. 1069914Domain d1voxd_: 1vox D: [113836]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    5. 1069915Domain d1voxe_: 1vox E: [113837]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    6. 1069916Domain d1voxf_: 1vox F: [113838]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    7. 1069917Domain d1voxg_: 1vox G: [113839]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    8. 1069918Domain d1voxh_: 1vox H: [113840]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    9. 1069919Domain d1voxi_: 1vox I: [113841]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    10. 1069920Domain d1voxj_: 1vox J: [113842]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    11. 1069921Domain d1voxk_: 1vox K: [113843]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    12. 1069922Domain d1voxl_: 1vox L: [113844]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    13. 1069923Domain d1voxm_: 1vox M: [113845]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    14. 1069924Domain d1voxn_: 1vox N: [113846]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    15. 1069925Domain d1voxo_: 1vox O: [113847]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    16. 1069926Domain d1voxp_: 1vox P: [113848]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    17. 1069927Domain d1voxq_: 1vox Q: [113849]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    18. 1069928Domain d1voxr_: 1vox R: [113850]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    19. 1069929Domain d1voxs_: 1vox S: [113851]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    20. 1069930Domain d1voxt_: 1vox T: [113852]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
  32. Domain(s) for 1voy:
    1. 1070057Domain d1voy1_: 1voy 1: [113853]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    2. 1070058Domain d1voy2_: 1voy 2: [113854]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    3. 1070059Domain d1voy3_: 1voy 3: [113855]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    4. 1070060Domain d1voy4_: 1voy 4: [113856]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    5. 1070061Domain d1voy5_: 1voy 5: [113857]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    6. 1070062Domain d1voy6_: 1voy 6: [113858]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    7. 1070063Domain d1voy7_: 1voy 7: [113859]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    8. 1070064Domain d1voyd_: 1voy D: [113860]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    9. 1070065Domain d1voye_: 1voy E: [113861]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    10. 1070066Domain d1voyf_: 1voy F: [113862]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    11. 1070067Domain d1voyg_: 1voy G: [113863]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    12. 1070068Domain d1voyh_: 1voy H: [113864]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    13. 1070069Domain d1voyi_: 1voy I: [113865]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    14. 1070070Domain d1voyj_: 1voy J: [113866]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    15. 1070071Domain d1voyk_: 1voy K: [113867]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    16. 1070072Domain d1voyl_: 1voy L: [113868]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    17. 1070073Domain d1voym_: 1voy M: [113869]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    18. 1070074Domain d1voyn_: 1voy N: [113870]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    19. 1070075Domain d1voyo_: 1voy O: [113871]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    20. 1070076Domain d1voyp_: 1voy P: [113872]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    21. 1070077Domain d1voyq_: 1voy Q: [113873]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    22. 1070078Domain d1voyr_: 1voy R: [113874]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    23. 1070079Domain d1voys_: 1voy S: [113875]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    24. 1070080Domain d1voyt_: 1voy T: [113876]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    25. 1070081Domain d1voyu_: 1voy U: [113877]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    26. 1070082Domain d1voyv_: 1voy V: [113878]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    27. 1070083Domain d1voyw_: 1voy W: [113879]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    28. 1070084Domain d1voyx_: 1voy X: [113880]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    29. 1070085Domain d1voyy_: 1voy Y: [113881]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    30. 1070086Domain d1voyz_: 1voy Z: [113882]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
  33. Domain(s) for 1voz:
    1. 1069891Domain d1voza_: 1voz a: [113883]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    2. 1069892Domain d1vozb_: 1voz B: [113884]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    3. 1069893Domain d1vozc_: 1voz C: [113885]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    4. 1069894Domain d1vozd_: 1voz D: [113886]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    5. 1069895Domain d1voze_: 1voz E: [113887]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    6. 1069896Domain d1vozf_: 1voz F: [113888]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    7. 1069897Domain d1vozg_: 1voz G: [113889]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    8. 1069898Domain d1vozh_: 1voz H: [113890]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    9. 1069899Domain d1vozi_: 1voz I: [113891]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    10. 1069900Domain d1vozj_: 1voz J: [113892]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    11. 1069901Domain d1vozk_: 1voz K: [113893]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    12. 1069902Domain d1vozl_: 1voz L: [113894]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    13. 1069903Domain d1vozm_: 1voz M: [113895]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    14. 1069904Domain d1vozn_: 1voz N: [113896]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    15. 1069905Domain d1vozo_: 1voz O: [113897]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    16. 1069906Domain d1vozp_: 1voz P: [113898]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    17. 1069907Domain d1vozq_: 1voz Q: [113899]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    18. 1069908Domain d1vozr_: 1voz R: [113900]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    19. 1069909Domain d1vozs_: 1voz S: [113901]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    20. 1069910Domain d1vozt_: 1voz T: [113902]
      30S subunit; the coordinates of 50S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
  34. Domain(s) for 1vp0:
    1. 1070117Domain d1vp01_: 1vp0 1: [113903]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    2. 1070118Domain d1vp02_: 1vp0 2: [113904]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    3. 1070119Domain d1vp03_: 1vp0 3: [113905]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    4. 1070120Domain d1vp04_: 1vp0 4: [113906]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    5. 1070121Domain d1vp05_: 1vp0 5: [113907]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    6. 1070122Domain d1vp06_: 1vp0 6: [113908]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    7. 1070123Domain d1vp07_: 1vp0 7: [113909]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    8. 1070124Domain d1vp0d_: 1vp0 D: [113910]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    9. 1070125Domain d1vp0e_: 1vp0 E: [113911]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    10. 1070126Domain d1vp0f_: 1vp0 F: [113912]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    11. 1070127Domain d1vp0g_: 1vp0 G: [113913]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    12. 1070128Domain d1vp0h_: 1vp0 H: [113914]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    13. 1070129Domain d1vp0i_: 1vp0 I: [113915]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    14. 1070130Domain d1vp0j_: 1vp0 J: [113916]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    15. 1070131Domain d1vp0k_: 1vp0 K: [113917]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    16. 1070132Domain d1vp0l_: 1vp0 L: [113918]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    17. 1070133Domain d1vp0m_: 1vp0 M: [113919]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    18. 1070134Domain d1vp0n_: 1vp0 N: [113920]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    19. 1070135Domain d1vp0o_: 1vp0 O: [113921]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    20. 1070136Domain d1vp0p_: 1vp0 P: [113922]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    21. 1070137Domain d1vp0q_: 1vp0 Q: [113923]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    22. 1070138Domain d1vp0r_: 1vp0 R: [113924]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    23. 1070139Domain d1vp0s_: 1vp0 S: [113925]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    24. 1070140Domain d1vp0t_: 1vp0 T: [113926]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    25. 1070141Domain d1vp0u_: 1vp0 U: [113927]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    26. 1070142Domain d1vp0v_: 1vp0 V: [113928]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    27. 1070143Domain d1vp0w_: 1vp0 W: [113929]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    28. 1070144Domain d1vp0x_: 1vp0 X: [113930]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    29. 1070145Domain d1vp0y_: 1vp0 Y: [113931]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
    30. 1070146Domain d1vp0z_: 1vp0 Z: [113932]
      50S subunit; the coordinates of 30S subunit in a different PDB entry
      protein/RNA complex
  35. Domain(s) for 2qal:
  36. Domain(s) for 2qam:
    1. 1069605Domain d2qam11: 2qam 1:3-52 [150235]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2qam01, d2qam21, d2qam31, d2qam41, d2qamc1, d2qamc2, d2qamd1, d2qame1, d2qamf1, d2qamg1, d2qamg2, d2qamh1, d2qamh2, d2qami1, d2qami2, d2qamj1, d2qamk1, d2qaml1, d2qamm1, d2qamn1, d2qamo1, d2qamq1, d2qamr1, d2qams1, d2qamt1, d2qamu1, d2qamv1, d2qamw1, d2qamx1, d2qamy1, d2qamz1
      automatically matched to d1p851_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, nmy, zn
    2. 1069606Domain d2qamp1: 2qam P:1-114 [150256]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2qam01, d2qam21, d2qam31, d2qam41, d2qamc1, d2qamc2, d2qamd1, d2qame1, d2qamf1, d2qamg1, d2qamg2, d2qamh1, d2qamh2, d2qami1, d2qami2, d2qamj1, d2qamk1, d2qaml1, d2qamm1, d2qamn1, d2qamo1, d2qamq1, d2qamr1, d2qams1, d2qamt1, d2qamu1, d2qamv1, d2qamw1, d2qamx1, d2qamy1, d2qamz1
      automatically matched to d1p85n_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, nmy, zn
  37. Domain(s) for 2qan:
  38. Domain(s) for 2qao:
    1. 1069607Domain d2qao11: 2qao 1:3-52 [150289]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2qao01, d2qao31, d2qao41, d2qaoc1, d2qaoc2, d2qaod1, d2qaoe1, d2qaof1, d2qaog1, d2qaog2, d2qaoh1, d2qaoh2, d2qaoi1, d2qaoi2, d2qaoj1, d2qaok1, d2qaol1, d2qaom1, d2qaon1, d2qaoo1, d2qaoq1, d2qaor1, d2qaos1, d2qaot1, d2qaou1, d2qaov1, d2qaow1, d2qaox1, d2qaoy1, d2qaoz1
      automatically matched to d1p851_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, nmy, zn
    2. 1069608Domain d2qaop1: 2qao P:1-114 [150309]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2qao01, d2qao31, d2qao41, d2qaoc1, d2qaoc2, d2qaod1, d2qaoe1, d2qaof1, d2qaog1, d2qaog2, d2qaoh1, d2qaoh2, d2qaoi1, d2qaoi2, d2qaoj1, d2qaok1, d2qaol1, d2qaom1, d2qaon1, d2qaoo1, d2qaoq1, d2qaor1, d2qaos1, d2qaot1, d2qaou1, d2qaov1, d2qaow1, d2qaox1, d2qaoy1, d2qaoz1
      automatically matched to d1p85n_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, nmy, zn
  39. Domain(s) for 2qb9:
  40. Domain(s) for 2qba:
    1. 1069628Domain d2qba11: 2qba 1:3-52 [150349]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2qba01, d2qba31, d2qba41, d2qbac1, d2qbac2, d2qbad1, d2qbae1, d2qbaf1, d2qbag1, d2qbag2, d2qbah1, d2qbah2, d2qbai1, d2qbai2, d2qbaj1, d2qbak1, d2qbal1, d2qbam1, d2qban1, d2qbao1, d2qbaq1, d2qbar1, d2qbas1, d2qbat1, d2qbau1, d2qbav1, d2qbaw1, d2qbax1, d2qbay1, d2qbaz1
      automatically matched to d1p851_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with lll, mg, zn
    2. 1069629Domain d2qbap1: 2qba P:1-114 [150369]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2qba01, d2qba31, d2qba41, d2qbac1, d2qbac2, d2qbad1, d2qbae1, d2qbaf1, d2qbag1, d2qbag2, d2qbah1, d2qbah2, d2qbai1, d2qbai2, d2qbaj1, d2qbak1, d2qbal1, d2qbam1, d2qban1, d2qbao1, d2qbaq1, d2qbar1, d2qbas1, d2qbat1, d2qbau1, d2qbav1, d2qbaw1, d2qbax1, d2qbay1, d2qbaz1
      automatically matched to d1p85n_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with lll, mg, zn
  41. Domain(s) for 2qbb:
  42. Domain(s) for 2qbc:
    1. 1069630Domain d2qbc11: 2qbc 1:3-52 [150402]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2qbc01, d2qbc31, d2qbc41, d2qbcc1, d2qbcc2, d2qbcd1, d2qbce1, d2qbcf1, d2qbcg1, d2qbcg2, d2qbch1, d2qbch2, d2qbci1, d2qbci2, d2qbcj1, d2qbck1, d2qbcl1, d2qbcm1, d2qbcn1, d2qbco1, d2qbcq1, d2qbcr1, d2qbcs1, d2qbct1, d2qbcu1, d2qbcv1, d2qbcw1, d2qbcx1, d2qbcy1, d2qbcz1
      automatically matched to d1p851_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with lll, mg, zn
    2. 1069631Domain d2qbcp1: 2qbc P:1-114 [150422]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2qbc01, d2qbc31, d2qbc41, d2qbcc1, d2qbcc2, d2qbcd1, d2qbce1, d2qbcf1, d2qbcg1, d2qbcg2, d2qbch1, d2qbch2, d2qbci1, d2qbci2, d2qbcj1, d2qbck1, d2qbcl1, d2qbcm1, d2qbcn1, d2qbco1, d2qbcq1, d2qbcr1, d2qbcs1, d2qbct1, d2qbcu1, d2qbcv1, d2qbcw1, d2qbcx1, d2qbcy1, d2qbcz1
      automatically matched to d1p85n_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with lll, mg, zn
  43. Domain(s) for 2qbd:
  44. Domain(s) for 2qbe:
    1. 1069609Domain d2qbe11: 2qbe 1:3-52 [150455]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2qbe01, d2qbe31, d2qbe41, d2qbe61, d2qbec1, d2qbec2, d2qbed1, d2qbee1, d2qbef1, d2qbeg1, d2qbeg2, d2qbeh1, d2qbeh2, d2qbei1, d2qbei2, d2qbej1, d2qbek1, d2qbel1, d2qbem1, d2qben1, d2qbeo1, d2qbeq1, d2qber1, d2qbes1, d2qbet1, d2qbeu1, d2qbev1, d2qbew1, d2qbex1, d2qbey1, d2qbez1
      automatically matched to d1p851_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, zn
    2. 1069610Domain d2qbep1: 2qbe P:1-114 [150476]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2qbe01, d2qbe31, d2qbe41, d2qbe61, d2qbec1, d2qbec2, d2qbed1, d2qbee1, d2qbef1, d2qbeg1, d2qbeg2, d2qbeh1, d2qbeh2, d2qbei1, d2qbei2, d2qbej1, d2qbek1, d2qbel1, d2qbem1, d2qben1, d2qbeo1, d2qbeq1, d2qber1, d2qbes1, d2qbet1, d2qbeu1, d2qbev1, d2qbew1, d2qbex1, d2qbey1, d2qbez1
      automatically matched to d1p85n_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, zn
  45. Domain(s) for 2qbf:
  46. Domain(s) for 2qbg:
    1. 1069611Domain d2qbg11: 2qbg 1:3-52 [150509]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2qbg01, d2qbg31, d2qbg41, d2qbg61, d2qbgc1, d2qbgc2, d2qbgd1, d2qbge1, d2qbgf1, d2qbgg1, d2qbgg2, d2qbgh1, d2qbgh2, d2qbgi1, d2qbgi2, d2qbgj1, d2qbgk1, d2qbgl1, d2qbgm1, d2qbgn1, d2qbgo1, d2qbgq1, d2qbgr1, d2qbgs1, d2qbgt1, d2qbgu1, d2qbgv1, d2qbgw1, d2qbgx1, d2qbgy1, d2qbgz1
      automatically matched to d1p851_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, zn
    2. 1069612Domain d2qbgp1: 2qbg P:1-114 [150530]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2qbg01, d2qbg31, d2qbg41, d2qbg61, d2qbgc1, d2qbgc2, d2qbgd1, d2qbge1, d2qbgf1, d2qbgg1, d2qbgg2, d2qbgh1, d2qbgh2, d2qbgi1, d2qbgi2, d2qbgj1, d2qbgk1, d2qbgl1, d2qbgm1, d2qbgn1, d2qbgo1, d2qbgq1, d2qbgr1, d2qbgs1, d2qbgt1, d2qbgu1, d2qbgv1, d2qbgw1, d2qbgx1, d2qbgy1, d2qbgz1
      automatically matched to d1p85n_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, zn
  47. Domain(s) for 2qbh:
  48. Domain(s) for 2qbi:
    1. 1069636Domain d2qbi11: 2qbi 1:3-52 [150563]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2qbi01, d2qbi31, d2qbi41, d2qbi61, d2qbic1, d2qbic2, d2qbid1, d2qbie1, d2qbif1, d2qbig1, d2qbig2, d2qbih1, d2qbih2, d2qbii1, d2qbii2, d2qbij1, d2qbik1, d2qbil1, d2qbim1, d2qbin1, d2qbio1, d2qbiq1, d2qbir1, d2qbis1, d2qbit1, d2qbiu1, d2qbiv1, d2qbiw1, d2qbix1, d2qbiy1, d2qbiz1
      automatically matched to d1p851_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with lll, mg, zn
    2. 1069637Domain d2qbip1: 2qbi P:1-114 [150584]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2qbi01, d2qbi31, d2qbi41, d2qbi61, d2qbic1, d2qbic2, d2qbid1, d2qbie1, d2qbif1, d2qbig1, d2qbig2, d2qbih1, d2qbih2, d2qbii1, d2qbii2, d2qbij1, d2qbik1, d2qbil1, d2qbim1, d2qbin1, d2qbio1, d2qbiq1, d2qbir1, d2qbis1, d2qbit1, d2qbiu1, d2qbiv1, d2qbiw1, d2qbix1, d2qbiy1, d2qbiz1
      automatically matched to d1p85n_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with lll, mg, zn
  49. Domain(s) for 2qbj:
  50. Domain(s) for 2qbk:
    1. 1069638Domain d2qbk11: 2qbk 1:3-52 [150617]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2qbk01, d2qbk31, d2qbk41, d2qbk61, d2qbkc1, d2qbkc2, d2qbkd1, d2qbke1, d2qbkf1, d2qbkg1, d2qbkg2, d2qbkh1, d2qbkh2, d2qbki1, d2qbki2, d2qbkj1, d2qbkk1, d2qbkl1, d2qbkm1, d2qbkn1, d2qbko1, d2qbkq1, d2qbkr1, d2qbks1, d2qbkt1, d2qbku1, d2qbkv1, d2qbkw1, d2qbkx1, d2qbky1, d2qbkz1
      automatically matched to d1p851_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with lll, mg, zn
    2. 1069639Domain d2qbkp1: 2qbk P:1-114 [150638]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2qbk01, d2qbk31, d2qbk41, d2qbk61, d2qbkc1, d2qbkc2, d2qbkd1, d2qbke1, d2qbkf1, d2qbkg1, d2qbkg2, d2qbkh1, d2qbkh2, d2qbki1, d2qbki2, d2qbkj1, d2qbkk1, d2qbkl1, d2qbkm1, d2qbkn1, d2qbko1, d2qbkq1, d2qbkr1, d2qbks1, d2qbkt1, d2qbku1, d2qbkv1, d2qbkw1, d2qbkx1, d2qbky1, d2qbkz1
      automatically matched to d1p85n_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with lll, mg, zn
  51. Domain(s) for 2qou:
  52. Domain(s) for 2qov:
    1. 1069634Domain d2qov11: 2qov 1:3-52 [151006]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2qov01, d2qov31, d2qov41, d2qovc1, d2qovc2, d2qovd1, d2qove1, d2qovf1, d2qovg1, d2qovg2, d2qovh1, d2qovh2, d2qovi1, d2qovi2, d2qovj1, d2qovk1, d2qovl1, d2qovm1, d2qovn1, d2qovo1, d2qovq1, d2qovr1, d2qovs1, d2qovt1, d2qovu1, d2qovv1, d2qovw1, d2qovx1, d2qovy1, d2qovz1
      automatically matched to d1p851_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, zn
    2. 1069635Domain d2qovp1: 2qov P:1-114 [151026]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2qov01, d2qov31, d2qov41, d2qovc1, d2qovc2, d2qovd1, d2qove1, d2qovf1, d2qovg1, d2qovg2, d2qovh1, d2qovh2, d2qovi1, d2qovi2, d2qovj1, d2qovk1, d2qovl1, d2qovm1, d2qovn1, d2qovo1, d2qovq1, d2qovr1, d2qovs1, d2qovt1, d2qovu1, d2qovv1, d2qovw1, d2qovx1, d2qovy1, d2qovz1
      automatically matched to d1p85n_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, zn
  53. Domain(s) for 2qow:
  54. Domain(s) for 2qox:
    1. 1069632Domain d2qox11: 2qox 1:3-52 [151059]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2qox01, d2qox31, d2qox41, d2qoxc1, d2qoxc2, d2qoxd1, d2qoxe1, d2qoxf1, d2qoxg1, d2qoxg2, d2qoxh1, d2qoxh2, d2qoxi1, d2qoxi2, d2qoxj1, d2qoxk1, d2qoxl1, d2qoxm1, d2qoxn1, d2qoxo1, d2qoxq1, d2qoxr1, d2qoxs1, d2qoxt1, d2qoxu1, d2qoxv1, d2qoxw1, d2qoxx1, d2qoxy1, d2qoxz1
      automatically matched to d1p851_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, zn
    2. 1069633Domain d2qoxp1: 2qox P:1-114 [151079]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2qox01, d2qox31, d2qox41, d2qoxc1, d2qoxc2, d2qoxd1, d2qoxe1, d2qoxf1, d2qoxg1, d2qoxg2, d2qoxh1, d2qoxh2, d2qoxi1, d2qoxi2, d2qoxj1, d2qoxk1, d2qoxl1, d2qoxm1, d2qoxn1, d2qoxo1, d2qoxq1, d2qoxr1, d2qoxs1, d2qoxt1, d2qoxu1, d2qoxv1, d2qoxw1, d2qoxx1, d2qoxy1, d2qoxz1
      automatically matched to d1p85n_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, zn
  55. Domain(s) for 2qoy:
  56. Domain(s) for 2qoz:
    1. 1069615Domain d2qoz11: 2qoz 1:3-52 [151112]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2qoz01, d2qoz31, d2qoz41, d2qozc1, d2qozc2, d2qozd1, d2qoze1, d2qozf1, d2qozg1, d2qozg2, d2qozh1, d2qozh2, d2qozi1, d2qozi2, d2qozj1, d2qozk1, d2qozl1, d2qozm1, d2qozn1, d2qozo1, d2qozq1, d2qozr1, d2qozs1, d2qozt1, d2qozu1, d2qozv1, d2qozw1, d2qozx1, d2qozy1, d2qozz1
      automatically matched to d1p851_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, nmy, zn
    2. 1069616Domain d2qozp1: 2qoz P:1-114 [151132]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2qoz01, d2qoz31, d2qoz41, d2qozc1, d2qozc2, d2qozd1, d2qoze1, d2qozf1, d2qozg1, d2qozg2, d2qozh1, d2qozh2, d2qozi1, d2qozi2, d2qozj1, d2qozk1, d2qozl1, d2qozm1, d2qozn1, d2qozo1, d2qozq1, d2qozr1, d2qozs1, d2qozt1, d2qozu1, d2qozv1, d2qozw1, d2qozx1, d2qozy1, d2qozz1
      automatically matched to d1p85n_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, nmy, zn
  57. Domain(s) for 2qp0:
  58. Domain(s) for 2qp1:
    1. 1069617Domain d2qp111: 2qp1 1:3-52 [151165]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2qp101, d2qp131, d2qp141, d2qp1c1, d2qp1c2, d2qp1d1, d2qp1e1, d2qp1f1, d2qp1g1, d2qp1g2, d2qp1h1, d2qp1h2, d2qp1i1, d2qp1i2, d2qp1j1, d2qp1k1, d2qp1l1, d2qp1m1, d2qp1n1, d2qp1o1, d2qp1q1, d2qp1r1, d2qp1s1, d2qp1t1, d2qp1u1, d2qp1v1, d2qp1w1, d2qp1x1, d2qp1y1, d2qp1z1
      automatically matched to d1p851_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, nmy, zn
    2. 1069618Domain d2qp1p1: 2qp1 P:1-114 [151185]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2qp101, d2qp131, d2qp141, d2qp1c1, d2qp1c2, d2qp1d1, d2qp1e1, d2qp1f1, d2qp1g1, d2qp1g2, d2qp1h1, d2qp1h2, d2qp1i1, d2qp1i2, d2qp1j1, d2qp1k1, d2qp1l1, d2qp1m1, d2qp1n1, d2qp1o1, d2qp1q1, d2qp1r1, d2qp1s1, d2qp1t1, d2qp1u1, d2qp1v1, d2qp1w1, d2qp1x1, d2qp1y1, d2qp1z1
      automatically matched to d1p85n_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, nmy, zn
  59. Domain(s) for 2rdo:
    1. 1069654Domain d2rdo11: 2rdo 1:3-52 [151935]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2rdo01, d2rdo31, d2rdo41, d2rdo81, d2rdoc1, d2rdoc2, d2rdod1, d2rdoe1, d2rdof1, d2rdog1, d2rdog2, d2rdoh1, d2rdoh2, d2rdoi1, d2rdoi2, d2rdoj1, d2rdok1, d2rdol1, d2rdom1, d2rdon1, d2rdoo1, d2rdoq1, d2rdor1, d2rdos1, d2rdot1, d2rdou1, d2rdov1, d2rdow1, d2rdox1, d2rdoy1, d2rdoz1
      automatically matched to d1p851_
    2. 1069655Domain d2rdop1: 2rdo P:1-114 [151956]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2rdo01, d2rdo31, d2rdo41, d2rdo81, d2rdoc1, d2rdoc2, d2rdod1, d2rdoe1, d2rdof1, d2rdog1, d2rdog2, d2rdoh1, d2rdoh2, d2rdoi1, d2rdoi2, d2rdoj1, d2rdok1, d2rdol1, d2rdom1, d2rdon1, d2rdoo1, d2rdoq1, d2rdor1, d2rdos1, d2rdot1, d2rdou1, d2rdov1, d2rdow1, d2rdox1, d2rdoy1, d2rdoz1
      automatically matched to d1p85n_
  60. Domain(s) for 2vhm:
    1. 1069643Domain d2vhm11: 2vhm 1:3-52 [153059]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vhm01, d2vhm31, d2vhm41, d2vhmc1, d2vhmc2, d2vhmd1, d2vhme1, d2vhmf1, d2vhmg1, d2vhmg2, d2vhmh1, d2vhmh2, d2vhmi1, d2vhmi2, d2vhmj1, d2vhmk1, d2vhml1, d2vhmm1, d2vhmn1, d2vhmo1, d2vhmq1, d2vhmr1, d2vhms1, d2vhmt1, d2vhmu1, d2vhmv1, d2vhmw1, d2vhmx1, d2vhmy1, d2vhmz1
      automatically matched to d1p851_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg
    2. 1069644Domain d2vhmp1: 2vhm P:1-114 [153079]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vhm01, d2vhm31, d2vhm41, d2vhmc1, d2vhmc2, d2vhmd1, d2vhme1, d2vhmf1, d2vhmg1, d2vhmg2, d2vhmh1, d2vhmh2, d2vhmi1, d2vhmi2, d2vhmj1, d2vhmk1, d2vhml1, d2vhmm1, d2vhmn1, d2vhmo1, d2vhmq1, d2vhmr1, d2vhms1, d2vhmt1, d2vhmu1, d2vhmv1, d2vhmw1, d2vhmx1, d2vhmy1, d2vhmz1
      automatically matched to d1p85n_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg
  61. Domain(s) for 2vhn:
    1. 1069645Domain d2vhn11: 2vhn 1:3-52 [153091]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vhn01, d2vhn31, d2vhn41, d2vhnc1, d2vhnc2, d2vhnd1, d2vhne1, d2vhnf1, d2vhng1, d2vhng2, d2vhnh1, d2vhnh2, d2vhni1, d2vhni2, d2vhnj1, d2vhnk1, d2vhnl1, d2vhnm1, d2vhnn1, d2vhno1, d2vhnq1, d2vhnr1, d2vhns1, d2vhnt1, d2vhnu1, d2vhnv1, d2vhnw1, d2vhnx1, d2vhny1, d2vhnz1
      automatically matched to d1p851_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg
    2. 1069646Domain d2vhnp1: 2vhn P:1-114 [153111]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2vhn01, d2vhn31, d2vhn41, d2vhnc1, d2vhnc2, d2vhnd1, d2vhne1, d2vhnf1, d2vhng1, d2vhng2, d2vhnh1, d2vhnh2, d2vhni1, d2vhni2, d2vhnj1, d2vhnk1, d2vhnl1, d2vhnm1, d2vhnn1, d2vhno1, d2vhnq1, d2vhnr1, d2vhns1, d2vhnt1, d2vhnu1, d2vhnv1, d2vhnw1, d2vhnx1, d2vhny1, d2vhnz1
      automatically matched to d1p85n_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg
  62. Domain(s) for 2vho:
  63. Domain(s) for 2vhp:
  64. Domain(s) for 2z4k:
  65. Domain(s) for 2z4l:
    1. 1069647Domain d2z4l11: 2z4l 1:3-52 [154073]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2z4l01, d2z4l31, d2z4l41, d2z4l61, d2z4lc1, d2z4lc2, d2z4ld1, d2z4le1, d2z4lf1, d2z4lg1, d2z4lg2, d2z4lh1, d2z4lh2, d2z4li1, d2z4li2, d2z4lj1, d2z4lk1, d2z4ll1, d2z4lm1, d2z4ln1, d2z4lo1, d2z4lq1, d2z4lr1, d2z4ls1, d2z4lt1, d2z4lu1, d2z4lv1, d2z4lw1, d2z4lx1, d2z4ly1, d2z4lz1
      automatically matched to d1p851_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, par, zn
    2. 1069648Domain d2z4lp1: 2z4l P:1-114 [154094]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2z4l01, d2z4l31, d2z4l41, d2z4l61, d2z4lc1, d2z4lc2, d2z4ld1, d2z4le1, d2z4lf1, d2z4lg1, d2z4lg2, d2z4lh1, d2z4lh2, d2z4li1, d2z4li2, d2z4lj1, d2z4lk1, d2z4ll1, d2z4lm1, d2z4ln1, d2z4lo1, d2z4lq1, d2z4lr1, d2z4ls1, d2z4lt1, d2z4lu1, d2z4lv1, d2z4lw1, d2z4lx1, d2z4ly1, d2z4lz1
      automatically matched to d1p85n_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, par, zn
  66. Domain(s) for 2z4m:
  67. Domain(s) for 2z4n:
    1. 1069649Domain d2z4n11: 2z4n 1:3-52 [154127]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2z4n01, d2z4n31, d2z4n41, d2z4n61, d2z4nc1, d2z4nc2, d2z4nd1, d2z4ne1, d2z4nf1, d2z4ng1, d2z4ng2, d2z4nh1, d2z4nh2, d2z4ni1, d2z4ni2, d2z4nj1, d2z4nk1, d2z4nl1, d2z4nm1, d2z4nn1, d2z4no1, d2z4nq1, d2z4nr1, d2z4ns1, d2z4nt1, d2z4nu1, d2z4nv1, d2z4nw1, d2z4nx1, d2z4ny1, d2z4nz1
      automatically matched to d1p851_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, par, zn
    2. 1069650Domain d2z4np1: 2z4n P:1-114 [154148]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2z4n01, d2z4n31, d2z4n41, d2z4n61, d2z4nc1, d2z4nc2, d2z4nd1, d2z4ne1, d2z4nf1, d2z4ng1, d2z4ng2, d2z4nh1, d2z4nh2, d2z4ni1, d2z4ni2, d2z4nj1, d2z4nk1, d2z4nl1, d2z4nm1, d2z4nn1, d2z4no1, d2z4nq1, d2z4nr1, d2z4ns1, d2z4nt1, d2z4nu1, d2z4nv1, d2z4nw1, d2z4nx1, d2z4ny1, d2z4nz1
      automatically matched to d1p85n_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, par, zn
  68. Domain(s) for 3bbx:
    1. 1069789Domain d3bbx11: 3bbx 1:3-52 [155095]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3bbx01, d3bbx31, d3bbx41, d3bbxc1, d3bbxc2, d3bbxd1, d3bbxe1, d3bbxf1, d3bbxg1, d3bbxg2, d3bbxh1, d3bbxh2, d3bbxj1, d3bbxk1, d3bbxl1, d3bbxm1, d3bbxn1, d3bbxo1, d3bbxq1, d3bbxr1, d3bbxs1, d3bbxt1, d3bbxu1, d3bbxv1, d3bbxw1, d3bbxx1, d3bbxy1, d3bbxz1
      automatically matched to d1p851_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg
    2. 1069790Domain d3bbxp1: 3bbx P:1-114 [155113]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3bbx01, d3bbx31, d3bbx41, d3bbxc1, d3bbxc2, d3bbxd1, d3bbxe1, d3bbxf1, d3bbxg1, d3bbxg2, d3bbxh1, d3bbxh2, d3bbxj1, d3bbxk1, d3bbxl1, d3bbxm1, d3bbxn1, d3bbxo1, d3bbxq1, d3bbxr1, d3bbxs1, d3bbxt1, d3bbxu1, d3bbxv1, d3bbxw1, d3bbxx1, d3bbxy1, d3bbxz1
      automatically matched to d1p85n_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg
  69. Domain(s) for 3df1:
  70. Domain(s) for 3df2:
    1. 1069622Domain d3df211: 3df2 1:3-52 [157625]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3df201, d3df231, d3df241, d3df2c1, d3df2c2, d3df2d1, d3df2e1, d3df2f1, d3df2g1, d3df2g2, d3df2h1, d3df2h2, d3df2i1, d3df2i2, d3df2j1, d3df2k1, d3df2l1, d3df2m1, d3df2n1, d3df2o1, d3df2q1, d3df2r1, d3df2s1, d3df2t1, d3df2u1, d3df2v1, d3df2w1, d3df2x1, d3df2y1, d3df2z1
      automatically matched to d1p851_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, zn
    2. 1069623Domain d3df2p1: 3df2 P:1-114 [157645]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3df201, d3df231, d3df241, d3df2c1, d3df2c2, d3df2d1, d3df2e1, d3df2f1, d3df2g1, d3df2g2, d3df2h1, d3df2h2, d3df2i1, d3df2i2, d3df2j1, d3df2k1, d3df2l1, d3df2m1, d3df2n1, d3df2o1, d3df2q1, d3df2r1, d3df2s1, d3df2t1, d3df2u1, d3df2v1, d3df2w1, d3df2x1, d3df2y1, d3df2z1
      automatically matched to d1p85n_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, zn
  71. Domain(s) for 3df3:
  72. Domain(s) for 3df4:
    1. 1069620Domain d3df411: 3df4 1:3-52 [157679]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3df401, d3df431, d3df441, d3df4c1, d3df4c2, d3df4d1, d3df4e1, d3df4f1, d3df4g1, d3df4g2, d3df4h1, d3df4h2, d3df4i1, d3df4i2, d3df4j1, d3df4k1, d3df4l1, d3df4m1, d3df4n1, d3df4o1, d3df4q1, d3df4r1, d3df4s1, d3df4t1, d3df4u1, d3df4v1, d3df4w1, d3df4x1, d3df4y1, d3df4z1
      automatically matched to d1p851_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, zn
    2. 1069621Domain d3df4p1: 3df4 P:1-114 [157699]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3df401, d3df431, d3df441, d3df4c1, d3df4c2, d3df4d1, d3df4e1, d3df4f1, d3df4g1, d3df4g2, d3df4h1, d3df4h2, d3df4i1, d3df4i2, d3df4j1, d3df4k1, d3df4l1, d3df4m1, d3df4n1, d3df4o1, d3df4q1, d3df4r1, d3df4s1, d3df4t1, d3df4u1, d3df4v1, d3df4w1, d3df4x1, d3df4y1, d3df4z1
      automatically matched to d1p85n_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg, zn

More info for Species Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] from i.1.1.1 70S ribosome functional complex

Timeline for Species Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] from i.1.1.1 70S ribosome functional complex: