Lineage for Protein: Aspartate carbamoyltransferase, Regulatory-chain, C-terminal domain

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.03
  2. 1458801Class g: Small proteins [56992] (90 folds)
  3. 1464002Fold g.41: Rubredoxin-like [57769] (17 superfamilies)
    metal(zinc or iron)-bound fold; sequence contains two CX(n)C motifs, in most cases n = 2
  4. 1464408Superfamily g.41.7: Aspartate carbamoyltransferase, Regulatory-chain, C-terminal domain [57825] (2 families) (S)
    automatically mapped to Pfam PF02748
  5. 1464409Family g.41.7.1: Aspartate carbamoyltransferase, Regulatory-chain, C-terminal domain [57826] (1 protein)
  6. 1464410Protein Aspartate carbamoyltransferase, Regulatory-chain, C-terminal domain [57827] (3 species)


  1. 1464411Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [57828] (59 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P00478
    1. Domains for 1acm:
      1. 1464498Domain d1acmb2: 1acm B:101-153 [45307]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1acma1, d1acma2, d1acmb1, d1acmc1, d1acmc2, d1acmd1
        complexed with pal, zn
      2. 1464499Domain d1acmd2: 1acm D:101-153 [45308]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1acma1, d1acma2, d1acmb1, d1acmc1, d1acmc2, d1acmd1
        complexed with pal, zn
    2. Domains for 1at1:
      1. 1464492Domain d1at1b2: 1at1 B:101-153 [45301]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1at1a1, d1at1a2, d1at1b1, d1at1c1, d1at1c2, d1at1d1
        complexed with mli, pct, zn
      2. 1464493Domain d1at1d2: 1at1 D:101-153 [45302]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1at1a1, d1at1a2, d1at1b1, d1at1c1, d1at1c2, d1at1d1
        complexed with mli, pct, zn
    3. Domains for 1d09:
      1. 1464424Domain d1d09b2: 1d09 B:101-153 [45267]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1d09a1, d1d09a2, d1d09b1, d1d09c1, d1d09c2, d1d09d1
        complexed with pal, zn
      2. 1464425Domain d1d09d2: 1d09 D:101-153 [45268]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1d09a1, d1d09a2, d1d09b1, d1d09c1, d1d09c2, d1d09d1
        complexed with pal, zn
    4. Domains for 1ezz:
      1. 1464526Domain d1ezzb2: 1ezz B:101-153 [45312]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ezza1, d1ezza2, d1ezzb1, d1ezzc1, d1ezzc2, d1ezzd1
        complexed with zn; mutant
      2. 1464527Domain d1ezzd2: 1ezz D:101-153 [45313]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ezza1, d1ezza2, d1ezzb1, d1ezzc1, d1ezzc2, d1ezzd1
        complexed with zn; mutant
    5. Domains for 1f1b:
      1. 1464442Domain d1f1bb2: 1f1b B:101-153 [45269]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1f1ba1, d1f1ba2, d1f1bb1, d1f1bc1, d1f1bc2, d1f1bd1
        complexed with pal, zn; mutant
      2. 1464443Domain d1f1bd2: 1f1b D:101-153 [45270]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1f1ba1, d1f1ba2, d1f1bb1, d1f1bc1, d1f1bc2, d1f1bd1
        complexed with pal, zn; mutant
    6. Domains for 1i5o:
      1. 1464494Domain d1i5ob2: 1i5o B:101-153 [61812]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i5oa1, d1i5oa2, d1i5ob1, d1i5oc1, d1i5oc2, d1i5od1
        complexed with pal, zn; mutant
      2. 1464495Domain d1i5od2: 1i5o D:101-153 [61816]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i5oa1, d1i5oa2, d1i5ob1, d1i5oc1, d1i5oc2, d1i5od1
        complexed with pal, zn; mutant
    7. Domains for 1nbe:
      1. 1464468Domain d1nbeb2: 1nbe B:101-153 [45293]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1nbea1, d1nbea2, d1nbeb1, d1nbec1, d1nbec2, d1nbed1
        complexed with mlt, zn; mutant
      2. 1464469Domain d1nbed2: 1nbe D:101-153 [45294]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1nbea1, d1nbea2, d1nbeb1, d1nbec1, d1nbec2, d1nbed1
        complexed with mlt, zn; mutant
    8. Domains for 1q95:
      1. 1464482Domain d1q95g2: 1q95 G:101-153 [104578]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1q95a1, d1q95a2, d1q95b1, d1q95b2, d1q95c1, d1q95c2, d1q95d1, d1q95d2, d1q95e1, d1q95e2, d1q95f1, d1q95f2, d1q95g1, d1q95h1, d1q95i1, d1q95j1, d1q95k1, d1q95l1
        complexed with pal, zn
      2. 1464483Domain d1q95h2: 1q95 H:101-153 [104580]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1q95a1, d1q95a2, d1q95b1, d1q95b2, d1q95c1, d1q95c2, d1q95d1, d1q95d2, d1q95e1, d1q95e2, d1q95f1, d1q95f2, d1q95g1, d1q95h1, d1q95i1, d1q95j1, d1q95k1, d1q95l1
        complexed with pal, zn
      3. 1464484Domain d1q95i2: 1q95 I:101-153 [104582]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1q95a1, d1q95a2, d1q95b1, d1q95b2, d1q95c1, d1q95c2, d1q95d1, d1q95d2, d1q95e1, d1q95e2, d1q95f1, d1q95f2, d1q95g1, d1q95h1, d1q95i1, d1q95j1, d1q95k1, d1q95l1
        complexed with pal, zn
      4. 1464485Domain d1q95j2: 1q95 J:101-153 [104584]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1q95a1, d1q95a2, d1q95b1, d1q95b2, d1q95c1, d1q95c2, d1q95d1, d1q95d2, d1q95e1, d1q95e2, d1q95f1, d1q95f2, d1q95g1, d1q95h1, d1q95i1, d1q95j1, d1q95k1, d1q95l1
        complexed with pal, zn
      5. 1464486Domain d1q95k2: 1q95 K:101-153 [104586]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1q95a1, d1q95a2, d1q95b1, d1q95b2, d1q95c1, d1q95c2, d1q95d1, d1q95d2, d1q95e1, d1q95e2, d1q95f1, d1q95f2, d1q95g1, d1q95h1, d1q95i1, d1q95j1, d1q95k1, d1q95l1
        complexed with pal, zn
      6. 1464487Domain d1q95l2: 1q95 L:101-153 [104588]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1q95a1, d1q95a2, d1q95b1, d1q95b2, d1q95c1, d1q95c2, d1q95d1, d1q95d2, d1q95e1, d1q95e2, d1q95f1, d1q95f2, d1q95g1, d1q95h1, d1q95i1, d1q95j1, d1q95k1, d1q95l1
        complexed with pal, zn
    9. Domains for 1r0b:
      1. 1464532Domain d1r0bg2: 1r0b G:101-153 [104696]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1r0ba1, d1r0ba2, d1r0bb1, d1r0bb2, d1r0bc1, d1r0bc2, d1r0bd1, d1r0bd2, d1r0be1, d1r0be2, d1r0bf1, d1r0bf2, d1r0bg1, d1r0bh1, d1r0bi1, d1r0bj1, d1r0bk1, d1r0bl1
        complexed with flc, po4, zn
      2. 1464533Domain d1r0bh2: 1r0b H:101-153 [104698]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1r0ba1, d1r0ba2, d1r0bb1, d1r0bb2, d1r0bc1, d1r0bc2, d1r0bd1, d1r0bd2, d1r0be1, d1r0be2, d1r0bf1, d1r0bf2, d1r0bg1, d1r0bh1, d1r0bi1, d1r0bj1, d1r0bk1, d1r0bl1
        complexed with flc, po4, zn
      3. 1464534Domain d1r0bi2: 1r0b I:101-153 [104700]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1r0ba1, d1r0ba2, d1r0bb1, d1r0bb2, d1r0bc1, d1r0bc2, d1r0bd1, d1r0bd2, d1r0be1, d1r0be2, d1r0bf1, d1r0bf2, d1r0bg1, d1r0bh1, d1r0bi1, d1r0bj1, d1r0bk1, d1r0bl1
        complexed with flc, po4, zn
      4. 1464535Domain d1r0bj2: 1r0b J:101-153 [104702]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1r0ba1, d1r0ba2, d1r0bb1, d1r0bb2, d1r0bc1, d1r0bc2, d1r0bd1, d1r0bd2, d1r0be1, d1r0be2, d1r0bf1, d1r0bf2, d1r0bg1, d1r0bh1, d1r0bi1, d1r0bj1, d1r0bk1, d1r0bl1
        complexed with flc, po4, zn
      5. 1464536Domain d1r0bk2: 1r0b K:101-153 [104704]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1r0ba1, d1r0ba2, d1r0bb1, d1r0bb2, d1r0bc1, d1r0bc2, d1r0bd1, d1r0bd2, d1r0be1, d1r0be2, d1r0bf1, d1r0bf2, d1r0bg1, d1r0bh1, d1r0bi1, d1r0bj1, d1r0bk1, d1r0bl1
        complexed with flc, po4, zn
      6. 1464537Domain d1r0bl2: 1r0b L:101-153 [104706]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1r0ba1, d1r0ba2, d1r0bb1, d1r0bb2, d1r0bc1, d1r0bc2, d1r0bd1, d1r0bd2, d1r0be1, d1r0be2, d1r0bf1, d1r0bf2, d1r0bg1, d1r0bh1, d1r0bi1, d1r0bj1, d1r0bk1, d1r0bl1
        complexed with flc, po4, zn
    10. Domains for 1r0c:
      1. 1464472Domain d1r0cb2: 1r0c B:101-153 [104710]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1r0ca1, d1r0ca2, d1r0cb1, d1r0cg1, d1r0cg2, d1r0ch1
        complexed with ncd, po4, zn
      2. 1464473Domain d1r0ch2: 1r0c H:101-153 [104714]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1r0ca1, d1r0ca2, d1r0cb1, d1r0cg1, d1r0cg2, d1r0ch1
        complexed with ncd, po4, zn
    11. Domains for 1raa:
      1. 1464478Domain d1raab2: 1raa B:101-153 [45285]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1raaa1, d1raaa2, d1raab1, d1raac1, d1raac2, d1raad1
        complexed with ctp, zn; mutant
      2. 1464479Domain d1raad2: 1raa D:101-153 [45286]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1raaa1, d1raaa2, d1raab1, d1raac1, d1raac2, d1raad1
        complexed with ctp, zn; mutant
    12. Domains for 1rab:
      1. 1464466Domain d1rabb2: 1rab B:101-153 [45287]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1raba1, d1raba2, d1rabb1, d1rabc1, d1rabc2, d1rabd1
        complexed with ctp, zn; mutant
      2. 1464467Domain d1rabd2: 1rab D:101-153 [45288]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1raba1, d1raba2, d1rabb1, d1rabc1, d1rabc2, d1rabd1
        complexed with ctp, zn; mutant
    13. Domains for 1rac:
      1. 1464462Domain d1racb2: 1rac B:101-153 [45291]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1raca1, d1raca2, d1racb1, d1racc1, d1racc2, d1racd1
        complexed with ctp, zn; mutant
      2. 1464463Domain d1racd2: 1rac D:101-153 [45292]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1raca1, d1raca2, d1racb1, d1racc1, d1racc2, d1racd1
        complexed with ctp, zn; mutant
    14. Domains for 1rad:
      1. 1464464Domain d1radb2: 1rad B:101-153 [45295]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1rada1, d1rada2, d1radb1, d1radc1, d1radc2, d1radd1
        complexed with ctp, zn; mutant
      2. 1464465Domain d1radd2: 1rad D:101-153 [45296]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1rada1, d1rada2, d1radb1, d1radc1, d1radc2, d1radd1
        complexed with ctp, zn; mutant
    15. Domains for 1rae:
      1. 1464476Domain d1raeb2: 1rae B:101-153 [45297]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1raea1, d1raea2, d1raeb1, d1raec1, d1raec2, d1raed1
        complexed with ctp, zn; mutant
      2. 1464477Domain d1raed2: 1rae D:101-153 [45298]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1raea1, d1raea2, d1raeb1, d1raec1, d1raec2, d1raed1
        complexed with ctp, zn; mutant
    16. Domains for 1raf:
      1. 1464460Domain d1rafb2: 1raf B:101-153 [45283]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1rafa1, d1rafa2, d1rafb1, d1rafc1, d1rafc2, d1rafd1
        complexed with ctp, zn; mutant
      2. 1464461Domain d1rafd2: 1raf D:101-153 [45284]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1rafa1, d1rafa2, d1rafb1, d1rafc1, d1rafc2, d1rafd1
        complexed with ctp, zn; mutant
    17. Domains for 1rag:
      1. 1464470Domain d1ragb2: 1rag B:101-153 [45277]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1raga1, d1raga2, d1ragb1, d1ragc1, d1ragc2, d1ragd1
        complexed with ctp, zn; mutant
      2. 1464471Domain d1ragd2: 1rag D:101-153 [45278]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1raga1, d1raga2, d1ragb1, d1ragc1, d1ragc2, d1ragd1
        complexed with ctp, zn; mutant
    18. Domains for 1rah:
      1. 1464474Domain d1rahb2: 1rah B:101-153 [45289]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1raha1, d1raha2, d1rahb1, d1rahc1, d1rahc2, d1rahd1
        complexed with ctp, zn; mutant
      2. 1464475Domain d1rahd2: 1rah D:101-153 [45290]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1raha1, d1raha2, d1rahb1, d1rahc1, d1rahc2, d1rahd1
        complexed with ctp, zn; mutant
    19. Domains for 1rai:
      1. 1464452Domain d1raib2: 1rai B:101-153 [45281]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1raia1, d1raia2, d1raib1, d1raic1, d1raic2, d1raid1
        complexed with ctp, zn; mutant
      2. 1464453Domain d1raid2: 1rai D:101-153 [45282]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1raia1, d1raia2, d1raib1, d1raic1, d1raic2, d1raid1
        complexed with ctp, zn; mutant
    20. Domains for 1sku:
      1. 1464524Domain d1skub2: 1sku B:101-153 [98905]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1skua1, d1skua2, d1skub1, d1skuc1, d1skuc2, d1skud1
        complexed with mli, zn; mutant
      2. 1464525Domain d1skud2: 1sku D:101-153 [98909]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1skua1, d1skua2, d1skub1, d1skuc1, d1skuc2, d1skud1
        complexed with mli, zn; mutant
    21. Domains for 1tth:
      1. 1464522Domain d1tthb2: 1tth B:101-153 [107299]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ttha2, d1ttha3, d1tthb1, d1tthc2, d1tthc3, d1tthd1
        complexed with pal, zn; mutant
      2. 1464523Domain d1tthd2: 1tth D:101-153 [107302]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ttha2, d1ttha3, d1tthb1, d1tthc2, d1tthc3, d1tthd1
        complexed with pal, zn; mutant
    22. Domains for 1tu0:
      1. 1464520Domain d1tu0b2: 1tu0 B:101-153 [107312]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1tu0a2, d1tu0a3, d1tu0b1, d1tu0c2, d1tu0c3, d1tu0d1
        complexed with pct, zn; mutant
      2. 1464521Domain d1tu0d2: 1tu0 D:101-153 [107315]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1tu0a2, d1tu0a3, d1tu0b1, d1tu0c2, d1tu0c3, d1tu0d1
        complexed with pct, zn; mutant
    23. Domains for 1tug:
      1. 1464454Domain d1tugb2: 1tug B:101-153 [107341]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1tuga1, d1tugb1, d1tugc1, d1tugd1
        complexed with ctp, mli, pct, zn; mutant
      2. 1464455Domain d1tugd2: 1tug D:101-153 [107344]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1tuga1, d1tugb1, d1tugc1, d1tugd1
        complexed with ctp, mli, pct, zn; mutant
    24. Domains for 1xjw:
      1. 1464488Domain d1xjwb2: 1xjw B:101-153 [122044]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1xjwa1, d1xjwa2, d1xjwb1, d1xjwc1, d1xjwc2, d1xjwd1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with pal, zn; mutant
      2. 1464489Domain d1xjwd2: 1xjw D:101-153 [122048]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1xjwa1, d1xjwa2, d1xjwb1, d1xjwc1, d1xjwc2, d1xjwd1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with pal, zn; mutant
    25. Domains for 1za1:
      1. 1464434Domain d1za1b2: 1za1 B:101-153 [124778]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1za1a1, d1za1a2, d1za1b1, d1za1c1, d1za1c2, d1za1d1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with ctp, zn
      2. 1464435Domain d1za1d2: 1za1 D:101-153 [124782]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1za1a1, d1za1a2, d1za1b1, d1za1c1, d1za1c2, d1za1d1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with ctp, zn
    26. Domains for 1za2:
      1. 1464456Domain d1za2b2: 1za2 B:101-153 [197687]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1za2a1, d1za2a2, d1za2b1, d1za2c1, d1za2c2, d1za2d1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with cp, ctp, na, zn
      2. 1464457Domain d1za2d2: 1za2 D:101-153 [197689]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1za2a1, d1za2a2, d1za2b1, d1za2c1, d1za2c2, d1za2d1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with cp, ctp, na, zn
    27. Domains for 2a0f:
      1. 1464538Domain d2a0fb2: 2a0f B:101-153 [125949]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2a0fa1, d2a0fa2, d2a0fb1, d2a0fc1, d2a0fc2, d2a0fd1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with pct, zn; mutant
      2. 1464539Domain d2a0fd2: 2a0f D:101-153 [125953]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2a0fa1, d2a0fa2, d2a0fb1, d2a0fc1, d2a0fc2, d2a0fd1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with pct, zn; mutant
    28. Domains for 2air:
      1. 1464426Domain d2airb2: 2air B:101-153 [126833]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2aira1, d2aira2, d2airb1, d2airg1, d2airg2, d2airh1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with al0, cp, zn
      2. 1464427Domain d2airh2: 2air H:101-153 [126837]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2aira1, d2aira2, d2airb1, d2airg1, d2airg2, d2airh1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with al0, cp, zn
    29. Domains for 2at1:
      1. 1464500Domain d2at1b2: 2at1 B:101-153 [45303]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2at1a1, d2at1a2, d2at1b1, d2at1c1, d2at1c2, d2at1d1
        complexed with mal, pct, zn
      2. 1464501Domain d2at1d2: 2at1 D:101-153 [45304]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2at1a1, d2at1a2, d2at1b1, d2at1c1, d2at1c2, d2at1d1
        complexed with mal, pct, zn
    30. Domain for 2atc:
    31. Domains for 2fzc:
      1. 1464420Domain d2fzcb2: 2fzc B:101-153 [134427]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fzca1, d2fzca2, d2fzcb1, d2fzcc1, d2fzcc2, d2fzcd1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with ctp, eop, zn
      2. 1464421Domain d2fzcd2: 2fzc D:101-153 [134431]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fzca1, d2fzca2, d2fzcb1, d2fzcc1, d2fzcc2, d2fzcd1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with ctp, eop, zn
    32. Domains for 2fzg:
      1. 1464436Domain d2fzgb2: 2fzg B:101-153 [134442]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fzga1, d2fzga2, d2fzgb1, d2fzgc1, d2fzgc2, d2fzgd1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with ctp, eob, zn
      2. 1464437Domain d2fzgd2: 2fzg D:101-153 [134446]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fzga1, d2fzga2, d2fzgb1, d2fzgc1, d2fzgc2, d2fzgd1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with ctp, eob, zn
    33. Domains for 2fzk:
      1. 1464509Domain d2fzkb2: 2fzk B:101-153 [134452]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fzka1, d2fzka2, d2fzkb1, d2fzkc1, d2fzkc2, d2fzkd1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with ctp, eoz, zn
      2. 1464510Domain d2fzkd2: 2fzk D:101-153 [134456]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fzka1, d2fzka2, d2fzkb1, d2fzkc1, d2fzkc2, d2fzkd1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with ctp, eoz, zn
    34. Domains for 2h3e:
      1. 1464432Domain d2h3eb2: 2h3e B:101-153 [136039]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2h3ea1, d2h3ea2, d2h3eb1, d2h3ec1, d2h3ec2, d2h3ed1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with 6pr, zn
      2. 1464433Domain d2h3ed2: 2h3e D:101-153 [136043]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2h3ea1, d2h3ea2, d2h3eb1, d2h3ec1, d2h3ec2, d2h3ed1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with 6pr, zn
    35. Domains for 2hse:
      1. 1464507Domain d2hseb2: 2hse B:101-153 [147384]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2hsea1, d2hsea2, d2hseb1, d2hsec1, d2hsec2, d2hsed1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with asp, pct, po4, zn
      2. 1464508Domain d2hsed2: 2hse D:101-153 [147388]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2hsea1, d2hsea2, d2hseb1, d2hsec1, d2hsec2, d2hsed1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with asp, pct, po4, zn
    36. Domains for 2ipo:
      1. 1464496Domain d2ipob2: 2ipo B:101-153 [147765]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ipoa1, d2ipoa2, d2ipob1, d2ipoc1, d2ipoc2, d2ipod1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with 1ip, mae, mpd, zn
      2. 1464497Domain d2ipod2: 2ipo D:101-153 [147769]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ipoa1, d2ipoa2, d2ipob1, d2ipoc1, d2ipoc2, d2ipod1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with 1ip, mae, mpd, zn
    37. Domains for 2qg9:
      1. 1464528Domain d2qg9b2: 2qg9 B:101-153 [150760]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2qg9a1, d2qg9a2, d2qg9b1, d2qg9c1, d2qg9c2, d2qg9d1
        automatically matched to d1acmb2
        complexed with zn; mutant
      2. 1464529Domain d2qg9d2: 2qg9 D:101-153 [150764]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2qg9a1, d2qg9a2, d2qg9b1, d2qg9c1, d2qg9c2, d2qg9d1
        automatically matched to d1acmb2
        complexed with zn; mutant
    38. Domains for 2qgf:
      1. 1464430Domain d2qgfb2: 2qgf B:101-153 [150776]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2qgfa1, d2qgfa2, d2qgfb1, d2qgfc1, d2qgfc2, d2qgfd1
        automatically matched to d1acmb2
        complexed with zn; mutant
      2. 1464431Domain d2qgfd2: 2qgf D:101-153 [150780]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2qgfa1, d2qgfa2, d2qgfb1, d2qgfc1, d2qgfc2, d2qgfd1
        automatically matched to d1acmb2
        complexed with zn; mutant
    39. Domains for 3at1:
      1. 1464511Domain d3at1b2: 3at1 B:101-153 [45310]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3at1a1, d3at1a2, d3at1b1, d3at1c1, d3at1c2, d3at1d1
        complexed with pct, zn
      2. 1464512Domain d3at1d2: 3at1 D:101-153 [45311]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3at1a1, d3at1a2, d3at1b1, d3at1c1, d3at1c2, d3at1d1
        complexed with pct, zn
    40. Domains for 3d7s:
      1. 1464530Domain d3d7sb2: 3d7s B:101-153 [157427]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3d7sa1, d3d7sa2, d3d7sb1, d3d7sc1, d3d7sc2, d3d7sd1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with zn
      2. 1464531Domain d3d7sd2: 3d7s D:101-153 [157431]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3d7sa1, d3d7sa2, d3d7sb1, d3d7sc1, d3d7sc2, d3d7sd1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with zn
    41. Domains for 3mpu:
      1. 1464504Domain d3mpub2: 3mpu B:101-153 [213534]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3mpua1, d3mpua2, d3mpub1, d3mpuc1, d3mpuc2, d3mpud1, d3mpue1, d3mpue2, d3mpuf1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with po4, zn
      2. 1464505Domain d3mpud2: 3mpu D:101-153 [213538]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3mpua1, d3mpua2, d3mpub1, d3mpuc1, d3mpuc2, d3mpud1, d3mpue1, d3mpue2, d3mpuf1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with po4, zn
      3. 1464506Domain d3mpuf2: 3mpu F:101-153 [213542]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3mpua1, d3mpua2, d3mpub1, d3mpuc1, d3mpuc2, d3mpud1, d3mpue1, d3mpue2, d3mpuf1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with po4, zn
    42. Domains for 4at1:
      1. 1464448Domain d4at1b2: 4at1 B:101-153 [45271]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4at1a1, d4at1a2, d4at1b1, d4at1c1, d4at1c2, d4at1d1
        complexed with atp, zn
      2. 1464449Domain d4at1d2: 4at1 D:101-153 [45272]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4at1a1, d4at1a2, d4at1b1, d4at1c1, d4at1c2, d4at1d1
        complexed with atp, zn
    43. Domains for 4e2f:
      1. 1464514Domain d4e2fb2: 4e2f B:101-153 [220172]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4e2fa1, d4e2fa2, d4e2fb1, d4e2fc1, d4e2fc2, d4e2fd1, d4e2fe1, d4e2fe2, d4e2ff1, d4e2fg1, d4e2fg2, d4e2fh1, d4e2fi1, d4e2fi2, d4e2fj1, d4e2fk1, d4e2fk2, d4e2fl1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with zn; mutant
      2. 1464515Domain d4e2fd2: 4e2f D:101-153 [220176]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4e2fa1, d4e2fa2, d4e2fb1, d4e2fc1, d4e2fc2, d4e2fd1, d4e2fe1, d4e2fe2, d4e2ff1, d4e2fg1, d4e2fg2, d4e2fh1, d4e2fi1, d4e2fi2, d4e2fj1, d4e2fk1, d4e2fk2, d4e2fl1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with zn; mutant
      3. 1464516Domain d4e2ff2: 4e2f F:101-153 [220180]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4e2fa1, d4e2fa2, d4e2fb1, d4e2fc1, d4e2fc2, d4e2fd1, d4e2fe1, d4e2fe2, d4e2ff1, d4e2fg1, d4e2fg2, d4e2fh1, d4e2fi1, d4e2fi2, d4e2fj1, d4e2fk1, d4e2fk2, d4e2fl1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with zn; mutant
      4. 1464517Domain d4e2fh2: 4e2f H:101-153 [220184]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4e2fa1, d4e2fa2, d4e2fb1, d4e2fc1, d4e2fc2, d4e2fd1, d4e2fe1, d4e2fe2, d4e2ff1, d4e2fg1, d4e2fg2, d4e2fh1, d4e2fi1, d4e2fi2, d4e2fj1, d4e2fk1, d4e2fk2, d4e2fl1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with zn; mutant
      5. 1464518Domain d4e2fj2: 4e2f J:101-153 [220188]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4e2fa1, d4e2fa2, d4e2fb1, d4e2fc1, d4e2fc2, d4e2fd1, d4e2fe1, d4e2fe2, d4e2ff1, d4e2fg1, d4e2fg2, d4e2fh1, d4e2fi1, d4e2fi2, d4e2fj1, d4e2fk1, d4e2fk2, d4e2fl1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with zn; mutant
      6. 1464519Domain d4e2fl2: 4e2f L:101-153 [220192]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4e2fa1, d4e2fa2, d4e2fb1, d4e2fc1, d4e2fc2, d4e2fd1, d4e2fe1, d4e2fe2, d4e2ff1, d4e2fg1, d4e2fg2, d4e2fh1, d4e2fi1, d4e2fi2, d4e2fj1, d4e2fk1, d4e2fk2, d4e2fl1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with zn; mutant
    44. Domains for 4f04:
      1. 1464422Domain d4f04b2: 4f04 B:101-153 [220918]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4f04a1, d4f04a2, d4f04b1, d4f04c1, d4f04c2, d4f04d1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with pal, utp, zn
      2. 1464423Domain d4f04d2: 4f04 D:101-153 [220922]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4f04a1, d4f04a2, d4f04b1, d4f04c1, d4f04c2, d4f04d1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with pal, utp, zn
    45. Domains for 4fyv:
      1. 1464418Domain d4fyvb2: 4fyv B:101-153 [221600]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fyva1, d4fyva2, d4fyvb1, d4fyvc1, d4fyvc2, d4fyvd1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with dcp, po4, zn
      2. 1464419Domain d4fyvd2: 4fyv D:101-153 [221604]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fyva1, d4fyva2, d4fyvb1, d4fyvc1, d4fyvc2, d4fyvd1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with dcp, po4, zn
    46. Domains for 4fyw:
      1. 1464416Domain d4fywb2: 4fyw B:101-153 [221608]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fywa1, d4fywa2, d4fywb1, d4fywc1, d4fywc2, d4fywd1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with ctp, zn
      2. 1464417Domain d4fywd2: 4fyw D:101-153 [221612]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fywa1, d4fywa2, d4fywb1, d4fywc1, d4fywc2, d4fywd1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with ctp, zn
    47. Domains for 4fyx:
      1. 1464412Domain d4fyxb2: 4fyx B:101-153 [221616]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fyxa1, d4fyxa2, d4fyxb1, d4fyxc1, d4fyxc2, d4fyxd1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with dcp, mg, utp, zn
      2. 1464413Domain d4fyxd2: 4fyx D:101-153 [221620]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fyxa1, d4fyxa2, d4fyxb1, d4fyxc1, d4fyxc2, d4fyxd1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with dcp, mg, utp, zn
    48. Domains for 4fyy:
      1. 1464414Domain d4fyyb2: 4fyy B:101-153 [221624]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fyya1, d4fyya2, d4fyyb1, d4fyyc1, d4fyyc2, d4fyyd1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with ctp, mg, utp, zn
      2. 1464415Domain d4fyyd2: 4fyy D:101-153 [221628]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fyya1, d4fyya2, d4fyyb1, d4fyyc1, d4fyyc2, d4fyyd1
        automated match to d1d09b2
        complexed with ctp, mg, utp, zn
    49. Domains for 4kgv:
      1. 1464428Domain d4kgvb2: 4kgv B:101-153 [229276]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4kgva1, d4kgva2, d4kgvb1, d4kgvc1, d4kgvc2, d4kgvd1
        automated match to d2fzcb2
        complexed with atp, pal, zn
      2. 1464429Domain d4kgvd2: 4kgv D:101-153 [229272]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4kgva1, d4kgva2, d4kgvb1, d4kgvc1, d4kgvc2, d4kgvd1
        automated match to d2fzcb2
        complexed with atp, pal, zn
    50. Domains for 4kgx:
      1. 1464438Domain d4kgxb2: 4kgx B:101-153 [229289]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4kgxa1, d4kgxa2, d4kgxb1, d4kgxc1, d4kgxc2, d4kgxd1
        automated match to d2fzcb2
        complexed with ctp, pal, zn
      2. 1464439Domain d4kgxd2: 4kgx D:101-153 [229282]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4kgxa1, d4kgxa2, d4kgxb1, d4kgxc1, d4kgxc2, d4kgxd1
        automated match to d2fzcb2
        complexed with ctp, pal, zn
    51. Domains for 4kgz:
      1. 1464480Domain d4kgzb2: 4kgz B:101-153 [229270]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4kgza1, d4kgza2, d4kgzb1, d4kgzc1, d4kgzc2, d4kgzd1
        automated match to d2fzcb2
        complexed with mg, pal, utp, zn
      2. 1464481Domain d4kgzd2: 4kgz D:101-153 [229268]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4kgza1, d4kgza2, d4kgzb1, d4kgzc1, d4kgzc2, d4kgzd1
        automated match to d2fzcb2
        complexed with mg, pal, utp, zn
    52. Domains for 4kh0:
      1. 1464444Domain d4kh0b2: 4kh0 B:101-153 [229303]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4kh0a1, d4kh0a2, d4kh0b1, d4kh0c1, d4kh0c2, d4kh0d1
        automated match to d2fzcb2
        complexed with atp, mg, pal, zn
      2. 1464445Domain d4kh0d2: 4kh0 D:101-153 [229299]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4kh0a1, d4kh0a2, d4kh0b1, d4kh0c1, d4kh0c2, d4kh0d1
        automated match to d2fzcb2
        complexed with atp, mg, pal, zn
    53. Domains for 4kh1:
      1. 1464440Domain d4kh1b2: 4kh1 B:101-153 [229297]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4kh1a1, d4kh1a2, d4kh1b1, d4kh1c1, d4kh1c2, d4kh1d1
        automated match to d2fzcb2
        complexed with ctp, mg, pal, po4, utp, zn
      2. 1464441Domain d4kh1d2: 4kh1 D:101-153 [229291]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4kh1a1, d4kh1a2, d4kh1b1, d4kh1c1, d4kh1c2, d4kh1d1
        automated match to d2fzcb2
        complexed with ctp, mg, pal, po4, utp, zn
    54. Domains for 5at1:
      1. 1464446Domain d5at1b2: 5at1 B:101-153 [45273]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5at1a1, d5at1a2, d5at1b1, d5at1c1, d5at1c2, d5at1d1
        complexed with ctp, zn
      2. 1464447Domain d5at1d2: 5at1 D:101-153 [45274]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5at1a1, d5at1a2, d5at1b1, d5at1c1, d5at1c2, d5at1d1
        complexed with ctp, zn
    55. Domains for 6at1:
      1. 1464450Domain d6at1b2: 6at1 B:101-153 [45275]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6at1a1, d6at1a2, d6at1b1, d6at1c1, d6at1c2, d6at1d1
        complexed with zn
      2. 1464451Domain d6at1d2: 6at1 D:101-153 [45276]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6at1a1, d6at1a2, d6at1b1, d6at1c1, d6at1c2, d6at1d1
        complexed with zn
    56. Domains for 7at1:
      1. 1464502Domain d7at1b2: 7at1 B:101-153 [45305]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7at1a1, d7at1a2, d7at1b1, d7at1c1, d7at1c2, d7at1d1
        complexed with atp, mal, pct, zn
      2. 1464503Domain d7at1d2: 7at1 D:101-153 [45306]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7at1a1, d7at1a2, d7at1b1, d7at1c1, d7at1c2, d7at1d1
        complexed with atp, mal, pct, zn
    57. Domains for 8at1:
      1. 1464490Domain d8at1b2: 8at1 B:101-153 [45299]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d8at1a1, d8at1a2, d8at1b1, d8at1c1, d8at1c2, d8at1d1
        complexed with ctp, mal, pct, zn
      2. 1464491Domain d8at1d2: 8at1 D:101-153 [45300]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d8at1a1, d8at1a2, d8at1b1, d8at1c1, d8at1c2, d8at1d1
        complexed with ctp, mal, pct, zn
    58. Domains for 8atc:
      1. 1464458Domain d8atcb2: 8atc B:101-153 [45279]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d8atca1, d8atca2, d8atcb1, d8atcc1, d8atcc2, d8atcd1
        complexed with pal, zn
      2. 1464459Domain d8atcd2: 8atc D:101-153 [45280]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d8atca1, d8atca2, d8atcb1, d8atcc1, d8atcc2, d8atcd1
        complexed with pal, zn
    59. Domain for 9atc:
  2. 1464541Moritella profunda [TaxId:111291] [230528] (1 PDB entry)
  3. 1464545Sulfolobus acidocaldarius [TaxId:2285] [111453] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1pg5:
    2. Domain for 2be9:

More info for Protein Aspartate carbamoyltransferase, Regulatory-chain, C-terminal domain from g.41.7.1: Aspartate carbamoyltransferase, Regulatory-chain, C-terminal domain

Timeline for Protein Aspartate carbamoyltransferase, Regulatory-chain, C-terminal domain from g.41.7.1: Aspartate carbamoyltransferase, Regulatory-chain, C-terminal domain:

  • Protein Aspartate carbamoyltransferase, Regulatory-chain, C-terminal domain from g.41.7.1: Aspartate carbamoyltransferase, Regulatory-chain, C-terminal domain first appeared (with stable ids) in SCOP 1.55
  • Protein Aspartate carbamoyltransferase, Regulatory-chain, C-terminal domain from g.41.7.1: Aspartate carbamoyltransferase, Regulatory-chain, C-terminal domain appears in SCOPe 2.02
  • Protein Aspartate carbamoyltransferase, Regulatory-chain, C-terminal domain from g.41.7.1: Aspartate carbamoyltransferase, Regulatory-chain, C-terminal domain appears in SCOPe 2.04
  • Protein Aspartate carbamoyltransferase, Regulatory-chain, C-terminal domain from g.41.7.1: Aspartate carbamoyltransferase, Regulatory-chain, C-terminal domain appears in the current release, SCOPe 2.08