Lineage for Family g.37.1.1: Classic zinc finger, C2H2

  1. Root: SCOP 1.73
  2. 746751Class g: Small proteins [56992] (85 folds)
  3. 749946Fold g.37: C2H2 and C2HC zinc fingers [57666] (1 superfamily)
    alpha+beta metal(zinc)-bound fold: beta-hairpin + alpha-helix
  4. 749947Superfamily g.37.1: C2H2 and C2HC zinc fingers [57667] (6 families) (S)
  5. 749948Family g.37.1.1: Classic zinc finger, C2H2 [57668] (30 proteins)


  1. 749949ADR1 [57675] (1 species)
  2. 749957Enhancer binding protein [57685] (1 species)
    duplication: consists of two Zn fingers
  3. 749963Five-finger GLI1 [57683] (1 species)
  4. 749970GAGA factor [57695] (1 species)
  5. 749974GLI-Krueppel family member HKR3 [144147] (1 species)
  6. 749980Kruppel-like factor 3, Bklf [103597] (1 species)
  7. 749985SWI5 zinc-finger domains [57681] (1 species)
  8. 749989Tramtrack protein (two zinc-finger peptide) [57673] (1 species)
  9. 749995Transactivation domain of cre-bp1/atf-2 [57689] (1 species)
  10. 749998Transcription factor IIIA, TFIIIA [57693] (1 species)
    duplication: consists of 6 fingers
  11. 750026Transcription factor sp1 [57687] (1 species)
  12. 750032Transcriptional repressor CTCF [144153] (1 species)
  13. 750038V(D)J recombination activating protein 1 (RAG1), dimerization domain [57671] (1 species)
  14. 750041Wilms' tumor protein, WT1 [118269] (1 species)
  15. 750044XFIN, third domain [57677] (1 species)
  16. 750047Ying-yang 1 (yy1, zinc finger domain) [57691] (1 species)
    duplication: consists of 4 fingers
  17. 750053ZFY [57679] (1 species)
  18. 750060ZIF268 [57669] (1 species)
    duplication: consists of 3 fingers
  19. 750117Zinc finger and SCAN domain-containing protein 16, ZSCAN16 [144155] (1 species)
    Zinc finger protein 435
  20. 750121Zinc finger protein 24 [144143] (1 species)
  21. 750125Zinc finger protein 292, ZNF292 [144133] (1 species)
  22. 750128Zinc finger protein 295, ZNF295 [118267] (1 species)
  23. 750133Zinc finger protein 297b [144145] (1 species)
  24. 750137Zinc finger protein 462, ZNF462 [144137] (1 species)
  25. 750140Zinc finger protein 512, ZNF512 [144135] (1 species)
  26. 750144Zinc finger protein 593, ZNF593 [144151] (1 species)
  27. 750147Zinc finger protein 64, ZFP68 [144149] (1 species)
  28. 750154Zinc finger protein 692, ZNF692 [144139] (1 species)
  29. 750158Zinc finger protein ZFPM1 (FOG-1) [111434] (1 species)
  30. 750161Zinc fingers and homeoboxes protein 1, ZHX1 [144141] (1 species)

More info for Family g.37.1.1: Classic zinc finger, C2H2

Timeline for Family g.37.1.1: Classic zinc finger, C2H2: