Lineage for Family e.24.1.1: Ribosomal protein L1

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.05
  2. 1949014Class e: Multi-domain proteins (alpha and beta) [56572] (68 folds)
  3. 1954161Fold e.24: Ribosomal protein L1 [56807] (1 superfamily)
    2 domains: (1) alpha+beta; (2) alpha/beta (interrupts domain 1)
  4. 1954162Superfamily e.24.1: Ribosomal protein L1 [56808] (1 family) (S)
    automatically mapped to Pfam PF00687
  5. 1954163Family e.24.1.1: Ribosomal protein L1 [56809] (1 protein)


More info for Family e.24.1.1: Ribosomal protein L1

Timeline for Family e.24.1.1: Ribosomal protein L1: