Lineage for Protein: ADP ribosyl cyclase

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.01
  2. 968085Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (147 folds)
  3. 982187Fold c.23: Flavodoxin-like [52171] (15 superfamilies)
    3 layers, a/b/a; parallel beta-sheet of 5 strand, order 21345
  4. 983822Superfamily c.23.14: N-(deoxy)ribosyltransferase-like [52309] (4 families) (S)
    there are similar active site architectures as well as the catalytic mechanisms of functionally characterised members
  5. 983863Family c.23.14.3: ADP ribosyl cyclase-like [56630] (3 proteins)
    contains extra N-terminal all-alpha subdomain
  6. 983864Protein ADP ribosyl cyclase [56631] (4 species)


  1. 983865California sea hare (Aplysia californica) [TaxId:6500] [56632] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1lbe:
      1. 983872Domain d1lbea_: 1lbe A: [42773]
      2. 983873Domain d1lbeb_: 1lbe B: [42774]
    2. Domains for 1r0s:
      1. 983870Domain d1r0sa_: 1r0s A: [96737]
      2. 983871Domain d1r0sb_: 1r0s B: [96738]
    3. Domains for 1r12:
      1. 983866Domain d1r12a_: 1r12 A: [96780]
      2. 983867Domain d1r12b_: 1r12 B: [96781]
    4. Domains for 1r15:
      1. 983874Domain d1r15a_: 1r15 A: [96786]
        complexed with n, nca
      2. 983875Domain d1r15b_: 1r15 B: [96787]
        complexed with n, nca
      3. 983876Domain d1r15c_: 1r15 C: [96788]
        complexed with n, nca
      4. 983877Domain d1r15d_: 1r15 D: [96789]
        complexed with n, nca
      5. 983878Domain d1r15e_: 1r15 E: [96790]
        complexed with n, nca
      6. 983879Domain d1r15f_: 1r15 F: [96791]
        complexed with n, nca
      7. 983880Domain d1r15g_: 1r15 G: [96792]
        complexed with n, nca
      8. 983881Domain d1r15h_: 1r15 H: [96793]
        complexed with n, nca
    5. Domains for 1r16:
      1. 983868Domain d1r16a_: 1r16 A: [96794]
        complexed with n, pyf
      2. 983869Domain d1r16b_: 1r16 B: [96795]
        complexed with n, pyf
  2. 983882Cow (Bos taurus) [TaxId:9913] [189248] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3gc6:
      1. 983883Domain d3gc6a_: 3gc6 A: [176511]
        automated match to d2ef1b1
        complexed with so4
      2. 983884Domain d3gc6b_: 3gc6 B: [176512]
        automated match to d2ef1b1
        complexed with so4
    2. Domains for 3ghh:
      1. 983885Domain d3ghha_: 3ghh A: [176636]
        automated match to d2ef1b1
        complexed with 2nf, so4
      2. 983886Domain d3ghhb_: 3ghh B: [176637]
        automated match to d2ef1b1
        complexed with 2nf, so4
  3. 983887Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [159490] (28 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P28907 45-291
    1. Domains for 1yh3:
      1. 983919Domain d1yh3a_: 1yh3 A: [162199]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
      2. 983920Domain d1yh3b_: 1yh3 B: [162200]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
    2. Domains for 1zvm:
      1. 983943Domain d1zvma_: 1zvm A: [162609]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with so4
      2. 983944Domain d1zvmb_: 1zvm B: [162610]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with so4
      3. 983945Domain d1zvmc_: 1zvm C: [162611]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with so4
      4. 983946Domain d1zvmd_: 1zvm D: [162612]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with so4
    3. Domain for 2ef1:
    4. Domains for 2hct:
      1. 983921Domain d2hcta_: 2hct A: [165049]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with nmn
      2. 983922Domain d2hctb_: 2hct B: [165050]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with nmn
    5. Domains for 2i65:
      1. 983917Domain d2i65a_: 2i65 A: [165408]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with nad
      2. 983918Domain d2i65b_: 2i65 B: [165409]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with nad
    6. Domains for 2i66:
      1. 983897Domain d2i66a_: 2i66 A: [165410]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with g1r, g2r
      2. 983898Domain d2i66b_: 2i66 B: [165411]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with g1r, g2r
    7. Domains for 2i67:
      1. 983905Domain d2i67a_: 2i67 A: [165412]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with apr
      2. 983906Domain d2i67b_: 2i67 B: [165413]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with apr
    8. Domains for 2o3q:
      1. 983927Domain d2o3qa_: 2o3q A: [166524]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with cxr
      2. 983928Domain d2o3qb_: 2o3q B: [166525]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with cxr
    9. Domains for 2o3r:
      1. 983907Domain d2o3ra_: 2o3r A: [166526]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with cxr
      2. 983908Domain d2o3rb_: 2o3r B: [166527]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with cxr
    10. Domains for 2o3s:
      1. 983889Domain d2o3sa_: 2o3s A: [166528]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with cxr
      2. 983890Domain d2o3sb_: 2o3s B: [166529]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with cxr
    11. Domains for 2o3t:
      1. 983895Domain d2o3ta_: 2o3t A: [166530]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with cgr
      2. 983896Domain d2o3tb_: 2o3t B: [166531]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with cgr
    12. Domains for 2o3u:
      1. 983923Domain d2o3ua_: 2o3u A: [166532]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with ngd
      2. 983924Domain d2o3ub_: 2o3u B: [166533]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with ngd
    13. Domains for 2pgj:
      1. 983901Domain d2pgja_: 2pgj A: [167178]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with n1c
      2. 983902Domain d2pgjb_: 2pgj B: [167179]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with n1c
    14. Domains for 2pgl:
      1. 983909Domain d2pgla_: 2pgl A: [167180]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with n1c
      2. 983910Domain d2pglb_: 2pgl B: [167181]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with n1c
    15. Domains for 3dzf:
      1. 983929Domain d3dzfa_: 3dzf A: [174398]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with rf5
      2. 983930Domain d3dzfb_: 3dzf B: [174399]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with rf5
      3. 983931Domain d3dzfc_: 3dzf C: [174400]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with rf5
      4. 983932Domain d3dzfd_: 3dzf D: [174401]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with rf5
      5. 983933Domain d3dzfe_: 3dzf E: [174402]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with rf5
      6. 983934Domain d3dzff_: 3dzf F: [174403]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with rf5
    16. Domains for 3dzg:
      1. 983893Domain d3dzga_: 3dzg A: [174404]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with nca, rf5
      2. 983894Domain d3dzgb_: 3dzg B: [174405]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with nca, rf5
    17. Domains for 3dzh:
      1. 983891Domain d3dzha_: 3dzh A: [174406]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with gtp
      2. 983892Domain d3dzhb_: 3dzh B: [174407]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with gtp
    18. Domains for 3dzi:
      1. 983899Domain d3dzia_: 3dzi A: [174408]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with n, rgt
      2. 983900Domain d3dzib_: 3dzi B: [174409]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with n, rgt
    19. Domains for 3dzj:
      1. 983915Domain d3dzja_: 3dzj A: [174410]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with nmn; mutant
      2. 983916Domain d3dzjb_: 3dzj B: [174411]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with nmn; mutant
    20. Domains for 3dzk:
      1. 983903Domain d3dzka_: 3dzk A: [174412]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with nmn
      2. 983904Domain d3dzkb_: 3dzk B: [174413]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with nmn
    21. Domain for 3f6y:
    22. Domains for 3i9m:
      1. 983911Domain d3i9ma_: 3i9m A: [178182]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with avu
      2. 983912Domain d3i9mb_: 3i9m B: [178183]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with avu
    23. Domains for 3i9n:
      1. 983935Domain d3i9na_: 3i9n A: [178184]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with avw
      2. 983936Domain d3i9nb_: 3i9n B: [178185]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with avw
    24. Domains for 3ofs:
      1. 983937Domain d3ofsa_: 3ofs A: [182994]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with avu
      2. 983938Domain d3ofsb_: 3ofs B: [182995]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with avu
      3. 983939Domain d3ofsc_: 3ofs C: [182996]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with avu
      4. 983940Domain d3ofsd_: 3ofs D: [182997]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with avu
      5. 983941Domain d3ofse_: 3ofs E: [182998]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with avu
      6. 983942Domain d3ofsf_: 3ofs F: [182999]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with avu
    25. Domains for 3rok:
      1. 983925Domain d3roka_: 3rok A: [185083]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with 27c
      2. 983926Domain d3rokb_: 3rok B: [185084]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with 27c
    26. Domains for 3rom:
      1. 983948Domain d3roma_: 3rom A: [185085]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with 48z
      2. 983949Domain d3romb_: 3rom B: [185086]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with 48z
    27. Domains for 3rop:
      1. 983913Domain d3ropa_: 3rop A: [185087]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with 50a, nca
      2. 983914Domain d3ropb_: 3rop B: [185088]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with 50a, nca
    28. Domains for 3roq:
      1. 983950Domain d3roqa_: 3roq A: [185089]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with 46z
      2. 983951Domain d3roqb_: 3roq B: [185090]
        automated match to d2ef1a1
        complexed with 46z
  4. 983952Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] [188367] (1 PDB entry)

More info for Protein ADP ribosyl cyclase from c.23.14.3: ADP ribosyl cyclase-like

Timeline for Protein ADP ribosyl cyclase from c.23.14.3: ADP ribosyl cyclase-like: