Lineage for Species: Aspergillus flavus [TaxId: 5059]

  1. Root: SCOP 1.73
  2. 713694Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (334 folds)
  3. 730177Fold d.96: T-fold [55619] (2 superfamilies)
    beta(2)-alpha(2)-beta(2); 2 layers: alpha/beta; antiparallel sheet 1234
    tunnel-shaped: its known members form wide oligomeric barrels different sizes
  4. 730178Superfamily d.96.1: Tetrahydrobiopterin biosynthesis enzymes-like [55620] (4 families) (S)
    bind purine or pterin in topologically similar sites between subunits
  5. 730408Family d.96.1.4: Urate oxidase (uricase) [55633] (1 protein)
  6. 730409Protein Urate oxidase (uricase) [55634] (3 species)
    duplication: one subunit consists of two domains of this fold; beta-sheets of two subunits form a barrel, closed: n=16, S=16
  7. 730443Species Aspergillus flavus [TaxId:5059] [55635] (15 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Aspergillus flavus [TaxId: 5059]:

  1. Domain(s) for 1r4s:
    1. 730458Domain d1r4sa1: 1r4s A:1-136 [97045]
    2. 730459Domain d1r4sa2: 1r4s A:137-296 [97046]
      complexed with fcy, mua
  2. Domain(s) for 1r4u:
    1. 730454Domain d1r4ua1: 1r4u A:1-136 [97047]
    2. 730455Domain d1r4ua2: 1r4u A:137-295 [97048]
      complexed with oxc
  3. Domain(s) for 1r51:
    1. 730452Domain d1r51a1: 1r51 A:1-136 [97057]
    2. 730453Domain d1r51a2: 1r51 A:137-296 [97058]
      complexed with aza, fcy
  4. Domain(s) for 1r56:
    1. 730464Domain d1r56a1: 1r56 A:1-136 [97064]
    2. 730465Domain d1r56a2: 1r56 A:137-295 [97065]
    3. 730466Domain d1r56b1: 1r56 B:1-136 [97066]
    4. 730467Domain d1r56b2: 1r56 B:137-295 [97067]
    5. 730468Domain d1r56c1: 1r56 C:1-136 [97068]
    6. 730469Domain d1r56c2: 1r56 C:137-299 [97069]
    7. 730470Domain d1r56d1: 1r56 D:1-136 [97070]
    8. 730471Domain d1r56d2: 1r56 D:137-295 [97071]
    9. 730472Domain d1r56e1: 1r56 E:1-136 [97072]
    10. 730473Domain d1r56e2: 1r56 E:137-295 [97073]
    11. 730474Domain d1r56f1: 1r56 F:1-136 [97074]
    12. 730475Domain d1r56f2: 1r56 F:137-295 [97075]
    13. 730476Domain d1r56g1: 1r56 G:1-136 [97076]
    14. 730477Domain d1r56g2: 1r56 G:137-296 [97077]
    15. 730478Domain d1r56h1: 1r56 H:1-136 [97078]
    16. 730479Domain d1r56h2: 1r56 H:137-295 [97079]
      complexed with peg
  5. Domain(s) for 1wrr:
    1. 730446Domain d1wrra1: 1wrr A:1-136 [121204]
      automatically matched to d1r4sa1
      complexed with unc
    2. 730447Domain d1wrra2: 1wrr A:137-295 [121205]
      automatically matched to d1r56c2
      complexed with unc
  6. Domain(s) for 1ws2:
    1. 730480Domain d1ws2a1: 1ws2 A:1-136 [121206]
      automatically matched to d1r4sa1
      complexed with urn
    2. 730481Domain d1ws2a2: 1ws2 A:137-295 [121207]
      automatically matched to d1r56c2
      complexed with urn
    3. 730482Domain d1ws2b1: 1ws2 B:1-136 [121208]
      automatically matched to d1r4sa1
      complexed with urn
    4. 730483Domain d1ws2b2: 1ws2 B:137-295 [121209]
      automatically matched to d1r56c2
      complexed with urn
    5. 730484Domain d1ws2c1: 1ws2 C:1-136 [121210]
      automatically matched to d1r4sa1
      complexed with urn
    6. 730485Domain d1ws2c2: 1ws2 C:137-295 [121211]
      automatically matched to d1r56c2
      complexed with urn
    7. 730486Domain d1ws2d1: 1ws2 D:1-136 [121212]
      automatically matched to d1r4sa1
      complexed with urn
    8. 730487Domain d1ws2d2: 1ws2 D:137-295 [121213]
      automatically matched to d1r56c2
      complexed with urn
  7. Domain(s) for 1ws3:
    1. 730496Domain d1ws3a1: 1ws3 A:1-136 [121214]
      automatically matched to d1r4sa1
      complexed with ura
    2. 730497Domain d1ws3a2: 1ws3 A:137-295 [121215]
      automatically matched to d1r56c2
      complexed with ura
    3. 730498Domain d1ws3b1: 1ws3 B:1-136 [121216]
      automatically matched to d1r4sa1
      complexed with ura
    4. 730499Domain d1ws3b2: 1ws3 B:137-295 [121217]
      automatically matched to d1r56c2
      complexed with ura
    5. 730500Domain d1ws3c1: 1ws3 C:1-136 [121218]
      automatically matched to d1r4sa1
      complexed with ura
    6. 730501Domain d1ws3c2: 1ws3 C:137-295 [121219]
      automatically matched to d1r56c2
      complexed with ura
    7. 730502Domain d1ws3d1: 1ws3 D:1-136 [121220]
      automatically matched to d1r4sa1
      complexed with ura
    8. 730503Domain d1ws3d2: 1ws3 D:137-295 [121221]
      automatically matched to d1r56c2
      complexed with ura
  8. Domain(s) for 1xt4:
    1. 730462Domain d1xt4a1: 1xt4 A:1-136 [122291]
      automatically matched to d1r4sa1
      complexed with gun
    2. 730463Domain d1xt4a2: 1xt4 A:137-295 [122292]
      automatically matched to d1r56c2
      complexed with gun
  9. Domain(s) for 1xxj:
    1. 730488Domain d1xxja1: 1xxj A:1-136 [122414]
      automatically matched to d1r4sa1
      complexed with bnz, unc
    2. 730489Domain d1xxja2: 1xxj A:137-295 [122415]
      automatically matched to d1r56c2
      complexed with bnz, unc
    3. 730490Domain d1xxjb1: 1xxj B:1-136 [122416]
      automatically matched to d1r4sa1
      complexed with bnz, unc
    4. 730491Domain d1xxjb2: 1xxj B:137-295 [122417]
      automatically matched to d1r56c2
      complexed with bnz, unc
    5. 730492Domain d1xxjc1: 1xxj C:1-136 [122418]
      automatically matched to d1r4sa1
      complexed with bnz, unc
    6. 730493Domain d1xxjc2: 1xxj C:137-295 [122419]
      automatically matched to d1r56c2
      complexed with bnz, unc
    7. 730494Domain d1xxjd1: 1xxj D:1-136 [122420]
      automatically matched to d1r4sa1
      complexed with bnz, unc
    8. 730495Domain d1xxjd2: 1xxj D:137-295 [122421]
      automatically matched to d1r56c2
      complexed with bnz, unc
  10. Domain(s) for 1xy3:
    1. 730504Domain d1xy3a1: 1xy3 A:1-136 [122441]
      automatically matched to d1r4sa1
      complexed with gun
    2. 730505Domain d1xy3a2: 1xy3 A:137-295 [122442]
      automatically matched to d1r56c2
      complexed with gun
    3. 730506Domain d1xy3b1: 1xy3 B:1-136 [122443]
      automatically matched to d1r4sa1
      complexed with gun
    4. 730507Domain d1xy3b2: 1xy3 B:137-295 [122444]
      automatically matched to d1r56c2
      complexed with gun
    5. 730508Domain d1xy3c1: 1xy3 C:1-136 [122445]
      automatically matched to d1r4sa1
      complexed with gun
    6. 730509Domain d1xy3c2: 1xy3 C:137-295 [122446]
      automatically matched to d1r56c2
      complexed with gun
    7. 730510Domain d1xy3d1: 1xy3 D:1-136 [122447]
      automatically matched to d1r4sa1
      complexed with gun
    8. 730511Domain d1xy3d2: 1xy3 D:137-295 [122448]
      automatically matched to d1r56c2
      complexed with gun
    9. 730512Domain d1xy3e1: 1xy3 E:1-136 [122449]
      automatically matched to d1r4sa1
      complexed with gun
    10. 730513Domain d1xy3e2: 1xy3 E:137-295 [122450]
      automatically matched to d1r56c2
      complexed with gun
    11. 730514Domain d1xy3f1: 1xy3 F:1-136 [122451]
      automatically matched to d1r4sa1
      complexed with gun
    12. 730515Domain d1xy3f2: 1xy3 F:137-295 [122452]
      automatically matched to d1r56c2
      complexed with gun
    13. 730516Domain d1xy3g1: 1xy3 G:1-136 [122453]
      automatically matched to d1r4sa1
      complexed with gun
    14. 730517Domain d1xy3g2: 1xy3 G:137-295 [122454]
      automatically matched to d1r56c2
      complexed with gun
    15. 730518Domain d1xy3h1: 1xy3 H:1-136 [122455]
      automatically matched to d1r4sa1
      complexed with gun
    16. 730519Domain d1xy3h2: 1xy3 H:137-295 [122456]
      automatically matched to d1r56c2
      complexed with gun
  11. Domain(s) for 2fub:
    1. 730460Domain d2fuba1: 2fub A:1-136 [134114]
      automatically matched to d1r4sa1
      complexed with aza, cys
    2. 730461Domain d2fuba2: 2fub A:137-295 [134115]
      automatically matched to d1r56c2
      complexed with aza, cys
  12. Domain(s) for 2fxl:
    1. 730456Domain d2fxla1: 2fxl A:1-136 [134325]
      automatically matched to d1r4sa1
      complexed with 2al
    2. 730457Domain d2fxla2: 2fxl A:137-295 [134326]
      automatically matched to d1r56c2
      complexed with 2al
  13. Domain(s) for 2iba:
    1. 730444Domain d2ibaa1: 2iba A:1-136 [137178]
      automatically matched to d1r4sa1
      complexed with ace, aza, na
    2. 730445Domain d2ibaa2: 2iba A:137-295 [137179]
      automatically matched to d1r56c2
      complexed with ace, aza, na
  14. Domain(s) for 2ic0:
    1. 730450Domain d2ic0a1: 2ic0 A:1-136 [137231]
      automatically matched to d1r4sa1
      complexed with ace, aza, na, xe
    2. 730451Domain d2ic0a2: 2ic0 A:137-295 [137232]
      automatically matched to d1r56c2
      complexed with ace, aza, na, xe
  15. Domain(s) for 2icq:
    1. 730448Domain d2icqa1: 2icq A:1-136 [137239]
      automatically matched to d1r4sa1
      complexed with ace, aza, cys, n2o
    2. 730449Domain d2icqa2: 2icq A:137-295 [137240]
      automatically matched to d1r56c2
      complexed with ace, aza, cys, n2o

More info for Species Aspergillus flavus [TaxId:5059] from d.96.1.4 Urate oxidase (uricase)

Timeline for Species Aspergillus flavus [TaxId:5059] from d.96.1.4 Urate oxidase (uricase):