Lineage for Protein: ATX1 metallochaperone protein (ATOX1)

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.03
  2. 1396887Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (376 folds)
  3. 1413688Fold d.58: Ferredoxin-like [54861] (59 superfamilies)
    alpha+beta sandwich with antiparallel beta-sheet; (beta-alpha-beta)x2
  4. 1417028Superfamily d.58.17: HMA, heavy metal-associated domain [55008] (2 families) (S)
  5. 1417029Family d.58.17.1: HMA, heavy metal-associated domain [55009] (9 proteins)
  6. 1417030Protein ATX1 metallochaperone protein (ATOX1) [55014] (2 species)


  1. 1417031Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) [TaxId:4932] [55015] (6 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1cc7:
    2. Domain for 1cc8:
    3. Domain for 1fd8:
    4. Domain for 1fes:
    5. Domain for 2ggp:
    6. Domains for 3k7r:
      1. 1417034Domain d3k7ra_: 3k7r A: [179153]
        automated match to d1fd8a_
        complexed with 4sm, cu, mlt
      2. 1417035Domain d3k7rb_: 3k7r B: [179154]
        automated match to d1fd8a_
        complexed with 4sm, cu, mlt
      3. 1417036Domain d3k7rc_: 3k7r C: [179155]
        automated match to d1fd8a_
        complexed with 4sm, cu, mlt
      4. 1417037Domain d3k7rd_: 3k7r D: [179156]
        automated match to d1fd8a_
        complexed with 4sm, cu, mlt
      5. 1417038Domain d3k7re_: 3k7r E: [179157]
        automated match to d1fd8a_
        complexed with 4sm, cu, mlt
      6. 1417039Domain d3k7rf_: 3k7r F: [179158]
        automated match to d1fd8a_
        complexed with 4sm, cu, mlt
      7. 1417040Domain d3k7rg_: 3k7r G: [179159]
        automated match to d1fd8a_
        complexed with 4sm, cu, mlt
      8. 1417041Domain d3k7rh_: 3k7r H: [179160]
        automated match to d1fd8a_
        complexed with 4sm, cu, mlt
      9. 1417042Domain d3k7ri_: 3k7r I: [179161]
        automated match to d1fd8a_
        complexed with 4sm, cu, mlt
      10. 1417043Domain d3k7rj_: 3k7r J: [179162]
        automated match to d1fd8a_
        complexed with 4sm, cu, mlt
      11. 1417044Domain d3k7rk_: 3k7r K: [179163]
        automated match to d1fd8a_
        complexed with 4sm, cu, mlt
      12. 1417045Domain d3k7rl_: 3k7r L: [179164]
        automated match to d1fd8a_
        complexed with 4sm, cu, mlt
  2. 1417049Human (Homo sapiens), HAH1 [TaxId:9606] [55016] (8 PDB entries)
    Uniprot O00244
    1. Domains for 1fe0:
      1. 1417053Domain d1fe0a_: 1fe0 A: [39345]
        complexed with cd, so4, suc
      2. 1417054Domain d1fe0b_: 1fe0 B: [39346]
        complexed with cd, so4, suc
    2. Domains for 1fe4:
      1. 1417051Domain d1fe4a_: 1fe4 A: [39347]
        complexed with hg, ium, so4, suc
      2. 1417052Domain d1fe4b_: 1fe4 B: [39348]
        complexed with hg, ium, so4, suc
    3. Domains for 1fee:
      1. 1417055Domain d1feea_: 1fee A: [39349]
        complexed with cu1, so4, suc
      2. 1417056Domain d1feeb_: 1fee B: [39350]
        complexed with cu1, so4, suc
    4. Domain for 1tl4:
    5. Domain for 1tl5:
    6. Domain for 3cjk:
    7. Domain for 3iwl:
    8. Domains for 3iwx:
      1. 1417058Domain d3iwxa_: 3iwx A: [178660]
        automated match to d1fe0b_
        complexed with cpt, so4
      2. 1417059Domain d3iwxb_: 3iwx B: [178661]
        automated match to d1fe0b_
        complexed with cpt, so4

More info for Protein ATX1 metallochaperone protein (ATOX1) from d.58.17.1: HMA, heavy metal-associated domain

Timeline for Protein ATX1 metallochaperone protein (ATOX1) from d.58.17.1: HMA, heavy metal-associated domain: