Lineage for Species: Thermus thermophilus [TaxId: 274]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.03
  2. 1396887Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (376 folds)
  3. 1413688Fold d.58: Ferredoxin-like [54861] (59 superfamilies)
    alpha+beta sandwich with antiparallel beta-sheet; (beta-alpha-beta)x2
  4. 1416795Superfamily d.58.13: Anticodon-binding domain of PheRS [54991] (1 family) (S)
    automatically mapped to Pfam PF03147
  5. 1416796Family d.58.13.1: Anticodon-binding domain of PheRS [54992] (1 protein)
  6. 1416797Protein Phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase [54993] (1 species)
  7. 1416798Species Thermus thermophilus [TaxId:274] [54994] (11 PDB entries)
    identical sequence to Thermus aquaticus, TaxId: 271

PDB entries in Species: Thermus thermophilus [TaxId: 274]:

  1. Domain(s) for 1b70:
  2. Domain(s) for 1b7y:
  3. Domain(s) for 1eiy:
  4. Domain(s) for 1jjc:
  5. Domain(s) for 1pys:
  6. Domain(s) for 2akw:
  7. Domain(s) for 2aly:
  8. Domain(s) for 2amc:
  9. Domain(s) for 2iy5:
  10. Domain(s) for 3hfz:
  11. Domain(s) for 3teh:

More info for Species Thermus thermophilus [TaxId:274] from d.58.13.1 Phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase

Timeline for Species Thermus thermophilus [TaxId:274] from d.58.13.1 Phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase: