Lineage for Species: Arthrobacter globiformis [TaxId: 1665]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2923792Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (396 folds)
  3. 2935697Fold d.17: Cystatin-like [54402] (7 superfamilies)
    Core: alpha-beta(4); helix packs against coiled antiparallel beta-sheet
  4. 2935960Superfamily d.17.2: Amine oxidase N-terminal region [54416] (2 families) (S)
  5. 2935961Family d.17.2.1: Amine oxidase N-terminal region [54417] (2 proteins)
    duplication: contains two domains of this fold
  6. 2935962Protein Copper amine oxidase, domains 1 and 2 [54418] (4 species)
  7. 2935963Species Arthrobacter globiformis [TaxId:1665] [54421] (41 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P46881 9-628

PDB entries in Species: Arthrobacter globiformis [TaxId: 1665]:

  1. Domain(s) for 1av4:
    1. 2936058Domain d1av4a2: 1av4 A:9-96 [38049]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1av4a1
      complexed with cu
    2. 2936059Domain d1av4a3: 1av4 A:97-211 [38050]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1av4a1
      complexed with cu
  2. Domain(s) for 1avk:
    1. 2936056Domain d1avka2: 1avk A:9-96 [38047]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1avka1
    2. 2936057Domain d1avka3: 1avk A:97-211 [38048]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1avka1
  3. Domain(s) for 1avl:
    1. 2936076Domain d1avla2: 1avl A:9-96 [38051]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1avla1
      complexed with cu
    2. 2936077Domain d1avla3: 1avl A:97-211 [38052]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1avla1
      complexed with cu
  4. Domain(s) for 1iqx:
    1. 2936034Domain d1iqxa2: 1iqx A:9-96 [76758]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1iqxa1, d1iqxb1
      complexed with co
    2. 2936035Domain d1iqxa3: 1iqx A:97-211 [76759]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1iqxa1, d1iqxb1
      complexed with co
    3. 2936036Domain d1iqxb2: 1iqx B:9-96 [76761]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1iqxa1, d1iqxb1
      complexed with co
    4. 2936037Domain d1iqxb3: 1iqx B:97-211 [76762]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1iqxa1, d1iqxb1
      complexed with co
  5. Domain(s) for 1iqy:
    1. 2936012Domain d1iqya2: 1iqy A:9-96 [76764]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1iqya1, d1iqyb1
      complexed with ni
    2. 2936013Domain d1iqya3: 1iqy A:97-211 [76765]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1iqya1, d1iqyb1
      complexed with ni
    3. 2936014Domain d1iqyb2: 1iqy B:9-96 [76767]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1iqya1, d1iqyb1
      complexed with ni
    4. 2936015Domain d1iqyb3: 1iqy B:97-211 [76768]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1iqya1, d1iqyb1
      complexed with ni
  6. Domain(s) for 1iu7:
    1. 2936008Domain d1iu7a2: 1iu7 A:9-96 [76807]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1iu7a1, d1iu7b1
      complexed with cu
    2. 2936009Domain d1iu7a3: 1iu7 A:97-211 [76808]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1iu7a1, d1iu7b1
      complexed with cu
    3. 2936010Domain d1iu7b2: 1iu7 B:9-96 [76810]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1iu7a1, d1iu7b1
      complexed with cu
    4. 2936011Domain d1iu7b3: 1iu7 B:97-211 [76811]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1iu7a1, d1iu7b1
      complexed with cu
  7. Domain(s) for 1ivu:
    1. 2936072Domain d1ivua2: 1ivu A:9-96 [71445]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ivua1, d1ivub1
      complexed with cu
    2. 2936073Domain d1ivua3: 1ivu A:97-211 [71446]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ivua1, d1ivub1
      complexed with cu
    3. 2936074Domain d1ivub2: 1ivu B:9-96 [71448]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ivua1, d1ivub1
      complexed with cu
    4. 2936075Domain d1ivub3: 1ivu B:97-211 [71449]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ivua1, d1ivub1
      complexed with cu
  8. Domain(s) for 1ivv:
    1. 2936082Domain d1ivva2: 1ivv A:9-96 [71451]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ivva1, d1ivvb1
      complexed with cu
    2. 2936083Domain d1ivva3: 1ivv A:97-211 [71452]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ivva1, d1ivvb1
      complexed with cu
    3. 2936084Domain d1ivvb2: 1ivv B:9-96 [71454]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ivva1, d1ivvb1
      complexed with cu
    4. 2936085Domain d1ivvb3: 1ivv B:97-211 [71455]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ivva1, d1ivvb1
      complexed with cu
  9. Domain(s) for 1ivw:
    1. 2936066Domain d1ivwa2: 1ivw A:9-96 [71457]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ivwa1, d1ivwb1
      complexed with cu
    2. 2936067Domain d1ivwa3: 1ivw A:97-211 [71458]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ivwa1, d1ivwb1
      complexed with cu
    3. 2936068Domain d1ivwb2: 1ivw B:9-96 [71460]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ivwa1, d1ivwb1
      complexed with cu
    4. 2936069Domain d1ivwb3: 1ivw B:97-211 [71461]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ivwa1, d1ivwb1
      complexed with cu
  10. Domain(s) for 1ivx:
    1. 2936088Domain d1ivxa2: 1ivx A:9-96 [71463]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ivxa1, d1ivxb1
      complexed with cu
    2. 2936089Domain d1ivxa3: 1ivx A:97-211 [71464]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ivxa1, d1ivxb1
      complexed with cu
    3. 2936090Domain d1ivxb2: 1ivx B:9-96 [71466]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ivxa1, d1ivxb1
      complexed with cu
    4. 2936091Domain d1ivxb3: 1ivx B:97-211 [71467]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ivxa1, d1ivxb1
      complexed with cu
  11. Domain(s) for 1rjo:
    1. 2935964Domain d1rjoa2: 1rjo A:9-96 [111833]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1rjoa1
      complexed with cu, gol, na, so4, xe
    2. 2935965Domain d1rjoa3: 1rjo A:97-211 [111834]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1rjoa1
      complexed with cu, gol, na, so4, xe
  12. Domain(s) for 1sih:
    1. 2936052Domain d1siha2: 1sih A:9-96 [105576]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1siha1
      complexed with cu, gol, na, so4
    2. 2936053Domain d1siha3: 1sih A:97-211 [105577]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1siha1
      complexed with cu, gol, na, so4
  13. Domain(s) for 1sii:
    1. 2936050Domain d1siia2: 1sii A:9-96 [105579]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1siia1
      complexed with cu, gol, na, so4
    2. 2936051Domain d1siia3: 1sii A:97-211 [105580]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1siia1
      complexed with cu, gol, na, so4
  14. Domain(s) for 1ui7:
    1. 2936046Domain d1ui7a2: 1ui7 A:9-96 [99414]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ui7a1, d1ui7b1
      complexed with cu
    2. 2936047Domain d1ui7a3: 1ui7 A:97-211 [99415]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ui7a1, d1ui7b1
      complexed with cu
    3. 2936048Domain d1ui7b2: 1ui7 B:9-96 [99417]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ui7a1, d1ui7b1
      complexed with cu
    4. 2936049Domain d1ui7b3: 1ui7 B:97-211 [99418]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ui7a1, d1ui7b1
      complexed with cu
  15. Domain(s) for 1ui8:
    1. 2936000Domain d1ui8a2: 1ui8 A:9-96 [99420]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ui8a1, d1ui8b1
      complexed with cu
    2. 2936001Domain d1ui8a3: 1ui8 A:97-211 [99421]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ui8a1, d1ui8b1
      complexed with cu
    3. 2936002Domain d1ui8b2: 1ui8 B:9-96 [99423]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ui8a1, d1ui8b1
      complexed with cu
    4. 2936003Domain d1ui8b3: 1ui8 B:97-211 [99424]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ui8a1, d1ui8b1
      complexed with cu
  16. Domain(s) for 1w4n:
    1. 2936040Domain d1w4na2: 1w4n A:9-96 [120628]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1w4na1, d1w4nb1
      automatically matched to d1av4_2
      complexed with cu, gol, na, so4
    2. 2936041Domain d1w4na3: 1w4n A:97-211 [120629]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1w4na1, d1w4nb1
      automatically matched to d1av4_3
      complexed with cu, gol, na, so4
    3. 2936042Domain d1w4nb2: 1w4n B:9-96 [120631]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1w4na1, d1w4nb1
      automatically matched to d1av4_2
      complexed with cu, gol, na, so4
    4. 2936043Domain d1w4nb3: 1w4n B:97-211 [120632]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1w4na1, d1w4nb1
      automatically matched to d1av4_3
      complexed with cu, gol, na, so4
  17. Domain(s) for 1w5z:
    1. 2936070Domain d1w5za2: 1w5z A:9-96 [120646]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1w5za1
      automatically matched to d1av4_2
      complexed with cu, gol, na, so4
    2. 2936071Domain d1w5za3: 1w5z A:97-211 [120647]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1w5za1
      automatically matched to d1av4_3
      complexed with cu, gol, na, so4
  18. Domain(s) for 1w6c:
    1. 2936086Domain d1w6ca2: 1w6c A:9-96 [120654]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1w6ca1
      automated match to d1rjoa2
      complexed with cu, na
    2. 2936087Domain d1w6ca3: 1w6c A:97-211 [120655]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1w6ca1
      automated match to d1rjoa3
      complexed with cu, na
  19. Domain(s) for 1w6g:
    1. 2936016Domain d1w6ga2: 1w6g A:9-96 [120661]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1w6ga1
      automated match to d1rjoa2
      complexed with cu, gol, na, so4
    2. 2936017Domain d1w6ga3: 1w6g A:97-211 [120662]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1w6ga1
      automated match to d1rjoa3
      complexed with cu, gol, na, so4
  20. Domain(s) for 1wmn:
    1. 2936004Domain d1wmna2: 1wmn A:9-96 [121051]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1wmna1, d1wmnb1
      automated match to d1ivwa2
      complexed with co
    2. 2936005Domain d1wmna3: 1wmn A:97-211 [121052]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1wmna1, d1wmnb1
      automated match to d1ivwa3
      complexed with co
    3. 2936006Domain d1wmnb2: 1wmn B:9-96 [121054]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1wmna1, d1wmnb1
      automated match to d1ivwa2
      complexed with co
    4. 2936007Domain d1wmnb3: 1wmn B:97-211 [121055]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1wmna1, d1wmnb1
      automated match to d1ivwa3
      complexed with co
  21. Domain(s) for 1wmo:
    1. 2936022Domain d1wmoa2: 1wmo A:9-96 [121057]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1wmoa1, d1wmob1
      automated match to d1ivwa2
      complexed with ni
    2. 2936023Domain d1wmoa3: 1wmo A:97-211 [121058]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1wmoa1, d1wmob1
      automated match to d1ivwa3
      complexed with ni
    3. 2936024Domain d1wmob2: 1wmo B:9-96 [121060]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1wmoa1, d1wmob1
      automated match to d1ivwa2
      complexed with ni
    4. 2936025Domain d1wmob3: 1wmo B:97-211 [121061]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1wmoa1, d1wmob1
      automated match to d1ivwa3
      complexed with ni
  22. Domain(s) for 1wmp:
    1. 2936026Domain d1wmpa2: 1wmp A:9-96 [121063]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1wmpa1, d1wmpb1
      automated match to d1ivwa2
      complexed with co
    2. 2936027Domain d1wmpa3: 1wmp A:97-211 [121064]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1wmpa1, d1wmpb1
      automated match to d1ivwa3
      complexed with co
    3. 2936028Domain d1wmpb2: 1wmp B:9-96 [121066]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1wmpa1, d1wmpb1
      automated match to d1ivwa2
      complexed with co
    4. 2936029Domain d1wmpb3: 1wmp B:97-211 [121067]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1wmpa1, d1wmpb1
      automated match to d1ivwa3
      complexed with co
  23. Domain(s) for 2bt3:
    1. 2935966Domain d2bt3a2: 2bt3 A:9-96 [129138]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2bt3a1
      automated match to d1rjoa2
      complexed with cu, gol, na, r4a, so4
    2. 2935967Domain d2bt3a3: 2bt3 A:97-211 [129139]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2bt3a1
      automated match to d1rjoa3
      complexed with cu, gol, na, r4a, so4
  24. Domain(s) for 2cfd:
    1. 2936030Domain d2cfda2: 2cfd A:9-96 [130370]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cfda1, d2cfdb1
      automated match to d1rjoa2
      complexed with cu, gol, na, r4a, so4
    2. 2936031Domain d2cfda3: 2cfd A:97-211 [130371]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cfda1, d2cfdb1
      automated match to d1rjoa3
      complexed with cu, gol, na, r4a, so4
    3. 2936032Domain d2cfdb2: 2cfd B:9-96 [130373]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cfda1, d2cfdb1
      automated match to d1rjoa2
      complexed with cu, gol, na, r4a, so4
    4. 2936033Domain d2cfdb3: 2cfd B:97-211 [130374]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cfda1, d2cfdb1
      automated match to d1rjoa3
      complexed with cu, gol, na, r4a, so4
  25. Domain(s) for 2cfg:
    1. 2936018Domain d2cfga2: 2cfg A:9-96 [130377]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cfga1, d2cfgb1
      automated match to d1rjoa2
      complexed with cu, gol, na, r4a, so4
    2. 2936019Domain d2cfga3: 2cfg A:97-211 [130378]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cfga1, d2cfgb1
      automated match to d1rjoa3
      complexed with cu, gol, na, r4a, so4
    3. 2936020Domain d2cfgb2: 2cfg B:9-96 [130380]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cfga1, d2cfgb1
      automated match to d1rjoa2
      complexed with cu, gol, na, r4a, so4
    4. 2936021Domain d2cfgb3: 2cfg B:97-211 [130381]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cfga1, d2cfgb1
      automated match to d1rjoa3
      complexed with cu, gol, na, r4a, so4
  26. Domain(s) for 2cfk:
    1. 2936060Domain d2cfka2: 2cfk A:9-96 [130385]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cfka1
      automated match to d1rjoa2
      complexed with cu, gol, na, r5a, r5b, so4
    2. 2936061Domain d2cfka3: 2cfk A:97-211 [130386]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cfka1
      automated match to d1rjoa3
      complexed with cu, gol, na, r5a, r5b, so4
  27. Domain(s) for 2cfl:
    1. 2936064Domain d2cfla2: 2cfl A:9-96 [130388]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cfla1
      automated match to d1rjoa2
      complexed with cu, gol, na, r6a, so4
    2. 2936065Domain d2cfla3: 2cfl A:97-211 [130389]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cfla1
      automated match to d1rjoa3
      complexed with cu, gol, na, r6a, so4
  28. Domain(s) for 2cfw:
    1. 2936054Domain d2cfwa2: 2cfw A:9-96 [130393]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cfwa1
      automated match to d1rjoa2
      complexed with cu, gol, na, r7u, so4
    2. 2936055Domain d2cfwa3: 2cfw A:97-211 [130394]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cfwa1
      automated match to d1rjoa3
      complexed with cu, gol, na, r7u, so4
  29. Domain(s) for 2cg0:
    1. 2936062Domain d2cg0a2: 2cg0 A:9-96 [130412]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cg0a1
      automated match to d1rjoa2
      complexed with cu, gol, na, r9a, so4
    2. 2936063Domain d2cg0a3: 2cg0 A:97-211 [130413]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cg0a1
      automated match to d1rjoa3
      complexed with cu, gol, na, r9a, so4
  30. Domain(s) for 2cg1:
    1. 2936044Domain d2cg1a2: 2cg1 A:9-96 [130415]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cg1a1
      automated match to d1rjoa2
      complexed with 11r, cu, gol, na, so4
    2. 2936045Domain d2cg1a3: 2cg1 A:97-211 [130416]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cg1a1
      automated match to d1rjoa3
      complexed with 11r, cu, gol, na, so4
  31. Domain(s) for 2cwt:
    1. 2935984Domain d2cwta2: 2cwt A:9-96 [130935]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cwta1, d2cwtb1
      automatically matched to d1av4_2
      complexed with cu
    2. 2935985Domain d2cwta3: 2cwt A:97-211 [130936]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cwta1, d2cwtb1
      automatically matched to d1av4_3
      complexed with cu
    3. 2935986Domain d2cwtb2: 2cwt B:9-96 [130938]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cwta1, d2cwtb1
      automatically matched to d1av4_2
      complexed with cu
    4. 2935987Domain d2cwtb3: 2cwt B:97-211 [130939]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cwta1, d2cwtb1
      automatically matched to d1av4_3
      complexed with cu
  32. Domain(s) for 2cwu:
    1. 2935980Domain d2cwua2: 2cwu A:9-96 [130941]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cwua1, d2cwub1
      automatically matched to d1av4_2
      complexed with cu
    2. 2935981Domain d2cwua3: 2cwu A:97-211 [130942]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cwua1, d2cwub1
      automatically matched to d1av4_3
      complexed with cu
    3. 2935982Domain d2cwub2: 2cwu B:9-96 [130944]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cwua1, d2cwub1
      automatically matched to d1av4_2
      complexed with cu
    4. 2935983Domain d2cwub3: 2cwu B:97-211 [130945]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cwua1, d2cwub1
      automatically matched to d1av4_3
      complexed with cu
  33. Domain(s) for 2cwv:
    1. 2935996Domain d2cwva2: 2cwv A:9-96 [130947]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cwva1, d2cwvb1
      automatically matched to d1av4_2
      complexed with cu
    2. 2935997Domain d2cwva3: 2cwv A:97-211 [130948]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cwva1, d2cwvb1
      automatically matched to d1av4_3
      complexed with cu
    3. 2935998Domain d2cwvb2: 2cwv B:9-96 [130950]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cwva1, d2cwvb1
      automatically matched to d1av4_2
      complexed with cu
    4. 2935999Domain d2cwvb3: 2cwv B:97-211 [130951]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cwva1, d2cwvb1
      automatically matched to d1av4_3
      complexed with cu
  34. Domain(s) for 2d1w:
    1. 2935976Domain d2d1wa2: 2d1w A:9-96 [131146]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2d1wa1, d2d1wb1
      automatically matched to d1av4_2
      complexed with cu
    2. 2935977Domain d2d1wa3: 2d1w A:97-211 [131147]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2d1wa1, d2d1wb1
      automatically matched to d1av4_3
      complexed with cu
    3. 2935978Domain d2d1wb2: 2d1w B:9-96 [131149]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2d1wa1, d2d1wb1
      automatically matched to d1av4_2
      complexed with cu
    4. 2935979Domain d2d1wb3: 2d1w B:97-211 [131150]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2d1wa1, d2d1wb1
      automatically matched to d1av4_3
      complexed with cu
  35. Domain(s) for 2e2t:
    1. 2936038Domain d2e2ta2: 2e2t A:9-96 [146656]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2e2ta1
      automatically matched to d1av4a2
      complexed with cu
    2. 2936039Domain d2e2ta3: 2e2t A:97-211 [146657]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2e2ta1
      automatically matched to d1av4a3
      complexed with cu
  36. Domain(s) for 2e2u:
    1. 2935968Domain d2e2ua2: 2e2u A:9-96 [146659]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2e2ua1, d2e2ub1
      automatically matched to d1av4a2
      complexed with cu
    2. 2935969Domain d2e2ua3: 2e2u A:97-211 [146660]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2e2ua1, d2e2ub1
      automatically matched to d1av4a3
      complexed with cu
    3. 2935970Domain d2e2ub2: 2e2u B:9-96 [146662]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2e2ua1, d2e2ub1
      automatically matched to d1av4a2
      complexed with cu
    4. 2935971Domain d2e2ub3: 2e2u B:97-211 [146663]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2e2ua1, d2e2ub1
      automatically matched to d1av4a3
      complexed with cu
  37. Domain(s) for 2e2v:
    1. 2935992Domain d2e2va2: 2e2v A:9-96 [146665]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2e2va1, d2e2vb1
      automatically matched to d1av4a2
      complexed with cu
    2. 2935993Domain d2e2va3: 2e2v A:97-211 [146666]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2e2va1, d2e2vb1
      automatically matched to d1av4a3
      complexed with cu
    3. 2935994Domain d2e2vb2: 2e2v B:9-96 [146668]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2e2va1, d2e2vb1
      automatically matched to d1av4a2
      complexed with cu
    4. 2935995Domain d2e2vb3: 2e2v B:97-211 [146669]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2e2va1, d2e2vb1
      automatically matched to d1av4a3
      complexed with cu
  38. Domain(s) for 2yx9:
    1. 2935988Domain d2yx9a2: 2yx9 A:9-96 [153818]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2yx9a1, d2yx9b1
      automatically matched to d1av4a2
      complexed with cu
    2. 2935989Domain d2yx9a3: 2yx9 A:97-211 [153819]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2yx9a1, d2yx9b1
      automatically matched to d1av4a3
      complexed with cu
    3. 2935990Domain d2yx9b2: 2yx9 B:9-96 [153821]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2yx9a1, d2yx9b1
      automatically matched to d1av4a2
      complexed with cu
    4. 2935991Domain d2yx9b3: 2yx9 B:97-211 [153822]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2yx9a1, d2yx9b1
      automatically matched to d1av4a3
      complexed with cu
  39. Domain(s) for 2zl8:
    1. 2935972Domain d2zl8a2: 2zl8 A:9-96 [154621]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2zl8a1, d2zl8b1
      automated match to d1ivwa2
      complexed with cu
    2. 2935973Domain d2zl8a3: 2zl8 A:97-211 [154622]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2zl8a1, d2zl8b1
      automated match to d1ivwa3
      complexed with cu
    3. 2935974Domain d2zl8b2: 2zl8 B:9-96 [154624]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2zl8a1, d2zl8b1
      automated match to d1ivwa2
      complexed with cu
    4. 2935975Domain d2zl8b3: 2zl8 B:97-211 [154625]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2zl8a1, d2zl8b1
      automated match to d1ivwa3
      complexed with cu
  40. Domain(s) for 3amo:
    1. 2936078Domain d3amoa1: 3amo A:9-96 [208266]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3amoa3, d3amob3
      automated match to d1ivwa2
      complexed with cu, gol, na
    2. 2936079Domain d3amoa2: 3amo A:97-211 [208267]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3amoa3, d3amob3
      automated match to d1ivwa3
      complexed with cu, gol, na
    3. 2936080Domain d3amob1: 3amo B:9-96 [208269]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3amoa3, d3amob3
      automated match to d1ivwa2
      complexed with cu, gol, na
    4. 2936081Domain d3amob2: 3amo B:97-211 [208270]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3amoa3, d3amob3
      automated match to d1ivwa3
      complexed with cu, gol, na
  41. Domain(s) for 7f8k:
    1. 3085544Domain d7f8ka1: 7f8k A:9-96 [421861]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d7f8ka3
      automated match to d1av4a2
      complexed with cu, tpq
    2. 3085545Domain d7f8ka2: 7f8k A:97-211 [421862]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d7f8ka3
      automated match to d1av4a3
      complexed with cu, tpq

More info for Species Arthrobacter globiformis [TaxId:1665] from d.17.2.1 Copper amine oxidase, domains 1 and 2

Timeline for Species Arthrobacter globiformis [TaxId:1665] from d.17.2.1 Copper amine oxidase, domains 1 and 2: