Lineage for Protein: Ubiquitin

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.03
  2. 1396887Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (376 folds)
  3. 1402144Fold d.15: beta-Grasp (ubiquitin-like) [54235] (14 superfamilies)
    core: beta(2)-alpha-beta(2); mixed beta-sheet 2143
  4. 1402145Superfamily d.15.1: Ubiquitin-like [54236] (9 families) (S)
  5. 1402146Family d.15.1.1: Ubiquitin-related [54237] (39 proteins)
    Pfam PF00240
  6. 1402319Protein Ubiquitin [54238] (7 species)


  1. African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) [TaxId:8355] [224918] (1 PDB entry)
  2. 1402322Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), smt3 [TaxId:4932] [89830] (7 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1otr:
    2. Domain for 1q0w:
    3. Domain for 1wr1:
    4. Domain for 2g3q:
    5. Domain for 2jt4:
    6. Domain for 2jwz:
    7. Domains for 3cmm:
      1. 1402323Domain d3cmmb_: 3cmm B: [156833]
        automated match to d1otrb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with pro
      2. 1402324Domain d3cmmd_: 3cmm D: [156834]
        automated match to d1otrb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with pro
  3. Cow (Bos taurus) [TaxId:9913] [224919] (26 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1aar:
      1. 1402362Domain d1aara_: 1aar A: [37586]
      2. 1402363Domain d1aarb_: 1aar B: [37587]
    2. Domains for 1p3q:
      1. 1402384Domain d1p3qu_: 1p3q U: [87750]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1p3qq_, d1p3qr_
        annotated as bovine in PDB, identical to human sequence
      2. 1402385Domain d1p3qv_: 1p3q V: [87751]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1p3qq_, d1p3qr_
        annotated as bovine in PDB, identical to human sequence
    3. Domain for 1uzx:
      • 1402354Domain d1uzxb_: 1uzx B: [100239]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1uzxa_
        annotated as bovine in PDB, identical to human sequence
        complexed with mes, so4
    4. Domain for 1v80:
    5. Domain for 1v81:
    6. Domains for 1wr6:
      1. 1402371Domain d1wr6e_: 1wr6 E: [121186]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wr6a1, d1wr6b_, d1wr6c_, d1wr6d_
        automated match to d1aara_
      2. 1402372Domain d1wr6f_: 1wr6 F: [121187]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wr6a1, d1wr6b_, d1wr6c_, d1wr6d_
        automated match to d1aara_
      3. 1402373Domain d1wr6g_: 1wr6 G: [121188]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wr6a1, d1wr6b_, d1wr6c_, d1wr6d_
        automated match to d1aara_
      4. 1402374Domain d1wr6h_: 1wr6 H: [121189]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wr6a1, d1wr6b_, d1wr6c_, d1wr6d_
        automated match to d1aara_
    7. Domain for 1wrd:
    8. Domains for 1yd8:
      1. 1402376Domain d1yd8u_: 1yd8 U: [122974]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1yd8g1, d1yd8h_
        automated match to d1aara_
      2. 1402377Domain d1yd8v_: 1yd8 V: [122975]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1yd8g1, d1yd8h_
        automated match to d1aara_
    9. Domain for 2c7m:
    10. Domains for 2c7n:
      1. 1402355Domain d2c7nb1: 2c7n B:1-74 [130070]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c7na1, d2c7nc1, d2c7ng1, d2c7ni1
        automatically matched to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
      2. 1402356Domain d2c7nd1: 2c7n D:1-74 [130072]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c7na1, d2c7nc1, d2c7ng1, d2c7ni1
        automatically matched to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
      3. 1402357Domain d2c7nf1: 2c7n F:1-74 [130073]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c7na1, d2c7nc1, d2c7ng1, d2c7ni1
        automatically matched to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
      4. 1402358Domain d2c7nh1: 2c7n H:1-73 [130075]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c7na1, d2c7nc1, d2c7ng1, d2c7ni1
        automatically matched to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
      5. 1402359Domain d2c7nj1: 2c7n J:1-72 [130077]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c7na1, d2c7nc1, d2c7ng1, d2c7ni1
        automatically matched to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
      6. 1402360Domain d2c7nl1: 2c7n L:1-74 [130078]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c7na1, d2c7nc1, d2c7ng1, d2c7ni1
        automatically matched to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
    11. Domains for 2d3g:
      1. 1402344Domain d2d3ga_: 2d3g A: [131206]
        automated match to d1aara_
      2. 1402345Domain d2d3gb_: 2d3g B: [131207]
        automated match to d1aara_
    12. Domain for 2dx5:
    13. Domain for 2fid:
    14. Domains for 2fif:
      1. 1402366Domain d2fifa_: 2fif A: [133518]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fifb_, d2fifd_, d2fiff_
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with so4, zn
      2. 1402367Domain d2fifc_: 2fif C: [133520]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fifb_, d2fifd_, d2fiff_
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with so4, zn
      3. 1402368Domain d2fife_: 2fif E: [133522]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fifb_, d2fifd_, d2fiff_
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with so4, zn
    15. Domain for 2hd5:
    16. Domain for 2oob:
    17. Domains for 2qho:
      1. 1402350Domain d2qhoa_: 2qho A: [150790]
        automated match to d1aara_
      2. 1402351Domain d2qhoc_: 2qho C: [150791]
        automated match to d1aara_
      3. 1402352Domain d2qhoe_: 2qho E: [150792]
        automated match to d1aara_
      4. 1402353Domain d2qhog_: 2qho G: [150793]
        automated match to d1aara_
    18. Domains for 2wwz:
      1. 1402332Domain d2wwza_: 2wwz A: [169677]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
      2. 1402333Domain d2wwzb_: 2wwz B: [169678]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
    19. Domains for 2xbb:
      1. 1402369Domain d2xbbc_: 2xbb C: [169990]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2xbba_, d2xbbb_
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with gol
      2. 1402370Domain d2xbbd_: 2xbb D: [169991]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2xbba_, d2xbbb_
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with gol
    20. Domains for 2zcc:
      1. 1402334Domain d2zcca_: 2zcc A: [154337]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
      2. 1402335Domain d2zccb_: 2zcc B: [154338]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
      3. 1402336Domain d2zccc_: 2zcc C: [154339]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
    21. Domains for 3ldz:
      1. 1402381Domain d3ldze_: 3ldz E: [180204]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ldza_, d3ldzb_, d3ldzc_, d3ldzd_
        automated match to d1p3qu_
      2. 1402382Domain d3ldzf_: 3ldz F: [180205]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ldza_, d3ldzb_, d3ldzc_, d3ldzd_
        automated match to d1p3qu_
      3. 1402383Domain d3ldzg_: 3ldz G: [180206]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ldza_, d3ldzb_, d3ldzc_, d3ldzd_
        automated match to d1p3qu_
    22. Domains for 3m3j:
      1. 1402338Domain d3m3ja_: 3m3j A: [180788]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with edo, so4
      2. 1402339Domain d3m3jb_: 3m3j B: [180789]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with edo, so4
      3. 1402340Domain d3m3jc_: 3m3j C: [180790]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with edo, so4
      4. 1402341Domain d3m3jd_: 3m3j D: [180791]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with edo, so4
      5. 1402342Domain d3m3je_: 3m3j E: [180792]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with edo, so4
      6. 1402343Domain d3m3jf_: 3m3j F: [180793]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with edo, so4
    23. Domain for 4bbn:
    24. Domain for 4ljo:
    25. Domain for 4ljp:
    26. Domain for 4m0w:
  4. 1402386Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [54239] (99 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P62988
    identical sequence in many other species
    1. Domain for 1c3t:
    2. Domain for 1d3z:
    3. Domains for 1f9j:
      1. 1402542Domain d1f9ja_: 1f9j A: [37590]
        a new crystal form of tetraubiquitin
      2. 1402543Domain d1f9jb_: 1f9j B: [37591]
        a new crystal form of tetraubiquitin
    4. Domain for 1fxt:
    5. Domain for 1g6j:
    6. Domains for 1gjz:
      1. 1402571Domain d1gjza_: 1gjz A: [65223]
      2. 1402572Domain d1gjzb_: 1gjz B: [65224]
    7. Domains for 1nbf:
      1. 1402511Domain d1nbfc_: 1nbf C: [80389]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1nbfa_, d1nbfb_, d1nbfe_
        complex with USP7
      2. 1402512Domain d1nbfd_: 1nbf D: [80390]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1nbfa_, d1nbfb_, d1nbfe_
        complex with USP7
    8. Domain for 1ogw:
      • 1402391Domain d1ogwa_: 1ogw A: [87001]
        synthetic protein with fluoro-Leu at 50 and 67
    9. Domain for 1q5w:
    10. Domains for 1s1q:
      1. 1402456Domain d1s1qb_: 1s1q B: [98352]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s1qa_, d1s1qc_
        complexed with acy, cu, so4
      2. 1402457Domain d1s1qd_: 1s1q D: [98354]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s1qa_, d1s1qc_
        complexed with acy, cu, so4
    11. Domain for 1sif:
    12. Domains for 1tbe:
      1. 1402516Domain d1tbea_: 1tbe A: [37588]
      2. 1402517Domain d1tbeb_: 1tbe B: [37589]
    13. Domain for 1ubi:
    14. Domain for 1ubq:
    15. Domain for 1ud7:
    16. Domains for 1xd3:
      1. 1402389Domain d1xd3b_: 1xd3 B: [115146]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1xd3a_, d1xd3c_
        complexed with gve, mg
      2. 1402390Domain d1xd3d_: 1xd3 D: [115148]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1xd3a_, d1xd3c_
        complexed with gve, mg
    17. Domain for 1xqq:
    18. Domain for 1yx5:
    19. Domain for 1yx6:
    20. Domain for 1zgu:
    21. Domain for 2ayo:
    22. Domains for 2bgf:
      1. 1402566Domain d2bgfa1: 2bgf A:1-76 [128476]
        automatically matched to d1aara_
      2. 1402567Domain d2bgfb1: 2bgf B:1-76 [128477]
        automatically matched to d1aara_
    23. Domain for 2den:
    24. Domains for 2g45:
      1. 1402458Domain d2g45b_: 2g45 B: [134578]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2g45a_, d2g45d_
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with cl, zn
      2. 1402459Domain d2g45e_: 2g45 E: [134579]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2g45a_, d2g45d_
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with cl, zn
    25. Domain for 2gmi:
    26. Domain for 2hth:
    27. Domain for 2ibi:
    28. Domains for 2j7q:
      1. 1402406Domain d2j7qb_: 2j7q B: [138127]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j7qa1, d2j7qc1
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with gol, gve, mg, pg4
      2. 1402407Domain d2j7qd_: 2j7q D: [138128]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j7qa1, d2j7qc1
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with gol, gve, mg, pg4
    29. Domains for 2jf5:
      1. 1402444Domain d2jf5a_: 2jf5 A: [148030]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with cd, cl, co, mg
      2. 1402445Domain d2jf5b_: 2jf5 B: [148031]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with cd, cl, co, mg
    30. Domains for 2jri:
      1. 1402576Domain d2jrib1: 2jri B:183-255 [148185]
        automatically matched to d1aara_
      2. 1402577Domain d2jric1: 2jri C:259-331 [148186]
        automatically matched to d1aara_
    31. Domain for 2jy6:
    32. Domain for 2jzz:
    33. Domain for 2k6d:
    34. Domain for 2nr2:
    35. Domains for 2o6v:
      1. 1402480Domain d2o6va_: 2o6v A: [138922]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2o6vb_, d2o6vf_
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with mes, so4
      2. 1402481Domain d2o6vc_: 2o6v C: [138924]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2o6vb_, d2o6vf_
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with mes, so4
      3. 1402482Domain d2o6vd1: 2o6v D:301-376 [145715]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2o6vb_, d2o6vf_
        complexed with mes, so4
      4. 1402483Domain d2o6ve_: 2o6v E: [138925]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2o6vb_, d2o6vf_
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with mes, so4
      5. 1402484Domain d2o6vg_: 2o6v G: [138927]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2o6vb_, d2o6vf_
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with mes, so4
      6. 1402485Domain d2o6vh_: 2o6v H: [145716]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2o6vb_, d2o6vf_
        automated match to d2o6vd1
        complexed with mes, so4
    36. Domains for 2pe9:
      1. 1402558Domain d2pe9a1: 2pe9 A:1-72 [149399]
        automatically matched to d1aara_
      2. 1402559Domain d2pe9b1: 2pe9 B:1-72 [149400]
        automatically matched to d1aara_
    37. Domains for 2pea:
      1. 1402560Domain d2peaa1: 2pea A:1-72 [149401]
        automatically matched to d1aara_
      2. 1402561Domain d2peab1: 2pea B:1-72 [149402]
        automatically matched to d1aara_
    38. Domains for 2wdt:
      1. 1402475Domain d2wdtb_: 2wdt B: [169256]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wdta_, d2wdtc_
        automated match to d1uzxb_
        complexed with cl
      2. 1402476Domain d2wdtd_: 2wdt D: [169258]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wdta_, d2wdtc_
        automated match to d1uzxb_
        complexed with cl
    39. Domains for 2xew:
      1. 1402462Domain d2xewa_: 2xew A: [170063]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with cl, edo, flc
      2. 1402463Domain d2xewb_: 2xew B: [170064]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with cl, edo, flc
      3. 1402464Domain d2xewc_: 2xew C: [170065]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with cl, edo, flc
      4. 1402465Domain d2xewd_: 2xew D: [170066]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with cl, edo, flc
      5. 1402466Domain d2xewe_: 2xew E: [170067]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with cl, edo, flc
      6. 1402467Domain d2xewf_: 2xew F: [170068]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with cl, edo, flc
      7. 1402468Domain d2xewg_: 2xew G: [170069]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with cl, edo, flc
      8. 1402469Domain d2xewh_: 2xew H: [170070]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with cl, edo, flc
      9. 1402470Domain d2xewi_: 2xew I: [170071]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with cl, edo, flc
      10. 1402471Domain d2xewj_: 2xew J: [170072]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with cl, edo, flc
      11. 1402472Domain d2xewk_: 2xew K: [170073]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with cl, edo, flc
      12. 1402473Domain d2xewl_: 2xew L: [170074]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with cl, edo, flc
    40. Domain for 2z59:
    41. Domain for 3a33:
    42. Domains for 3alb:
      1. 1402420Domain d3alba_: 3alb A: [172232]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with so4
      2. 1402421Domain d3albb_: 3alb B: [172233]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with so4
      3. 1402422Domain d3albc_: 3alb C: [172234]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with so4
      4. 1402423Domain d3albd_: 3alb D: [172235]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with so4
    43. Domains for 3aul:
      1. 1402478Domain d3aula_: 3aul A: [172342]
        automated match to d1aara_
      2. 1402479Domain d3aulb_: 3aul B: [172343]
        automated match to d1aara_
    44. Domain for 3by4:
    45. Domains for 3c0r:
      1. 1402489Domain d3c0rb_: 3c0r B: [155839]
        automated match to d1uzxb_
        complexed with 3cn
      2. 1402490Domain d3c0rd_: 3c0r D: [155840]
        automated match to d1uzxb_
        complexed with 3cn
    46. Domains for 3dvg:
      1. 1402533Domain d3dvgx_: 3dvg X: [157892]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3dvga1, d3dvga2, d3dvgb1, d3dvgb2
        automated match to d1aara_
      2. 1402534Domain d3dvgy_: 3dvg Y: [157893]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3dvga1, d3dvga2, d3dvgb1, d3dvgb2
        automated match to d1aara_
    47. Domains for 3dvn:
      1. 1402536Domain d3dvnu_: 3dvn U: [157902]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3dvna1, d3dvna2, d3dvnb1, d3dvnb2, d3dvnh1, d3dvnh2, d3dvnl1, d3dvnl2
        automated match to d1aara_
      2. 1402537Domain d3dvnv_: 3dvn V: [157903]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3dvna1, d3dvna2, d3dvnb1, d3dvnb2, d3dvnh1, d3dvnh2, d3dvnl1, d3dvnl2
        automated match to d1aara_
      3. 1402538Domain d3dvnx_: 3dvn X: [157904]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3dvna1, d3dvna2, d3dvnb1, d3dvnb2, d3dvnh1, d3dvnh2, d3dvnl1, d3dvnl2
        automated match to d1aara_
      4. 1402539Domain d3dvny_: 3dvn Y: [157905]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3dvna1, d3dvna2, d3dvnb1, d3dvnb2, d3dvnh1, d3dvnh2, d3dvnl1, d3dvnl2
        automated match to d1aara_
    48. Domain for 3efu:
    49. Domains for 3ehv:
      1. 1402433Domain d3ehva_: 3ehv A: [174939]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
      2. 1402434Domain d3ehvb_: 3ehv B: [174940]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
      3. 1402435Domain d3ehvc_: 3ehv C: [174941]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
    50. Domains for 3h7p:
      1. 1402436Domain d3h7pa_: 3h7p A: [177310]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with cd
      2. 1402437Domain d3h7pb_: 3h7p B: [177311]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with cd
    51. Domains for 3h7s:
      1. 1402460Domain d3h7sa_: 3h7s A: [177312]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
      2. 1402461Domain d3h7sb_: 3h7s B: [177313]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
    52. Domains for 3hm3:
      1. 1402439Domain d3hm3a_: 3hm3 A: [177688]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
      2. 1402440Domain d3hm3b_: 3hm3 B: [177689]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
      3. 1402441Domain d3hm3c_: 3hm3 C: [177690]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
      4. 1402442Domain d3hm3d_: 3hm3 D: [177691]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
    53. Domains for 3i3t:
      1. 1402529Domain d3i3tb_: 3i3t B: [178067]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3i3ta_, d3i3tc_, d3i3te_, d3i3tg_
        automated match to d1uzxb_
        complexed with neh, zn
      2. 1402530Domain d3i3td_: 3i3t D: [178069]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3i3ta_, d3i3tc_, d3i3te_, d3i3tg_
        automated match to d1uzxb_
        complexed with neh, zn
      3. 1402531Domain d3i3tf_: 3i3t F: [178071]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3i3ta_, d3i3tc_, d3i3te_, d3i3tg_
        automated match to d1uzxb_
        complexed with neh, zn
      4. 1402532Domain d3i3th_: 3i3t H: [178073]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3i3ta_, d3i3tc_, d3i3te_, d3i3tg_
        automated match to d1uzxb_
        complexed with neh, zn
    54. Domain for 3ifw:
    55. Domains for 3ihp:
      1. 1402547Domain d3ihpc_: 3ihp C: [178324]
        automated match to d1uzxb_
        complexed with cl, neh, zn
      2. 1402548Domain d3ihpd_: 3ihp D: [178325]
        automated match to d1uzxb_
        complexed with cl, neh, zn
    56. Domain for 3jsv:
    57. Domain for 3k9o:
    58. Domain for 3kvf:
    59. Domain for 3kw5:
    60. Domain for 3mhs:
    61. Domains for 3mtn:
      1. 1402540Domain d3mtnb_: 3mtn B: [181547]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3mtna_, d3mtnc_
        automated match to d1p3qu_
        complexed with cl, gol, zn
      2. 1402541Domain d3mtnd_: 3mtn D: [181549]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3mtna_, d3mtnc_
        automated match to d1p3qu_
        complexed with cl, gol, zn
    62. Domain for 3n32:
    63. Domain for 3n3k:
    64. Domain for 3nhe:
    65. Domains for 3ns8:
      1. 1402404Domain d3ns8a_: 3ns8 A: [214037]
        automated match to d1ogwa_
        complexed with epe, gol
      2. 1402405Domain d3ns8b_: 3ns8 B: [214038]
        automated match to d1ogwa_
        complexed with epe, gol
    66. Domains for 3o65:
      1. 1402519Domain d3o65b_: 3o65 B: [182825]
        automated match to d1uzxb_
        complexed with na
      2. 1402520Domain d3o65d_: 3o65 D: [182826]
        automated match to d1uzxb_
        complexed with na
      3. 1402521Domain d3o65f_: 3o65 F: [182827]
        automated match to d1uzxb_
        complexed with na
      4. 1402522Domain d3o65h_: 3o65 H: [182828]
        automated match to d1uzxb_
        complexed with na
    67. Domains for 3ofi:
      1. 1402501Domain d3ofic_: 3ofi C: [182991]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with dio, zn
      2. 1402502Domain d3ofid_: 3ofi D: [182992]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with dio, zn
    68. Domains for 3oj3:
      1. 1402503Domain d3oj3a_: 3oj3 A: [183060]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
      2. 1402504Domain d3oj3b_: 3oj3 B: [183061]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
      3. 1402505Domain d3oj3c_: 3oj3 C: [183062]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
      4. 1402506Domain d3oj3d_: 3oj3 D: [183063]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
      5. 1402507Domain d3oj3e_: 3oj3 E: [183064]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
      6. 1402508Domain d3oj3f_: 3oj3 F: [183065]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
      7. 1402509Domain d3oj3g_: 3oj3 G: [183066]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
      8. 1402510Domain d3oj3h_: 3oj3 H: [183067]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
    69. Domain for 3ons:
    70. Domains for 3phw:
      1. 1402452Domain d3phwb_: 3phw B: [183745]
        automated match to d1uzxb_
        complexed with neh
      2. 1402453Domain d3phwd_: 3phw D: [183746]
        automated match to d1uzxb_
        complexed with neh
      3. 1402454Domain d3phwf_: 3phw F: [183747]
        automated match to d1uzxb_
        complexed with neh
      4. 1402455Domain d3phwh_: 3phw H: [183748]
        automated match to d1uzxb_
        complexed with neh
    71. Domains for 3prm:
      1. 1402492Domain d3prmb_: 3prm B: [183934]
        automated match to d1uzxb_
        complexed with 3cn
      2. 1402493Domain d3prmd_: 3prm D: [183935]
        automated match to d1uzxb_
        complexed with 3cn
    72. Domains for 3prp:
      1. 1402396Domain d3prpb_: 3prp B: [183936]
        automated match to d1uzxb_
        complexed with 3cn
      2. 1402397Domain d3prpd_: 3prp D: [183937]
        automated match to d1uzxb_
        complexed with 3cn
    73. Domain for 3pt2:
    74. Domains for 3ptf:
      1. 1402527Domain d3ptfc_: 3ptf C: [183970]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ptfa_, d3ptfb_
        automated match to d1aara_
      2. 1402528Domain d3ptfd_: 3ptf D: [183971]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ptfa_, d3ptfb_
        automated match to d1aara_
    75. Domains for 3rul:
      1. 1402523Domain d3rula_: 3rul A: [195221]
        automated match to d3noba_
        complexed with cl, m12, man, n1l, tla
      2. 1402524Domain d3rulb_: 3rul B: [195220]
        automated match to d3noba_
        complexed with cl, m12, man, n1l, tla
      3. 1402525Domain d3rulc_: 3rul C: [195219]
        automated match to d3noba_
        complexed with cl, m12, man, n1l, tla
      4. 1402526Domain d3ruld_: 3rul D: [200535]
        automated match to d3rulc_
        complexed with cl, m12, man, n1l, tla
    76. Domains for 3tbl:
      1. 1402552Domain d3tbld_: 3tbl D: [216728]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3tbla1, d3tbla2, d3tblb1, d3tblb2, d3tblc1, d3tblc2
        automated match to d1ogwa_
      2. 1402553Domain d3tble_: 3tbl E: [216729]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3tbla1, d3tbla2, d3tblb1, d3tblb2, d3tblc1, d3tblc2
        automated match to d1ogwa_
    77. Domains for 3tmp:
      1. 1402426Domain d3tmpb_: 3tmp B: [185879]
        automated match to d1aara_
      2. 1402427Domain d3tmpd_: 3tmp D: [185880]
        automated match to d1aara_
      3. 1402428Domain d3tmpf_: 3tmp F: [185881]
        automated match to d1aara_
      4. 1402429Domain d3tmph_: 3tmp H: [185882]
        automated match to d1aara_
    78. Domain for 3ugb:
    79. Domain for 3v6c:
    80. Domain for 3v6e:
    81. Domains for 3vuw:
      1. 1402430Domain d3vuwa_: 3vuw A: [218106]
        automated match to d1ogwa_
        complexed with k, zn
      2. 1402431Domain d3vuwb_: 3vuw B: [218107]
        automated match to d1ogwa_
        complexed with k, zn
      3. 1402432Domain d3vuwc_: 3vuw C: [218108]
        automated match to d1ogwa_
        complexed with k, zn
    82. Domains for 3vux:
      1. 1402393Domain d3vuxa_: 3vux A: [218109]
        automated match to d1ogwa_
        complexed with edo, k, zn
      2. 1402394Domain d3vuxb_: 3vux B: [218110]
        automated match to d1ogwa_
        complexed with edo, k, zn
      3. 1402395Domain d3vuxc_: 3vux C: [218111]
        automated match to d1ogwa_
        complexed with edo, k, zn
    83. Domains for 3vuy:
      1. 1402449Domain d3vuya_: 3vuy A: [218112]
        automated match to d1ogwa_
        complexed with k, zn
      2. 1402450Domain d3vuyb_: 3vuy B: [218113]
        automated match to d1ogwa_
        complexed with k, zn
      3. 1402451Domain d3vuyc_: 3vuy C: [218114]
        automated match to d1ogwa_
        complexed with k, zn
    84. Domains for 3zlz:
      1. 1402554Domain d3zlza_: 3zlz A: [201344]
        automated match to d1zgub1
        complexed with zn
      2. 1402555Domain d3zlzb_: 3zlz B: [193162]
        automated match to d1zgub1
        complexed with zn
    85. Domains for 4bos:
      1. 1402486Domain d4bosc_: 4bos C: [219533]
        automated match to d1ogwa_
        complexed with mg, no3
      2. 1402487Domain d4bose_: 4bos E: [219534]
        automated match to d1ogwa_
        complexed with mg, no3
    86. Domain for 4bvu:
    87. Domains for 4dhj:
      1. 1402495Domain d4dhjb_: 4dhj B: [201701]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4dhjc_, d4dhjg_, d4dhjk_, d4dhjn_
        automated match to d1ogwa_
      2. 1402496Domain d4dhjd_: 4dhj D: [201703]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4dhjc_, d4dhjg_, d4dhjk_, d4dhjn_
        automated match to d4bbnf_
      3. 1402497Domain d4dhjf_: 4dhj F: [201704]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4dhjc_, d4dhjg_, d4dhjk_, d4dhjn_
        automated match to d1ogwa_
      4. 1402498Domain d4dhjh_: 4dhj H: [201706]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4dhjc_, d4dhjg_, d4dhjk_, d4dhjn_
        automated match to d4bbnf_
      5. 1402499Domain d4dhjj_: 4dhj J: [201707]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4dhjc_, d4dhjg_, d4dhjk_, d4dhjn_
        automated match to d1ogwa_
      6. 1402500Domain d4dhjm_: 4dhj M: [201708]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4dhjc_, d4dhjg_, d4dhjk_, d4dhjn_
        automated match to d1ogwa_
    88. Domains for 4fjv:
      1. 1402447Domain d4fjvb_: 4fjv B: [197304]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fjva_, d4fjvc_
        automated match to d3nobh_
        complexed with gol, neh
      2. 1402448Domain d4fjvd_: 4fjv D: [202038]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fjva_, d4fjvc_
        automated match to d4fjvb_
        complexed with gol, neh
    89. Domains for 4hxd:
      1. 1402544Domain d4hxda_: 4hxd A: [196901]
        automated match to d3noba_
        complexed with 3cn, so4
      2. 1402545Domain d4hxdc_: 4hxd C: [202509]
        automated match to d1xd3b_
        complexed with 3cn, so4
    90. Domain for 4i6l:
    91. Domains for 4i6n:
      1. 1402402Domain d4i6nb_: 4i6n B: [197189]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4i6na_, d4i6nc_
        automated match to d3noba_
        complexed with dtt, gve, na
      2. 1402403Domain d4i6nd_: 4i6n D: [202578]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4i6na_, d4i6nc_
        automated match to d1xd3b_
        complexed with dtt, gve, na
    92. Domain for 4ig7:
    93. Domain for 4ium:
    94. Domain for 4jqw:
    95. Domains for 4k7s:
      1. 1402413Domain d4k7sa_: 4k7s A: [224193]
        automated match to d1ogwa_
        complexed with act, edo, zn
      2. 1402414Domain d4k7sb_: 4k7s B: [224194]
        automated match to d1ogwa_
        complexed with act, edo, zn
      3. 1402415Domain d4k7sc_: 4k7s C: [224195]
        automated match to d1ogwa_
        complexed with act, edo, zn
    96. Domains for 4k7u:
      1. 1402398Domain d4k7ua_: 4k7u A: [224196]
        automated match to d1ogwa_
        complexed with act, edo, peg, zn
      2. 1402399Domain d4k7ub_: 4k7u B: [224197]
        automated match to d1ogwa_
        complexed with act, edo, peg, zn
      3. 1402400Domain d4k7uc_: 4k7u C: [224198]
        automated match to d1ogwa_
        complexed with act, edo, peg, zn
    97. Domains for 4k7w:
      1. 1402417Domain d4k7wa_: 4k7w A: [224199]
        automated match to d1ogwa_
        complexed with act, edo, zn
      2. 1402418Domain d4k7wb_: 4k7w B: [224200]
        automated match to d1ogwa_
        complexed with act, edo, zn
      3. 1402419Domain d4k7wc_: 4k7w C: [224201]
        automated match to d1ogwa_
        complexed with act, edo, zn
    98. Domains for 4ksk:
      1. 1402514Domain d4kskc_: 4ksk C: [202875]
        automated match to d4ap4f_
        complexed with so4
      2. 1402515Domain d4kskd_: 4ksk D: [197271]
        automated match to d3nobh_
        complexed with so4
    99. Domains for 4ldt:
      1. 1402424Domain d4ldtb_: 4ldt B: [227601]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ldtc_
        automated match to d1ogwa_
        complexed with edo, mg
      2. 1402425Domain d4ldtd_: 4ldt D: [227600]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ldtc_
        automated match to d1ogwa_
        complexed with edo, mg
  5. 1402586Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] [190020] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2znv:
      1. 1402591Domain d2znvc_: 2znv C: [154708]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2znvb_, d2znve_
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with edo, zn
      2. 1402592Domain d2znvf_: 2znv F: [154710]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2znvb_, d2znve_
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with edo, zn
    2. Domains for 3a1q:
      1. 1402593Domain d3a1qa_: 3a1q A: [171640]
        automated match to d1aara_
      2. 1402594Domain d3a1qb_: 3a1q B: [171641]
        automated match to d1aara_
      3. 1402595Domain d3a1qd_: 3a1q D: [171642]
        automated match to d1aara_
      4. 1402596Domain d3a1qe_: 3a1q E: [171643]
        automated match to d1aara_
    3. Domains for 3a9j:
      1. 1402587Domain d3a9ja_: 3a9j A: [171886]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
      2. 1402588Domain d3a9jb_: 3a9j B: [171887]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
    4. Domains for 3a9k:
      1. 1402589Domain d3a9ka_: 3a9k A: [171888]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
      2. 1402590Domain d3a9kb_: 3a9k B: [171889]
        automated match to d1aara_
        complexed with zn
    5. Domain for 3vht:
  6. Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId:10116] [224920] (1 PDB entry)
  7. 1402600Synthetic, based on Saccharomyces cerevisiae sequence [54240] (1 PDB entry)

More info for Protein Ubiquitin from d.15.1.1: Ubiquitin-related

Timeline for Protein Ubiquitin from d.15.1.1: Ubiquitin-related: