Lineage for Family c.76.1.2: Arylsulfatase

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2826024Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2905606Fold c.76: Alkaline phosphatase-like [53648] (1 superfamily)
    core:3 layers: a/b/a; mixed beta-sheet of 8 strands, order 43516728, strand 7 is antiparallel to the rest
  4. 2905607Superfamily c.76.1: Alkaline phosphatase-like [53649] (6 families) (S)
  5. 2905729Family c.76.1.2: Arylsulfatase [53653] (4 proteins)
    includes additional C-terminal alpha+beta (sub)domain


  1. 2905730Arylsulfatase A [53654] (1 species)
  2. 2905739Arylsulfatase B (4-sulfatase) [53656] (2 species)
    1. 2905740Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [53657] (1 PDB entry)
    2. 2905742Species Pseudomonas aeruginosa [TaxId:287] [69591] (1 PDB entry)
  3. 2905745Steryl-sulfatase [102649] (1 species)
    contains membrane-anchoring alpha-hairpin insertion
  4. 2905748automated matches [271610] (1 species)
    not a true protein

More info for Family c.76.1.2: Arylsulfatase

Timeline for Family c.76.1.2: Arylsulfatase: