Lineage for Species: Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId: 10116]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2434694Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2500487Fold c.66: S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases [53334] (1 superfamily)
    core: 3 layers, a/b/a; mixed beta-sheet of 7 strands, order 3214576; strand 7 is antiparallel to the rest
  4. 2500488Superfamily c.66.1: S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases [53335] (60 families) (S)
  5. 2500489Family c.66.1.1: COMT-like [53336] (4 proteins)
  6. 2500500Protein Catechol O-methyltransferase, COMT [53337] (2 species)
  7. 2500516Species Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId:10116] [53338] (87 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId: 10116]:

  1. Domain(s) for 1h1d:
  2. Domain(s) for 1jr4:
  3. Domain(s) for 1vid:
  4. Domain(s) for 3a7d:
  5. Domain(s) for 3nw9:
  6. Domain(s) for 3nwb:
    • 2500542Domain d3nwba_: 3nwb A: [196280]
      automated match to d3u81a_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with 659, cl, mg, nhe, so4
  7. Domain(s) for 3nwe:
    • 2500559Domain d3nwea_: 3nwe A: [196281]
      automated match to d3u81a_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with 662, cl, mg, nhe, so4
  8. Domain(s) for 3oe4:
  9. Domain(s) for 3oe5:
  10. Domain(s) for 3ozr:
  11. Domain(s) for 3ozs:
  12. Domain(s) for 3ozt:
  13. Domain(s) for 3r6t:
    • 2500532Domain d3r6ta_: 3r6t A: [184825]
      automated match to d1h1da_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with cl, dtd, lu1, mg, nhe, so4
  14. Domain(s) for 3s68:
  15. Domain(s) for 3u81:
  16. Domain(s) for 4p7g:
    1. 2500630Domain d4p7ga_: 4p7g A: [257436]
      automated match to d1jr4a_
      complexed with k, po4
    2. 2500631Domain d4p7gb_: 4p7g B: [257438]
      automated match to d1h1da_
      complexed with k, po4
    3. 2500632Domain d4p7gc_: 4p7g C: [257439]
      automated match to d1h1da_
      complexed with k, po4
    4. 2500633Domain d4p7gd_: 4p7g D: [257440]
      automated match to d1h1da_
      complexed with k, po4
  17. Domain(s) for 4p7j:
  18. Domain(s) for 4p7k:
  19. Domain(s) for 4pyl:
  20. Domain(s) for 4pym:
  21. Domain(s) for 4pyn:
  22. Domain(s) for 4pyo:
    1. 2500586Domain d4pyoa_: 4pyo A: [259265]
      automated match to d3u81a_
      complexed with k, mg, sah
    2. 2500587Domain d4pyob_: 4pyo B: [259266]
      automated match to d3u81a_
      complexed with k, mg, sah
  23. Domain(s) for 4pyq:
    1. 2500534Domain d4pyqa_: 4pyq A: [267248]
      automated match to d4p7ka_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with 2x1, act, cl, na, so4
    2. 2500535Domain d4pyqb_: 4pyq B: [267249]
      automated match to d4p7ka_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with 2x1, act, cl, na, so4
  24. Domain(s) for 5fhq:
  25. Domain(s) for 5fhr:
    1. 2500567Domain d5fhra_: 5fhr A: [314407]
      automated match to d2cl5a_
      complexed with br, dnc, mg, sam; mutant
    2. 2500568Domain d5fhrb_: 5fhr B: [314347]
      automated match to d2cl5a_
      complexed with br, dnc, mg, sam; mutant
  26. Domain(s) for 5k01:
  27. Domain(s) for 5k03:
  28. Domain(s) for 5k05:
    1. 2500613Domain d5k05a_: 5k05 A: [322207]
      automated match to d4pyoa_
      complexed with 6p5, so4
    2. 2500614Domain d5k05b_: 5k05 B: [322430]
      automated match to d4pyoa_
      complexed with 6p5, so4
  29. Domain(s) for 5k09:
    1. 2500638Domain d5k09a1: 5k09 A:2-217 [322231]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k09a2, d5k09g2, d5k09r2
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6pq, k, po4
    2. 2500639Domain d5k09b_: 5k09 B: [322201]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k09a2, d5k09g2, d5k09r2
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6pq, k, po4
    3. 2500640Domain d5k09c_: 5k09 C: [322192]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k09a2, d5k09g2, d5k09r2
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6pq, k, po4
    4. 2500641Domain d5k09d_: 5k09 D: [322436]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k09a2, d5k09g2, d5k09r2
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6pq, k, po4
    5. 2500642Domain d5k09e_: 5k09 E: [322432]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k09a2, d5k09g2, d5k09r2
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6pq, k, po4
    6. 2500643Domain d5k09f_: 5k09 F: [322243]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k09a2, d5k09g2, d5k09r2
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6pq, k, po4
    7. 2500644Domain d5k09g1: 5k09 G:2-217 [322332]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k09a2, d5k09g2, d5k09r2
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6pq, k, po4
    8. 2500645Domain d5k09h_: 5k09 H: [322422]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k09a2, d5k09g2, d5k09r2
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6pq, k, po4
    9. 2500646Domain d5k09i_: 5k09 I: [322412]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k09a2, d5k09g2, d5k09r2
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6pq, k, po4
    10. 2500647Domain d5k09j_: 5k09 J: [322406]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k09a2, d5k09g2, d5k09r2
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6pq, k, po4
    11. 2500648Domain d5k09k_: 5k09 K: [322321]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k09a2, d5k09g2, d5k09r2
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6pq, k, po4
    12. 2500649Domain d5k09l_: 5k09 L: [322199]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k09a2, d5k09g2, d5k09r2
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6pq, k, po4
    13. 2500650Domain d5k09m_: 5k09 M: [322206]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k09a2, d5k09g2, d5k09r2
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6pq, k, po4
    14. 2500651Domain d5k09n_: 5k09 N: [322212]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k09a2, d5k09g2, d5k09r2
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6pq, k, po4
    15. 2500652Domain d5k09o_: 5k09 O: [322440]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k09a2, d5k09g2, d5k09r2
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6pq, k, po4
    16. 2500653Domain d5k09p_: 5k09 P: [322215]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k09a2, d5k09g2, d5k09r2
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6pq, k, po4
    17. 2500654Domain d5k09q_: 5k09 Q: [322421]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k09a2, d5k09g2, d5k09r2
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6pq, k, po4
    18. 2500655Domain d5k09r1: 5k09 R:2-217 [322303]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k09a2, d5k09g2, d5k09r2
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6pq, k, po4
    19. 2500656Domain d5k09s_: 5k09 S: [322431]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k09a2, d5k09g2, d5k09r2
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6pq, k, po4
    20. 2500657Domain d5k09t_: 5k09 T: [322399]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k09a2, d5k09g2, d5k09r2
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6pq, k, po4
    21. 2500658Domain d5k09u_: 5k09 U: [322420]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k09a2, d5k09g2, d5k09r2
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6pq, k, po4
    22. 2500659Domain d5k09v_: 5k09 V: [322435]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k09a2, d5k09g2, d5k09r2
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6pq, k, po4
    23. 2500660Domain d5k09w_: 5k09 W: [322434]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k09a2, d5k09g2, d5k09r2
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6pq, k, po4
    24. 2500661Domain d5k09x_: 5k09 X: [322305]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k09a2, d5k09g2, d5k09r2
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6pq, k, po4
  30. Domain(s) for 5k0b:
    1. 2500622Domain d5k0ba_: 5k0b A: [322256]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k0bd2
      automated match to d3u81a_
      complexed with 6ps, cl, cxs, edo, k, po4
    2. 2500623Domain d5k0bb_: 5k0b B: [322396]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k0bd2
      automated match to d3u81a_
      complexed with 6ps, cl, cxs, edo, k, po4
    3. 2500624Domain d5k0bc_: 5k0b C: [322359]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k0bd2
      automated match to d3u81a_
      complexed with 6ps, cl, cxs, edo, k, po4
    4. 2500625Domain d5k0bd1: 5k0b D:3-218 [322298]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k0bd2
      automated match to d3u81a_
      complexed with 6ps, cl, cxs, edo, k, po4
    5. 2500626Domain d5k0be_: 5k0b E: [322247]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k0bd2
      automated match to d3u81a_
      complexed with 6ps, cl, cxs, edo, k, po4
    6. 2500627Domain d5k0bf_: 5k0b F: [322429]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k0bd2
      automated match to d3u81a_
      complexed with 6ps, cl, cxs, edo, k, po4
    7. 2500628Domain d5k0bg_: 5k0b G: [322214]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k0bd2
      automated match to d3u81a_
      complexed with 6ps, cl, cxs, edo, k, po4
    8. 2500629Domain d5k0bh_: 5k0b H: [322336]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k0bd2
      automated match to d3u81a_
      complexed with 6ps, cl, cxs, edo, k, po4
  31. Domain(s) for 5k0c:
    1. 2500592Domain d5k0ca_: 5k0c A: [322423]
      automated match to d4pyob_
      complexed with 6oz, edo, na, nhe
    2. 2500593Domain d5k0cb_: 5k0c B: [322191]
      automated match to d4pyob_
      complexed with 6oz, edo, na, nhe
  32. Domain(s) for 5k0e:
  33. Domain(s) for 5k0f:
    1. 2500582Domain d5k0fa_: 5k0f A: [322203]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6p1, na, nhe
    2. 2500583Domain d5k0fb_: 5k0f B: [322367]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6p1, na, nhe
  34. Domain(s) for 5k0g:
    1. 2500588Domain d5k0ga_: 5k0g A: [322224]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6pm, na, nhe
    2. 2500589Domain d5k0gb_: 5k0g B: [322229]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6pm, na, nhe
  35. Domain(s) for 5k0j:
    1. 2500594Domain d5k0ja_: 5k0j A: [322322]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6p2, na, nhe
    2. 2500595Domain d5k0jb_: 5k0j B: [322353]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6p2, na, nhe
  36. Domain(s) for 5k0l:
    1. 2500602Domain d5k0la_: 5k0l A: [322424]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6p2, k, mg, nhe
    2. 2500603Domain d5k0lb_: 5k0l B: [322426]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6p2, k, mg, nhe
    3. 2500604Domain d5k0lc_: 5k0l C: [322433]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6p2, k, mg, nhe
    4. 2500605Domain d5k0ld_: 5k0l D: [322193]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6p2, k, mg, nhe
  37. Domain(s) for 5k0n:
    1. 2500597Domain d5k0na_: 5k0n A: [322244]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6p0, edo, k, mg, nhe
    2. 2500598Domain d5k0nb_: 5k0n B: [322223]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6p0, edo, k, mg, nhe
    3. 2500599Domain d5k0nc_: 5k0n C: [322234]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6p0, edo, k, mg, nhe
    4. 2500600Domain d5k0nd_: 5k0n D: [322235]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 6p0, edo, k, mg, nhe
  38. Domain(s) for 5lqa:
  39. Domain(s) for 5lqc:
  40. Domain(s) for 5lqj:
    1. 2500634Domain d5lqja_: 5lqj A: [323446]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 72n, cl, k, na
    2. 2500635Domain d5lqjb_: 5lqj B: [323499]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 72n, cl, k, na
    3. 2500636Domain d5lqjc_: 5lqj C: [323450]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 72n, cl, k, na
    4. 2500637Domain d5lqjd_: 5lqj D: [323468]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 72n, cl, k, na
  41. Domain(s) for 5lqk:
  42. Domain(s) for 5lqn:
  43. Domain(s) for 5lqr:
  44. Domain(s) for 5lqu:
    1. 2500580Domain d5lqua_: 5lqu A: [323766]
      automated match to d1h1da_
      complexed with 619, btb, cl, mg
    2. 2500581Domain d5lqub_: 5lqu B: [323739]
      automated match to d1h1da_
      complexed with 619, btb, cl, mg
  45. Domain(s) for 5lr6:
    1. 2500618Domain d5lr6a_: 5lr6 A: [322087]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 731, cl, nhe
    2. 2500619Domain d5lr6b_: 5lr6 B: [322053]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 731, cl, nhe
    3. 2500620Domain d5lr6c_: 5lr6 C: [322012]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 731, cl, nhe
    4. 2500621Domain d5lr6d_: 5lr6 D: [322022]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 731, cl, nhe
  46. Domain(s) for 5p8w:
    1. 2500606Domain d5p8wa_: 5p8w A: [322371]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with dtt, fmt, na, o01
    2. 2500607Domain d5p8wb_: 5p8w B: [322302]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with dtt, fmt, na, o01
    3. 2500608Domain d5p8wc_: 5p8w C: [322309]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with dtt, fmt, na, o01
  47. Domain(s) for 5p8x:
  48. Domain(s) for 5p8y:
  49. Domain(s) for 5p8z:
  50. Domain(s) for 5p90:
  51. Domain(s) for 5p91:
  52. Domain(s) for 5p92:
  53. Domain(s) for 5p93:
  54. Domain(s) for 5p94:
  55. Domain(s) for 5p95:
  56. Domain(s) for 5p96:
  57. Domain(s) for 5p97:
  58. Domain(s) for 5p98:
  59. Domain(s) for 5p99:
  60. Domain(s) for 5p9a:
  61. Domain(s) for 5p9b:
  62. Domain(s) for 5p9c:
  63. Domain(s) for 5p9d:
  64. Domain(s) for 5p9e:
  65. Domain(s) for 5p9n:
  66. Domain(s) for 5p9o:
  67. Domain(s) for 5p9p:
  68. Domain(s) for 5p9q:
  69. Domain(s) for 5p9r:
    1. 2500574Domain d5p9ra_: 5p9r A: [341877]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 7jj, cl, mg, na, sah
    2. 2500575Domain d5p9rb_: 5p9r B: [341878]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 7jj, cl, mg, na, sah
  70. Domain(s) for 5p9s:
  71. Domain(s) for 5p9t:
  72. Domain(s) for 5p9u:
  73. Domain(s) for 5p9v:
  74. Domain(s) for 5p9w:
  75. Domain(s) for 5p9x:
  76. Domain(s) for 5p9y:
  77. Domain(s) for 5p9z:
  78. Domain(s) for 5pa0:
  79. Domain(s) for 5pa1:
  80. Domain(s) for 5pa2:
  81. Domain(s) for 5pa3:
  82. Domain(s) for 5pa4:
  83. Domain(s) for 5pa5:
  84. Domain(s) for 5pa6:
  85. Domain(s) for 5pa7:
    1. 2500611Domain d5pa7a_: 5pa7 A: [341896]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 7jx, mg, na, sah
    2. 2500612Domain d5pa7b_: 5pa7 B: [341866]
      automated match to d4pyna_
      complexed with 7jx, mg, na, sah
  86. Domain(s) for 6gy1:
  87. Domain(s) for 6lfe:

More info for Species Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId:10116] from c.66.1.1 Catechol O-methyltransferase, COMT

Timeline for Species Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId:10116] from c.66.1.1 Catechol O-methyltransferase, COMT: