Lineage for Protein: Threonyl-tRNA synthetase (ThrRS), C-terminal domain

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.03
  2. 1336837Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (147 folds)
  3. 1371340Fold c.51: Anticodon-binding domain-like [52953] (6 superfamilies)
    3 layers: a/b/a; mixed beta-sheet of five strands, order 21345; strand 4 is antiparallel to the rest
  4. 1371341Superfamily c.51.1: Class II aaRS ABD-related [52954] (3 families) (S)
  5. 1371342Family c.51.1.1: Anticodon-binding domain of Class II aaRS [52955] (6 proteins)
  6. 1371427Protein Threonyl-tRNA synthetase (ThrRS), C-terminal domain [52962] (2 species)


  1. 1371428Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [52963] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1evk:
      1. 1371436Domain d1evka1: 1evk A:533-642 [33208]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1evka2, d1evkb2
        a truncated form of the enzyme
        complexed with thr, zn
      2. 1371437Domain d1evkb1: 1evk B:533-642 [33209]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1evka2, d1evkb2
        a truncated form of the enzyme
        complexed with thr, zn
    2. Domains for 1evl:
      1. 1371430Domain d1evla1: 1evl A:533-642 [33202]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1evla2, d1evlb2, d1evlc2, d1evld2
        a truncated form of the enzyme
        complexed with tsb, zn
      2. 1371431Domain d1evlb1: 1evl B:533-642 [33203]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1evla2, d1evlb2, d1evlc2, d1evld2
        a truncated form of the enzyme
        complexed with tsb, zn
      3. 1371432Domain d1evlc1: 1evl C:533-642 [33204]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1evla2, d1evlb2, d1evlc2, d1evld2
        a truncated form of the enzyme
        complexed with tsb, zn
      4. 1371433Domain d1evld1: 1evl D:533-642 [33205]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1evla2, d1evlb2, d1evlc2, d1evld2
        a truncated form of the enzyme
        complexed with tsb, zn
    3. Domains for 1fyf:
      1. 1371434Domain d1fyfa1: 1fyf A:533-642 [33206]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1fyfa2, d1fyfb2
        a truncated form of the enzyme
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with ssa, zn
      2. 1371435Domain d1fyfb1: 1fyf B:533-642 [33207]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1fyfa2, d1fyfb2
        a truncated form of the enzyme
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with ssa, zn
    4. Domains for 1kog:
      1. 1371438Domain d1koga1: 1kog A:533-642 [72805]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1koga2, d1kogb2, d1kogc2, d1kogd2, d1koge2, d1kogf2, d1kogg2, d1kogh2
        a truncated form of the enzyme
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with tsb, zn
      2. 1371439Domain d1kogb1: 1kog B:533-642 [72807]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1koga2, d1kogb2, d1kogc2, d1kogd2, d1koge2, d1kogf2, d1kogg2, d1kogh2
        a truncated form of the enzyme
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with tsb, zn
      3. 1371440Domain d1kogc1: 1kog C:533-642 [72809]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1koga2, d1kogb2, d1kogc2, d1kogd2, d1koge2, d1kogf2, d1kogg2, d1kogh2
        a truncated form of the enzyme
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with tsb, zn
      4. 1371441Domain d1kogd1: 1kog D:533-642 [72811]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1koga2, d1kogb2, d1kogc2, d1kogd2, d1koge2, d1kogf2, d1kogg2, d1kogh2
        a truncated form of the enzyme
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with tsb, zn
      5. 1371442Domain d1koge1: 1kog E:533-642 [72813]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1koga2, d1kogb2, d1kogc2, d1kogd2, d1koge2, d1kogf2, d1kogg2, d1kogh2
        a truncated form of the enzyme
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with tsb, zn
      6. 1371443Domain d1kogf1: 1kog F:533-642 [72815]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1koga2, d1kogb2, d1kogc2, d1kogd2, d1koge2, d1kogf2, d1kogg2, d1kogh2
        a truncated form of the enzyme
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with tsb, zn
      7. 1371444Domain d1kogg1: 1kog G:533-642 [72817]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1koga2, d1kogb2, d1kogc2, d1kogd2, d1koge2, d1kogf2, d1kogg2, d1kogh2
        a truncated form of the enzyme
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with tsb, zn
      8. 1371445Domain d1kogh1: 1kog H:533-642 [72819]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1koga2, d1kogb2, d1kogc2, d1kogd2, d1koge2, d1kogf2, d1kogg2, d1kogh2
        a truncated form of the enzyme
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with tsb, zn
    5. Domain for 1qf6:
  2. 1371446Staphylococcus aureus [TaxId:1280] [102469] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1nyq:
      1. 1371449Domain d1nyqa1: 1nyq A:533-645 [92346]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1nyqa2, d1nyqa3, d1nyqa4, d1nyqb2, d1nyqb3, d1nyqb4
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with tsb, zn
      2. 1371450Domain d1nyqb1: 1nyq B:533-645 [92350]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1nyqa2, d1nyqa3, d1nyqa4, d1nyqb2, d1nyqb3, d1nyqb4
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with tsb, zn
    2. Domains for 1nyr:
      1. 1371447Domain d1nyra1: 1nyr A:533-645 [92354]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1nyra2, d1nyra3, d1nyra4, d1nyrb2, d1nyrb3, d1nyrb4
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with atp, thr, zn
      2. 1371448Domain d1nyrb1: 1nyr B:533-645 [92358]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1nyra2, d1nyra3, d1nyra4, d1nyrb2, d1nyrb3, d1nyrb4
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with atp, thr, zn

More info for Protein Threonyl-tRNA synthetase (ThrRS), C-terminal domain from c.51.1.1: Anticodon-binding domain of Class II aaRS

Timeline for Protein Threonyl-tRNA synthetase (ThrRS), C-terminal domain from c.51.1.1: Anticodon-binding domain of Class II aaRS: