Lineage for Superfamily c.51.1: Class II aaRS ABD-related

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.02
  2. 1143363Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (147 folds)
  3. 1170330Fold c.51: Anticodon-binding domain-like [52953] (6 superfamilies)
    3 layers: a/b/a; mixed beta-sheet of five strands, order 21345; strand 4 is antiparallel to the rest
  4. 1170331Superfamily c.51.1: Class II aaRS ABD-related [52954] (2 families) (S)


  1. 1170332c.51.1.1: Anticodon-binding domain of Class II aaRS [52955] (6 proteins)
  2. 1170441c.51.1.2: Brix domain [142420] (1 protein)
    Pfam PF04427; tandem repeat of two ABD-like structural repeats, which are associated together with the formation of single beta-sheet, folded into half-barrel

More info for Superfamily c.51.1: Class II aaRS ABD-related

Timeline for Superfamily c.51.1: Class II aaRS ABD-related: