Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds) |
Fold c.48: TK C-terminal domain-like [52921] (1 superfamily) 3 layers: a/b/a; mixed beta-sheet of 5 strands, order 13245, strand 1 is antiparallel to the rest |
Superfamily c.48.1: TK C-terminal domain-like [52922] (4 families) |
Family c.48.1.2: Branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase beta-subunit, C-terminal-domain [52926] (5 proteins) automatically mapped to Pfam PF02780 |
Protein Branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase [52927] (2 species) |
Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [52928] (23 PDB entries) Uniprot P21953 52-392 |
Domain d1dtwb2: 1dtw B:205-342 [33102] Other proteins in same PDB: d1dtwa_, d1dtwb1 complexed with k, mg, tdp |
Domain d1olsb2: 1ols B:205-342 [93333] Other proteins in same PDB: d1olsa_, d1olsb1 complexed with gol, k, mn, tdp |
Domain d1olub2: 1olu B:205-342 [93337] Other proteins in same PDB: d1olua_, d1olub1 complexed with gol, k, mg, tdp |
Domain d1olxb2: 1olx B:205-342 [93340] Other proteins in same PDB: d1olxa_, d1olxb1 complexed with gol, k, mn, tdp |
Domain d1u5bb2: 1u5b B:205-342 [113036] Other proteins in same PDB: d1u5ba_, d1u5bb1 complexed with gol, k, mn, tdp |
Domain d1v11b2: 1v11 B:205-342 [108229] Other proteins in same PDB: d1v11a_, d1v11b1 complexed with ben, cl, gol, k, mn, tdp |
Domain d1v16b2: 1v16 B:205-342 [108242] Other proteins in same PDB: d1v16a_, d1v16b1 complexed with ben, cl, gol, k, mn, tdp |
Domain d1v1mb2: 1v1m B:205-342 [108263] Other proteins in same PDB: d1v1ma_, d1v1mb1 complexed with ben, cl, gol, k, mn, tdp |
Domain d1v1rb2: 1v1r B:205-342 [108274] Other proteins in same PDB: d1v1ra_, d1v1rb1 complexed with cl, gol, k, na, so4 |
Domain d1wcib2: 1wci B:205-342 [120892] Other proteins in same PDB: d1wcia_, d1wcib1 automated match to d1v16b2 complexed with cl, gol, k, mn, wwf |
Domain d1x7wb2: 1x7w B:205-342 [114940] Other proteins in same PDB: d1x7wa_, d1x7wb1 complexed with cl, gol, k, mn, tdp |
Domain d1x7xb2: 1x7x B:205-342 [114943] Other proteins in same PDB: d1x7xa_, d1x7xb1 complexed with cl, gol, k, mn, tdp |
Domain d1x7yb2: 1x7y B:205-342 [114946] Other proteins in same PDB: d1x7ya_, d1x7yb1 complexed with cl, gol, k, mn, tdp |
Domain d1x7zb2: 1x7z B:205-342 [114949] Other proteins in same PDB: d1x7za_, d1x7zb1 complexed with cl, gol, k, mn, tdp |
Domain d1x80b2: 1x80 B:205-342 [114952] Other proteins in same PDB: d1x80a_, d1x80b1 complexed with cl, gol, k, mn, tdp |
Domain d2beub2: 2beu B:205-342 [128391] Other proteins in same PDB: d2beua_, d2beub1 automated match to d1v16b2 complexed with cl, gol, k, mn, so4, thv |
Domain d2bevb2: 2bev B:205-342 [128394] Other proteins in same PDB: d2beva_, d2bevb1 automated match to d1v16b2 complexed with cl, gol, k, mn, thy |
Domain d2bewb2: 2bew B:205-342 [128397] Other proteins in same PDB: d2bewa_, d2bewb1 automated match to d1v16b2 complexed with cl, gol, k, mn, thw |
Domain d2bfbb2: 2bfb B:205-342 [197787] Other proteins in same PDB: d2bfba1, d2bfbb1 automated match to d1x7yb2 complexed with cl, gol, k, mn, mrd, tdp |
Domain d2bfcb2: 2bfc B:205-342 [128418] Other proteins in same PDB: d2bfca1, d2bfcb1 automated match to d1v16b2 complexed with gol, k, mn, tzd |
Domain d2bfdb2: 2bfd B:205-342 [128420] Other proteins in same PDB: d2bfda1, d2bfdb1 automated match to d1v16b2 complexed with cl, gol, k, mn, mpd, tdp |
Domain d2bfeb2: 2bfe B:205-342 [197789] Other proteins in same PDB: d2bfea1, d2bfeb1 automated match to d1x7yb2 complexed with cl, gol, k, mn, mrd, tdp |
Domain d2bffb2: 2bff B:205-342 [128422] Other proteins in same PDB: d2bffa1, d2bffb1 automated match to d1v16b2 complexed with gol, k, mn, tzd |
Thermus thermophilus [TaxId:274] [102468] (4 PDB entries) |
Domain d1um9b2: 1um9 B:188-324 [99583] Other proteins in same PDB: d1um9a_, d1um9b1, d1um9c_, d1um9d1 complexed with so4 |
Domain d1um9d2: 1um9 D:188-324 [99586] Other proteins in same PDB: d1um9a_, d1um9b1, d1um9c_, d1um9d1 complexed with so4 |
Domain d1umbb2: 1umb B:188-324 [99589] Other proteins in same PDB: d1umba_, d1umbb1, d1umbc_, d1umbd1 complexed with mg, tdp |
Domain d1umbd2: 1umb D:188-324 [99592] Other proteins in same PDB: d1umba_, d1umbb1, d1umbc_, d1umbd1 complexed with mg, tdp |
Domain d1umcb2: 1umc B:188-324 [99595] Other proteins in same PDB: d1umca_, d1umcb1, d1umcc_, d1umcd1 complexed with 4mv, mg, tdp |
Domain d1umcd2: 1umc D:188-324 [99598] Other proteins in same PDB: d1umca_, d1umcb1, d1umcc_, d1umcd1 complexed with 4mv, mg, tdp |
Domain d1umdb2: 1umd B:188-324 [99601] Other proteins in same PDB: d1umda_, d1umdb1, d1umdc_, d1umdd1 complexed with coi, mg, tdp |
Domain d1umdd2: 1umd D:188-324 [99604] Other proteins in same PDB: d1umda_, d1umdb1, d1umdc_, d1umdd1 complexed with coi, mg, tdp |
Timeline for Protein Branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase from c.48.1.2: Branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase beta-subunit, C-terminal-domain: