Lineage for Superfamily c.24.1: Methylglyoxal synthase-like

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2826024Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2859565Fold c.24: Methylglyoxal synthase-like [52334] (1 superfamily)
    3 layers, a/b/a; parallel beta-sheet of 5 strands, order 32145
  4. 2859566Superfamily c.24.1: Methylglyoxal synthase-like [52335] (4 families) (S)
    contains a common phosphate-binding site


  1. 2859567c.24.1.1: Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase, large subunit allosteric, C-terminal domain [52336] (1 protein)
  2. 2859610c.24.1.2: Methylglyoxal synthase, MgsA [52339] (2 proteins)
  3. 2859656c.24.1.3: Inosicase [63971] (1 protein)
  4. 2859693c.24.1.0: automated matches [347767] (1 protein)
    not a true family

More info for Superfamily c.24.1: Methylglyoxal synthase-like

Timeline for Superfamily c.24.1: Methylglyoxal synthase-like: