Lineage for Species: Zymomonas mobilis [TaxId: 542]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.04
  2. 1565955Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 1576363Fold c.2: NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold domains [51734] (1 superfamily)
    core: 3 layers, a/b/a; parallel beta-sheet of 6 strands, order 321456
    The nucleotide-binding modes of this and the next two folds/superfamilies are similar
  4. 1576364Superfamily c.2.1: NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold domains [51735] (13 families) (S)
  5. 1578283Family c.2.1.3: Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase-like, N-terminal domain [51800] (22 proteins)
    family members also share a common alpha+beta fold in C-terminal domain
  6. 1578488Protein Glucose-fructose oxidoreductase, N-terminal domain [51825] (1 species)
  7. 1578489Species Zymomonas mobilis [TaxId:542] [51826] (8 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Zymomonas mobilis [TaxId: 542]:

  1. Domain(s) for 1evj:
    1. 1578520Domain d1evja1: 1evj A:30-160,A:323-381 [30070]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1evja2, d1evjb2, d1evjc2, d1evjd2
      complexed with nad
    2. 1578521Domain d1evjb1: 1evj B:30-160,B:323-381 [30071]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1evja2, d1evjb2, d1evjc2, d1evjd2
      complexed with nad
    3. 1578522Domain d1evjc1: 1evj C:30-160,C:323-381 [30072]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1evja2, d1evjb2, d1evjc2, d1evjd2
      complexed with nad
    4. 1578523Domain d1evjd1: 1evj D:30-160,D:323-381 [30073]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1evja2, d1evjb2, d1evjc2, d1evjd2
      complexed with nad
  2. Domain(s) for 1h6a:
    1. 1578510Domain d1h6aa1: 1h6a A:53-212,A:375-433 [65644]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1h6aa2, d1h6ab2
      complexed with ndp
    2. 1578511Domain d1h6ab1: 1h6a B:53-212,B:375-433 [65646]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1h6aa2, d1h6ab2
      complexed with ndp
  3. Domain(s) for 1h6b:
    1. 1578512Domain d1h6ba1: 1h6b A:53-212,A:375-433 [65648]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1h6ba2, d1h6bb2
      complexed with gol, ndp
    2. 1578513Domain d1h6bb1: 1h6b B:53-212,B:375-433 [65650]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1h6ba2, d1h6bb2
      complexed with gol, ndp
  4. Domain(s) for 1h6c:
    1. 1578504Domain d1h6ca1: 1h6c A:53-212,A:375-433 [65652]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1h6ca2, d1h6cb2
      complexed with gol, ndp, sin
    2. 1578505Domain d1h6cb1: 1h6c B:53-212,B:375-433 [65654]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1h6ca2, d1h6cb2
      complexed with gol, ndp, sin
  5. Domain(s) for 1h6d:
    1. 1578490Domain d1h6da1: 1h6d A:51-212,A:375-433 [65656]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1h6da2, d1h6db2, d1h6dc2, d1h6dd2, d1h6de2, d1h6df2, d1h6dg2, d1h6dh2, d1h6di2, d1h6dj2, d1h6dk2, d1h6dl2
      complexed with gol, ndp
    2. 1578491Domain d1h6db1: 1h6d B:53-212,B:375-433 [65658]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1h6da2, d1h6db2, d1h6dc2, d1h6dd2, d1h6de2, d1h6df2, d1h6dg2, d1h6dh2, d1h6di2, d1h6dj2, d1h6dk2, d1h6dl2
      complexed with gol, ndp
    3. 1578492Domain d1h6dc1: 1h6d C:52-212,C:375-433 [65660]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1h6da2, d1h6db2, d1h6dc2, d1h6dd2, d1h6de2, d1h6df2, d1h6dg2, d1h6dh2, d1h6di2, d1h6dj2, d1h6dk2, d1h6dl2
      complexed with gol, ndp
    4. 1578493Domain d1h6dd1: 1h6d D:52-212,D:375-433 [65662]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1h6da2, d1h6db2, d1h6dc2, d1h6dd2, d1h6de2, d1h6df2, d1h6dg2, d1h6dh2, d1h6di2, d1h6dj2, d1h6dk2, d1h6dl2
      complexed with gol, ndp
    5. 1578494Domain d1h6de1: 1h6d E:52-212,E:375-433 [65664]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1h6da2, d1h6db2, d1h6dc2, d1h6dd2, d1h6de2, d1h6df2, d1h6dg2, d1h6dh2, d1h6di2, d1h6dj2, d1h6dk2, d1h6dl2
      complexed with gol, ndp
    6. 1578495Domain d1h6df1: 1h6d F:53-212,F:375-433 [65666]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1h6da2, d1h6db2, d1h6dc2, d1h6dd2, d1h6de2, d1h6df2, d1h6dg2, d1h6dh2, d1h6di2, d1h6dj2, d1h6dk2, d1h6dl2
      complexed with gol, ndp
    7. 1578496Domain d1h6dg1: 1h6d G:53-212,G:375-433 [65668]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1h6da2, d1h6db2, d1h6dc2, d1h6dd2, d1h6de2, d1h6df2, d1h6dg2, d1h6dh2, d1h6di2, d1h6dj2, d1h6dk2, d1h6dl2
      complexed with gol, ndp
    8. 1578497Domain d1h6dh1: 1h6d H:53-212,H:375-433 [65670]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1h6da2, d1h6db2, d1h6dc2, d1h6dd2, d1h6de2, d1h6df2, d1h6dg2, d1h6dh2, d1h6di2, d1h6dj2, d1h6dk2, d1h6dl2
      complexed with gol, ndp
    9. 1578498Domain d1h6di1: 1h6d I:52-212,I:375-433 [65672]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1h6da2, d1h6db2, d1h6dc2, d1h6dd2, d1h6de2, d1h6df2, d1h6dg2, d1h6dh2, d1h6di2, d1h6dj2, d1h6dk2, d1h6dl2
      complexed with gol, ndp
    10. 1578499Domain d1h6dj1: 1h6d J:53-212,J:375-433 [65674]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1h6da2, d1h6db2, d1h6dc2, d1h6dd2, d1h6de2, d1h6df2, d1h6dg2, d1h6dh2, d1h6di2, d1h6dj2, d1h6dk2, d1h6dl2
      complexed with gol, ndp
    11. 1578500Domain d1h6dk1: 1h6d K:52-212,K:375-433 [65676]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1h6da2, d1h6db2, d1h6dc2, d1h6dd2, d1h6de2, d1h6df2, d1h6dg2, d1h6dh2, d1h6di2, d1h6dj2, d1h6dk2, d1h6dl2
      complexed with gol, ndp
    12. 1578501Domain d1h6dl1: 1h6d L:53-212,L:375-433 [65678]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1h6da2, d1h6db2, d1h6dc2, d1h6dd2, d1h6de2, d1h6df2, d1h6dg2, d1h6dh2, d1h6di2, d1h6dj2, d1h6dk2, d1h6dl2
      complexed with gol, ndp
  6. Domain(s) for 1ofg:
    1. 1578514Domain d1ofga1: 1ofg A:1-160,A:323-381 [30064]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ofga2, d1ofgb2, d1ofgc2, d1ofgd2, d1ofge2, d1ofgf2
      complexed with ndp
    2. 1578515Domain d1ofgb1: 1ofg B:1-160,B:323-381 [30065]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ofga2, d1ofgb2, d1ofgc2, d1ofgd2, d1ofge2, d1ofgf2
      complexed with ndp
    3. 1578516Domain d1ofgc1: 1ofg C:1-160,C:323-381 [30066]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ofga2, d1ofgb2, d1ofgc2, d1ofgd2, d1ofge2, d1ofgf2
      complexed with ndp
    4. 1578517Domain d1ofgd1: 1ofg D:1-160,D:323-381 [30067]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ofga2, d1ofgb2, d1ofgc2, d1ofgd2, d1ofge2, d1ofgf2
      complexed with ndp
    5. 1578518Domain d1ofge1: 1ofg E:1-160,E:323-381 [30068]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ofga2, d1ofgb2, d1ofgc2, d1ofgd2, d1ofge2, d1ofgf2
      complexed with ndp
    6. 1578519Domain d1ofgf1: 1ofg F:1-160,F:323-381 [30069]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ofga2, d1ofgb2, d1ofgc2, d1ofgd2, d1ofge2, d1ofgf2
      complexed with ndp
  7. Domain(s) for 1ryd:
    1. 1578502Domain d1ryda1: 1ryd A:30-160,A:323-381 [118801]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ryda2, d1rydb2
      automatically matched to d1evja1
      complexed with act, bme, glc, ndp
    2. 1578503Domain d1rydb1: 1ryd B:30-160,B:323-381 [118803]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ryda2, d1rydb2
      automatically matched to d1evja1
      complexed with act, bme, glc, ndp
  8. Domain(s) for 1rye:
    1. 1578506Domain d1ryea1: 1rye A:30-160,A:323-381 [118805]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ryea2, d1ryeb2, d1ryec2, d1ryed2
      automatically matched to d1evja1
      complexed with bme, gol, ndp
    2. 1578507Domain d1ryeb1: 1rye B:30-160,B:323-381 [118807]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ryea2, d1ryeb2, d1ryec2, d1ryed2
      automatically matched to d1evja1
      complexed with bme, gol, ndp
    3. 1578508Domain d1ryec1: 1rye C:30-160,C:323-381 [118809]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ryea2, d1ryeb2, d1ryec2, d1ryed2
      automatically matched to d1evja1
      complexed with bme, gol, ndp
    4. 1578509Domain d1ryed1: 1rye D:30-160,D:323-381 [118811]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1ryea2, d1ryeb2, d1ryec2, d1ryed2
      automatically matched to d1evja1
      complexed with bme, gol, ndp

More info for Species Zymomonas mobilis [TaxId:542] from c.2.1.3 Glucose-fructose oxidoreductase, N-terminal domain

Timeline for Species Zymomonas mobilis [TaxId:542] from c.2.1.3 Glucose-fructose oxidoreductase, N-terminal domain: