Lineage for Protein: Phosphotriesterase (parathion hydrolase, PTE)

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.01
  2. 968085Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (147 folds)
  3. 968086Fold c.1: TIM beta/alpha-barrel [51350] (33 superfamilies)
    contains parallel beta-sheet barrel, closed; n=8, S=8; strand order 12345678
    the first seven superfamilies have similar phosphate-binding sites
  4. 971605Superfamily c.1.9: Metallo-dependent hydrolases [51556] (19 families) (S)
    the beta-sheet barrel is similarly distorted and capped by a C-terminal helix
    has transition metal ions bound inside the barrel
  5. 971705Family c.1.9.3: Phosphotriesterase-like [51564] (3 proteins)
  6. 971706Protein Phosphotriesterase (parathion hydrolase, PTE) [51565] (3 species)


  1. 971707Agrobacterium tumefaciens [TaxId:358] [141815] (13 PDB entries)
    Uniprot Q93LD7 32-360
    1. Domain for 2d2g:
    2. Domain for 2r1k:
    3. Domain for 2r1l:
    4. Domain for 2r1m:
    5. Domain for 2r1n:
    6. Domain for 2r1p:
    7. Domain for 3a3w:
    8. Domain for 3a3x:
    9. Domain for 3a4j:
    10. Domain for 3c86:
    11. Domain for 3ood:
    12. Domain for 3oqe:
    13. Domain for 3so7:
  2. 971721Flavobacterium sp. atcc 27551 [TaxId:74567] [102087] (2 PDB entries)
    identical sequence to the Pseudomonas diminuta PTE
    1. Domains for 1p6b:
      1. 971722Domain d1p6ba_: 1p6b A: [94163]
        complexed with ebp, efs, zn; mutant
      2. 971723Domain d1p6bb_: 1p6b B: [94164]
        complexed with ebp, efs, zn; mutant
    2. Domains for 1p6c:
      1. 971724Domain d1p6ca_: 1p6c A: [94165]
        complexed with dii, ebp, zn; mutant
      2. 971725Domain d1p6cb_: 1p6c B: [94166]
        complexed with dii, ebp, zn; mutant
  3. 971726Pseudomonas diminuta [TaxId:293] [51566] (17 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P0A434 30-365
    1. Domains for 1dpm:
      1. 971760Domain d1dpma_: 1dpm A: [29062]
        complexed with ebp, fmt, zn
      2. 971761Domain d1dpmb_: 1dpm B: [29063]
        complexed with ebp, fmt, zn
    2. Domain for 1eyw:
    3. Domains for 1ez2:
      1. 971758Domain d1ez2a_: 1ez2 A: [29060]
        complexed with dii, zn
      2. 971759Domain d1ez2b_: 1ez2 B: [29061]
        complexed with dii, zn
    4. Domains for 1hzy:
      1. 971731Domain d1hzya_: 1hzy A: [61468]
        complexed with edo, fmt, na, pel, zn
      2. 971732Domain d1hzyb_: 1hzy B: [61469]
        complexed with edo, fmt, na, pel, zn
    5. Domains for 1i0b:
      1. 971735Domain d1i0ba_: 1i0b A: [61483]
        complexed with edo, fmt, mn, na, pel
      2. 971736Domain d1i0bb_: 1i0b B: [61484]
        complexed with edo, fmt, mn, na, pel
    6. Domains for 1i0d:
      1. 971729Domain d1i0da_: 1i0d A: [61487]
        complexed with cd, edo, fmt, na, pel, zn
      2. 971730Domain d1i0db_: 1i0d B: [61488]
        complexed with cd, edo, fmt, na, pel, zn
    7. Domains for 1jgm:
      1. 971733Domain d1jgma_: 1jgm A: [62953]
        complexed with cd, edo, na, pel
      2. 971734Domain d1jgmb_: 1jgm B: [62954]
        complexed with cd, edo, na, pel
    8. Domains for 1psc:
      1. 971756Domain d1psca_: 1psc A: [29058]
        complexed with cd, ebp, fmt
      2. 971757Domain d1pscb_: 1psc B: [29059]
        complexed with cd, ebp, fmt
    9. Domain for 1pta:
    10. Domains for 1qw7:
      1. 971750Domain d1qw7a_: 1qw7 A: [111660]
        complexed with co, ebp, na
      2. 971751Domain d1qw7b_: 1qw7 B: [111661]
        complexed with co, ebp, na
    11. Domains for 2o4m:
      1. 971737Domain d2o4ma_: 2o4m A: [166538]
        automated match to d1i0bb_
        complexed with acy, cac, gol, zn; mutant
      2. 971738Domain d2o4mb_: 2o4m B: [166539]
        automated match to d1i0bb_
        complexed with acy, cac, gol, zn; mutant
      3. 971739Domain d2o4mc_: 2o4m C: [166540]
        automated match to d1i0bb_
        complexed with acy, cac, gol, zn; mutant
      4. 971740Domain d2o4mp_: 2o4m P: [166541]
        automated match to d1i0bb_
        complexed with acy, cac, gol, zn; mutant
    12. Domains for 2o4q:
      1. 971746Domain d2o4qa_: 2o4q A: [166544]
        automated match to d1i0bb_
        complexed with cac, zn; mutant
      2. 971747Domain d2o4qb_: 2o4q B: [166545]
        automated match to d1i0bb_
        complexed with cac, zn; mutant
      3. 971748Domain d2o4qk_: 2o4q K: [166546]
        automated match to d1i0bb_
        complexed with cac, zn; mutant
      4. 971749Domain d2o4qp_: 2o4q P: [166547]
        automated match to d1i0bb_
        complexed with cac, zn; mutant
    13. Domains for 2ob3:
      1. 971727Domain d2ob3a_: 2ob3 A: [166617]
        automated match to d1eywa_
        complexed with btb, zn; mutant
      2. 971728Domain d2ob3b_: 2ob3 B: [166618]
        automated match to d1eywa_
        complexed with btb, zn; mutant
    14. Domains for 2oql:
      1. 971741Domain d2oqla_: 2oql A: [166826]
        automated match to d1hzya_
        complexed with btb, gol, zn; mutant
      2. 971742Domain d2oqlb_: 2oql B: [166827]
        automated match to d1hzya_
        complexed with btb, gol, zn; mutant
    15. Domains for 3cak:
      1. 971743Domain d3caka_: 3cak A: [173098]
        automated match to d1hzya_
        complexed with btb, co, dpf, efs
      2. 971744Domain d3cakb_: 3cak B: [173099]
        automated match to d1hzya_
        complexed with btb, co, dpf, efs
    16. Domains for 3cs2:
      1. 971752Domain d3cs2a_: 3cs2 A: [173423]
        automated match to d1i0bb_
        complexed with cac, co; mutant
      2. 971753Domain d3cs2b_: 3cs2 B: [173424]
        automated match to d1i0bb_
        complexed with cac, co; mutant
      3. 971754Domain d3cs2k_: 3cs2 K: [173425]
        automated match to d1i0bb_
        complexed with cac, co; mutant
      4. 971755Domain d3cs2p_: 3cs2 P: [173426]
        automated match to d1i0bb_
        complexed with cac, co; mutant
    17. Domains for 3e3h:
      1. 971763Domain d3e3ha_: 3e3h A: [174594]
        automated match to d1qw7a_
        complexed with co, ebp; mutant
      2. 971764Domain d3e3hb_: 3e3h B: [174595]
        automated match to d1qw7a_
        complexed with co, ebp; mutant

More info for Protein Phosphotriesterase (parathion hydrolase, PTE) from c.1.9.3: Phosphotriesterase-like

Timeline for Protein Phosphotriesterase (parathion hydrolase, PTE) from c.1.9.3: Phosphotriesterase-like: