Lineage for Protein: Plant beta-glucosidase (myrosinase)

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2826024Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2826025Fold c.1: TIM beta/alpha-barrel [51350] (34 superfamilies)
    contains parallel beta-sheet barrel, closed; n=8, S=8; strand order 12345678
    the first seven superfamilies have similar phosphate-binding sites
  4. 2829818Superfamily c.1.8: (Trans)glycosidases [51445] (15 families) (S)
  5. 2831434Family c.1.8.4: Family 1 of glycosyl hydrolase [51521] (6 proteins)
  6. 2831553Protein Plant beta-glucosidase (myrosinase) [51522] (4 species)


  1. 2831554Creeping white clover (Trifolium repens) [TaxId:3899] [51524] (1 PDB entry)
    Cyanogenic beta-glucosidase
  2. 2831556Maize (Zea mays), zmglu1 [TaxId:4577] [51525] (9 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P49235
    1. Domains for 1e1e:
      1. 2831573Domain d1e1ea_: 1e1e A: [28944]
      2. 2831574Domain d1e1eb_: 1e1e B: [28945]
    2. Domains for 1e1f:
      1. 2831571Domain d1e1fa_: 1e1f A: [28942]
        complexed with psg
      2. 2831572Domain d1e1fb_: 1e1f B: [28943]
        complexed with psg
    3. Domains for 1e4l:
      1. 2831563Domain d1e4la_: 1e4l A: [28938]
        complexed with gol; mutant
      2. 2831564Domain d1e4lb_: 1e4l B: [28939]
        complexed with gol; mutant
    4. Domains for 1e4n:
      1. 2831569Domain d1e4na_: 1e4n A: [28936]
        complexed with hbo; mutant
      2. 2831570Domain d1e4nb_: 1e4n B: [28937]
        complexed with hbo; mutant
    5. Domains for 1e55:
      1. 2831561Domain d1e55a_: 1e55 A: [28934]
        complexed with bgc, dhr; mutant
      2. 2831562Domain d1e55b_: 1e55 B: [28935]
        complexed with bgc, dhr; mutant
    6. Domains for 1e56:
      1. 2831565Domain d1e56a_: 1e56 A: [28940]
        complexed with bgc, hbo; mutant
      2. 2831566Domain d1e56b_: 1e56 B: [28941]
        complexed with bgc, hbo; mutant
    7. Domains for 1h49:
      1. 2831559Domain d1h49a_: 1h49 A: [83477]
        complexed with bgc, hbo; mutant
      2. 2831560Domain d1h49b_: 1h49 B: [83478]
        complexed with bgc, hbo; mutant
    8. Domains for 1hxj:
      1. 2831567Domain d1hxja_: 1hxj A: [76729]
      2. 2831568Domain d1hxjb_: 1hxj B: [76730]
    9. Domains for 1v08:
      1. 2831557Domain d1v08a_: 1v08 A: [108202]
        complexed with ntz
      2. 2831558Domain d1v08b_: 1v08 B: [108203]
        complexed with ntz
  3. 2831575Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) [TaxId:4558] [110351] (2 PDB entries)
    Uniprot Q41290
    1. Domains for 1v02:
      1. 2831576Domain d1v02a_: 1v02 A: [108194]
      2. 2831577Domain d1v02b_: 1v02 B: [108195]
      3. 2831578Domain d1v02c_: 1v02 C: [108196]
      4. 2831579Domain d1v02d_: 1v02 D: [108197]
      5. 2831580Domain d1v02e_: 1v02 E: [108198]
      6. 2831581Domain d1v02f_: 1v02 F: [108199]
    2. Domain for 1v03:
  4. 2831583White mustard (Sinapis alba) [TaxId:3728] [51523] (18 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1dwa:
    2. Domain for 1dwf:
    3. Domain for 1dwg:
    4. Domain for 1dwh:
    5. Domain for 1dwi:
    6. Domain for 1dwj:
    7. Domain for 1e4m:
    8. Domain for 1e6q:
    9. Domain for 1e6s:
    10. Domain for 1e6x:
    11. Domain for 1e70:
    12. Domain for 1e71:
    13. Domain for 1e72:
    14. Domain for 1e73:
    15. Domain for 1myr:
    16. Domain for 1w9b:
    17. Domain for 1w9d:
    18. Domain for 2wxd:

More info for Protein Plant beta-glucosidase (myrosinase) from c.1.8.4: Family 1 of glycosyl hydrolase

Timeline for Protein Plant beta-glucosidase (myrosinase) from c.1.8.4: Family 1 of glycosyl hydrolase: