Lineage for Superfamily b.60.1: Lipocalins

  1. Root: SCOP 1.73
  2. 651986Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (165 folds)
  3. 673645Fold b.60: Lipocalins [50813] (1 superfamily)
    barrel, closed or opened; n=8, S=12; meander
  4. 673646Superfamily b.60.1: Lipocalins [50814] (8 families) (S)
    bind hydrophobic ligands in their interior


  1. 673647b.60.1.1: Retinol binding protein-like [50815] (20 proteins)
    barrel, closed; n=8, S=12, meander
  2. 673924b.60.1.2: Fatty acid binding protein-like [50847] (17 proteins)
    ten-stranded meander beta-sheet folded upon itself
    relates to the common fold by opening the barrel and insertion of beta-hairpin
  3. 674084b.60.1.3: Thrombin inhibitor [50872] (1 protein)
    topology permutation: strands 2 and 3 swapped their positions in the barrel
  4. 674088b.60.1.4: Hypothetical protein YodA [101863] (1 protein)
    bacterial metal-binding, lipocalin-like protein
  5. 674096b.60.1.5: Hypothetical protein YwiB [101866] (1 protein)
    bacterial proteins with a fatty acid binding protein-like fold
  6. 674100b.60.1.6: Phenolic acid decarboxylase (PAD) [141469] (1 protein)
    Pfam PF05870; dimeric enzyme made of lipocalin-like subunits
  7. 674104b.60.1.7: Dinoflagellate luciferase repeat [141472] (1 protein)
    PfamB 017809; comprises a fatty acid binding protein-like fold, wrapped into the extra N- and C-terminal 'tails'
  8. 674108b.60.1.8: Rv2717c-like [141475] (2 proteins)
    bacterial and plant proteins with a fatty acid binding protein-like fold

More info for Superfamily b.60.1: Lipocalins

Timeline for Superfamily b.60.1: Lipocalins: