Lineage for Family b.52.2.3: Cdc48 N-terminal domain-like

  1. Root: SCOP 1.75
  2. 781541Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (174 folds)
  3. 804836Fold b.52: Double psi beta-barrel [50684] (2 superfamilies)
    barrel, closed; n=6, S=10; complex topology with crossover (psi) loops
  4. 804878Superfamily b.52.2: ADC-like [50692] (3 families) (S)
  5. 805019Family b.52.2.3: Cdc48 N-terminal domain-like [50708] (4 proteins)


  1. 805020Membrane fusion ATPase p97 N-terminal domain , P97-Nn [63796] (1 species)
  2. 805034N-terminal domain of NSF-N, NSF-Nn [50709] (2 species)
    NSF-N, the N-terminal 'functional' domain of the N-ethylmaleimide sensitive fusion protein, consists of two structural domains
    1. 805035Species Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), sec18p [TaxId:4932] [50711] (1 PDB entry)
    2. 805039Species Hamster (Cricetulus griseus) [TaxId:10029] [50710] (2 PDB entries)
  3. 805044N-terminal domain of VAT-N, VAT-Nn [50712] (1 species)
    VAT-N is the N-terminal 'functional' domain of the VCP-like ATPase
  4. 805048Peroxisome biogenesis factor 1 (PEX-1), N-terminal domain [110252] (1 species)

More info for Family b.52.2.3: Cdc48 N-terminal domain-like

Timeline for Family b.52.2.3: Cdc48 N-terminal domain-like: