Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (176 folds) |
Fold b.47: Trypsin-like serine proteases [50493] (1 superfamily) barrel, closed; n=6, S=8; greek-key duplication: consists of two domains of the same fold |
Superfamily b.47.1: Trypsin-like serine proteases [50494] (5 families) |
Family b.47.1.2: Eukaryotic proteases [50514] (49 proteins) |
Protein Trypsin(ogen) [50515] (9 species) |
Species Pig (Sus scrofa) [TaxId:9823] [50517] (33 PDB entries) Uniprot P00761 9-231 ! Uniprot P00761 |
Domain d1aks.1: 1aks A:,B: [25969] complexed with ca |
Domain d1an1e_: 1an1 E: [25970] Other proteins in same PDB: d1an1i_ complexed with ca |
Domain d1avwa_: 1avw A: [25965] Other proteins in same PDB: d1avwb_ complexed with ca |
Domain d1avxa_: 1avx A: [25971] Other proteins in same PDB: d1avxb_ complexed with ca |
Domain d1c9pa_: 1c9p A: [25974] Other proteins in same PDB: d1c9pb_ complexed with ca |
Domain d1ejaa_: 1eja A: [59415] Other proteins in same PDB: d1ejab_ complexed with na |
Domain d1ept.1: 1ept A:,B:,C: [25966] complexed with ca |
Domain d1fmga_: 1fmg A: [25967] complexed with ca, edo, so4 |
Domain d1fn6a_: 1fn6 A: [25964] complexed with ca, edo, moh, so4 |
Domain d1fnia_: 1fni A: [25962] complexed with ca, edo, so4 |
Domain d1h9he_: 1h9h E: [103810] Other proteins in same PDB: d1h9hi_ complexed with ca |
Domain d1h9ie_: 1h9i E: [103812] Other proteins in same PDB: d1h9ii_ complexed with ca; mutant |
Domain d1ldtt_: 1ldt T: [25968] Other proteins in same PDB: d1ldtl_ complexed with ca |
Domain d1mcta_: 1mct A: [25961] Other proteins in same PDB: d1mcti_ complexed with ca |
Domain d1pphe_: 1pph E: [25853] complexed with 0zg, ca, so4 |
Domain d1qqua_: 1qqu A: [25963] complexed with act, ca |
Domain d1s5sa_: 1s5s A: [98570] complexed with ca, gol, pg3 |
Domain d1s6fa_: 1s6f A: [98595] complexed with ca, edo, sbp, so4 |
Domain d1s6ha_: 1s6h A: [98596] complexed with 4bz, ca, mg, so4 |
Domain d1s81a_: 1s81 A: [98716] complexed with ca, edo, na, so4 |
Domain d1s82a_: 1s82 A: [98717] complexed with ca, edo, na, sbe, so4 |
Domain d1s83a_: 1s83 A: [98718] complexed with 4ha, ca, mg, so4 |
Domain d1s84a_: 1s84 A: [98719] complexed with ca, dyb, edo, so4 |
Domain d1s85a_: 1s85 A: [98720] complexed with ca, sbz, so4 |
Domain d1tfxa_: 1tfx A: [25972] Other proteins in same PDB: d1tfxc_, d1tfxd_ complexed with ca |
Domain d1tfxb_: 1tfx B: [25973] Other proteins in same PDB: d1tfxc_, d1tfxd_ complexed with ca |
Domain d1tx6a_: 1tx6 A: [119375] Other proteins in same PDB: d1tx6i1, d1tx6i2, d1tx6j1, d1tx6j2 automated match to d1an1e_ complexed with ca |
Domain d1tx6b_: 1tx6 B: [119376] Other proteins in same PDB: d1tx6i1, d1tx6i2, d1tx6j1, d1tx6j2 automated match to d1an1e_ complexed with ca |
Domain d1tx6c_: 1tx6 C: [119377] Other proteins in same PDB: d1tx6i1, d1tx6i2, d1tx6j1, d1tx6j2 automated match to d1an1e_ complexed with ca |
Domain d1tx6d_: 1tx6 D: [119378] Other proteins in same PDB: d1tx6i1, d1tx6i2, d1tx6j1, d1tx6j2 automated match to d1an1e_ complexed with ca |
Domain d1uhb.1: 1uhb A:,B: [107845] complexed with an auto catalyticaly produced native peptide from trypsin, chain P (Uniprot P00761 177-185) complexed with act, ca |
Domain d1v6da_: 1v6d A: [113546] complexed with act, ca, nme, tbf |
Domain d1yf4a_: 1yf4 A: [123048] automated match to d1an1e_ complexed with ca |
Domain d1z7ka_: 1z7k A: [124630] Other proteins in same PDB: d1z7kb_ automated match to d1an1e_ |
Domain d2a31a_: 2a31 A: [126068] automated match to d1an1e_ complexed with bo4, ca, mg, na, pg3, so4 |
Domain d2a32a_: 2a32 A: [126069] automated match to d1an1e_ complexed with bo4, ca, cxs, na, pbc, pg3 |
Domain d3mywa_: 3myw A: [181717] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mywi_ automated match to d1avwa_ complexed with ca |
Domain d3mywb_: 3myw B: [191793] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mywi_ automated match to d3mywa_ complexed with ca |
Timeline for Species Pig (Sus scrofa) [TaxId:9823] from b.47.1.2 Trypsin(ogen):