Lineage for Protein: Xylanase II

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2739516Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (180 folds)
  3. 2778274Fold b.29: Concanavalin A-like lectins/glucanases [49898] (1 superfamily)
    sandwich; 12-14 strands in 2 sheets; complex topology
  4. 2778275Superfamily b.29.1: Concanavalin A-like lectins/glucanases [49899] (27 families) (S)
  5. 2780055Family b.29.1.11: Xylanase/endoglucanase 11/12 [49978] (3 proteins)
  6. 2780100Protein Xylanase II [49979] (21 species)
    Partial overlap with common fold and the active sites of the other endoglucanases


  1. 2780101Aspergillus kawachii [TaxId:40384] [49988] (4 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P55328 29-210 # 100% sequence identity; Aspergillus awamori TaxID: 105351
    1. Domain for 1bk1:
    2. Domains for 1t6g:
      1. 2780102Domain d1t6gc_: 1t6g C: [106569]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1t6ga_, d1t6gb_
        complexed with gol
      2. 2780103Domain d1t6gd_: 1t6g D: [106570]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1t6ga_, d1t6gb_
        complexed with gol
    3. Domain for 3ri8:
    4. Domain for 3ri9:
  2. 2780107Aspergillus niger [TaxId:5061] [49987] (1 PDB entry)
  3. 2780112Bacillus agaradhaerens [TaxId:76935] [49982] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1h4g:
      1. 2780113Domain d1h4ga_: 1h4g A: [70863]
        complexed with so4; mutant
      2. 2780114Domain d1h4gb_: 1h4g B: [70864]
        complexed with so4; mutant
    2. Domains for 1h4h:
      1. 2780117Domain d1h4ha_: 1h4h A: [70865]
      2. 2780118Domain d1h4hb_: 1h4h B: [70866]
      3. 2780119Domain d1h4hc_: 1h4h C: [70867]
      4. 2780120Domain d1h4hd_: 1h4h D: [70868]
    3. Domains for 1qh6:
      1. 2780121Domain d1qh6a_: 1qh6 A: [24319]
      2. 2780122Domain d1qh6b_: 1qh6 B: [24320]
    4. Domains for 1qh7:
      1. 2780115Domain d1qh7a_: 1qh7 A: [24317]
        complexed with xyp
      2. 2780116Domain d1qh7b_: 1qh7 B: [24318]
        complexed with xyp
  4. 2780123Bacillus circulans [TaxId:1397] [49980] (21 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1bcx:
    2. Domain for 1bvv:
    3. Domain for 1c5h:
    4. Domain for 1c5i:
    5. Domain for 1hv0:
    6. Domain for 1hv1:
    7. Domain for 1xnb:
    8. Domain for 1xnc:
    9. Domain for 2b42:
    10. Domain for 2b45:
    11. Domain for 2b46:
    12. Domain for 2bvv:
    13. Domains for 2dcz:
      1. 2780135Domain d2dcza_: 2dcz A: [203951]
        automated match to d2b42b_
        complexed with dio, so4
      2. 2780136Domain d2dczb_: 2dcz B: [203952]
        automated match to d2b42b_
        complexed with dio, so4
    14. Domains for 3exu:
      1. 2780130Domain d3exua_: 3exu A: [209725]
        automated match to d2b46x_
        complexed with gol, mes
      2. 2780131Domain d3exub_: 3exu B: [209726]
        automated match to d2b46x_
        complexed with gol, mes
    15. Domains for 3hd8:
      1. 2780148Domain d3hd8b_: 3hd8 B: [191737]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3hd8a_, d3hd8c_
        automated match to d1xnba_
      2. 2780149Domain d3hd8d_: 3hd8 D: [191738]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3hd8a_, d3hd8c_
        automated match to d1xnba_
    16. Domains for 3vzj:
      1. 2780151Domain d3vzja_: 3vzj A: [197049]
        automated match to d1xnba_
        complexed with so4; mutant
      2. 2780152Domain d3vzjb_: 3vzj B: [201259]
        automated match to d3vzja_
        complexed with so4; mutant
      3. 2780153Domain d3vzjc_: 3vzj C: [201260]
        automated match to d3vzja_
        complexed with so4; mutant
      4. 2780154Domain d3vzjd_: 3vzj D: [201261]
        automated match to d3vzja_
        complexed with so4; mutant
    17. Domains for 3vzk:
      1. 2780124Domain d3vzka_: 3vzk A: [197050]
        automated match to d1c5ha_
        complexed with so4; mutant
      2. 2780125Domain d3vzkb_: 3vzk B: [201262]
        automated match to d3vzka_
        complexed with so4; mutant
    18. Domains for 3vzl:
      1. 2780143Domain d3vzla_: 3vzl A: [201263]
        automated match to d3vzlb_
        complexed with so4; mutant
      2. 2780144Domain d3vzlb_: 3vzl B: [197051]
        automated match to d1xnba_
        complexed with so4; mutant
      3. 2780145Domain d3vzlc_: 3vzl C: [201264]
        automated match to d3vzlb_
        complexed with so4; mutant
      4. 2780146Domain d3vzld_: 3vzl D: [201265]
        automated match to d3vzlb_
        complexed with so4; mutant
    19. Domain for 3vzm:
    20. Domains for 3vzn:
      1. 2780132Domain d3vzna_: 3vzn A: [218157]
        automated match to d3vzka_
        complexed with so4; mutant
      2. 2780133Domain d3vznb_: 3vzn B: [218158]
        automated match to d3vzka_
        complexed with so4; mutant
    21. Domain for 3vzo:
  5. 2780156Bacillus subtilis [TaxId:1423] [49981] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1axk:
      1. 2780163Domain d1axka2: 1axk A:157-341 [24315]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1axka1, d1axkb1
        inserted into a beta-glucanase domain from Bacillus macerans
        complexed with ca
      2. 2780164Domain d1axkb2: 1axk B:157-341 [24316]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1axka1, d1axkb1
        inserted into a beta-glucanase domain from Bacillus macerans
        complexed with ca
    2. Domain for 1xxn:
    3. Domains for 2dcy:
      1. 2780157Domain d2dcya_: 2dcy A: [131388]
        automated match to d2dcya1
        complexed with dio, tar, tla
      2. 2780158Domain d2dcyb_: 2dcy B: [131389]
        automated match to d2dcya1
        complexed with dio, tar, tla
      3. 2780159Domain d2dcyc_: 2dcy C: [131390]
        automated match to d2dcya1
        complexed with dio, tar, tla
      4. 2780160Domain d2dcyd_: 2dcy D: [131391]
        automated match to d2dcya1
        complexed with dio, tar, tla
      5. 2780161Domain d2dcye_: 2dcy E: [131392]
        automated match to d2dcya1
        complexed with dio, tar, tla
  6. 2780165Bacillus subtilis, B230 [TaxId:1423] [74910] (1 PDB entry)
  7. 2780168Chaetomium thermophilum [TaxId:209285] [89272] (1 PDB entry)
    endoxylanase 11a
  8. 2780171Dictyoglomus thermophilum [TaxId:14] [49990] (1 PDB entry)
  9. 2780174Hypocrea jecorina [TaxId:1344414] [365691] (11 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 5zf3:
    2. Domain for 5zh0:
    3. Domain for 5zh9:
    4. Domain for 5zii:
    5. Domain for 5ziw:
    6. Domain for 5zkz:
    7. Domain for 5zo0:
    8. Domain for 6k9x:
    9. Domain for 6kvv:
    10. Domain for 6kwe:
    11. Domain for 6kwh:
  10. 2780186Hypocrea jecorina [TaxId:51453] [277348] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 4xpv:
    2. Domains for 4xq4:
      1. 2780187Domain d4xq4a_: 4xq4 A: [277350]
        automated match to d2jica_
        complexed with iod
      2. 2780188Domain d4xq4b_: 4xq4 B: [277349]
        automated match to d2jica_
        complexed with iod
    3. Domains for 4xqd:
      1. 2780189Domain d4xqda_: 4xqd A: [277352]
        automated match to d2jica_
        complexed with iod, trs
      2. 2780190Domain d4xqdb_: 4xqd B: [277351]
        automated match to d2jica_
        complexed with iod, trs
    4. Domain for 5k7p:
  11. 2780193Nonomuraea flexuosa [TaxId:103836] [89273] (1 PDB entry)
  12. 2780195Paecilomyces variotii, Bainier 1907 [TaxId:45996] [49989] (1 PDB entry)
  13. 2780197Penicillium funiculosum [TaxId:28572] [110142] (2 PDB entries)
    Uniprot Q9HFH0
    1. Domain for 1te1:
    2. Domains for 3wp3:
      1. 2780198Domain d3wp3a_: 3wp3 A: [261311]
        automated match to d1te1b_
      2. 2780199Domain d3wp3b_: 3wp3 B: [262442]
        automated match to d3wp3a_
  14. 2780201Streptomyces sp. s38, xyl1 [TaxId:181109] [69240] (1 PDB entry)
  15. 2780204Thermomyces lanuginosus [TaxId:5541] [49986] (1 PDB entry)
  16. 2780206Trichoderma harzianum [TaxId:5544] [49983] (1 PDB entry)
  17. 2780208Trichoderma longibrachiatum [TaxId:5548] [158986] (6 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2jic:
    2. Domains for 3akp:
      1. 2780214Domain d3akpa_: 3akp A: [172218]
        automated match to d1enxa_
        complexed with gol
      2. 2780215Domain d3akpb_: 3akp B: [172219]
        automated match to d1enxa_
        complexed with gol
    3. Domain for 3akq:
    4. Domain for 3akr:
    5. Domain for 3aks:
    6. Domains for 3akt:
      1. 2780211Domain d3akta_: 3akt A: [172223]
        automated match to d1enxa_
        complexed with gol
      2. 2780212Domain d3aktb_: 3akt B: [172224]
        automated match to d1enxa_
        complexed with gol
  18. 2780217Trichoderma reesei [TaxId:1344414] [383615] (12 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 6jug:
    2. Domain for 6jwb:
    3. Domain for 6jxl:
    4. Domain for 6jzp:
    5. Domain for 6k9o:
    6. Domain for 6k9r:
    7. Domain for 6k9w:
    8. Domain for 6kw9:
    9. Domain for 6kwc:
    10. Domain for 6kwd:
    11. Domain for 6kwf:
    12. Domain for 6kwg:
  19. 2780230Trichoderma reesei [TaxId:51453] [235862] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 4hk8:
    2. Domain for 4hk9:
    3. Domain for 4hkl:
    4. Domain for 4hko:
    5. Domain for 4xqw:
  20. 2780236Trichoderma reesei, xynI [TaxId:51453] [49984] (1 PDB entry)
  21. 2780238Trichoderma reesei, xynII [TaxId:51453] [49985] (16 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1enx:
      1. 2780246Domain d1enxa1: 1enx A:2-190 [24325]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1enxa2, d1enxb2
      2. 2780247Domain d1enxb1: 1enx B:2-190 [24326]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1enxa2, d1enxb2
    2. Domains for 1red:
      1. 2780241Domain d1reda1: 1red A:2-190 [24329]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1reda2, d1redb2
        complexed with bez, c5x
      2. 2780242Domain d1redb1: 1red B:2-190 [24330]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1reda2, d1redb2
        complexed with bez, c5x
    3. Domains for 1ree:
      1. 2780243Domain d1reea1: 1ree A:2-190 [24331]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1reea2, d1reeb2
        complexed with 07e, bez
      2. 2780244Domain d1reeb1: 1ree B:2-190 [24332]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1reea2, d1reeb2
        complexed with 07e, bez
    4. Domains for 1ref:
      1. 2780252Domain d1refa1: 1ref A:2-190 [24333]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1refa2, d1refb2
        complexed with bez, c3x
      2. 2780253Domain d1refb1: 1ref B:2-190 [24334]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1refa2, d1refb2
        complexed with bez, c3x
    5. Domains for 1xyo:
      1. 2780250Domain d1xyoa1: 1xyo A:2-190 [24323]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1xyoa2, d1xyob2
      2. 2780251Domain d1xyob1: 1xyo B:2-190 [24324]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1xyoa2, d1xyob2
    6. Domains for 1xyp:
      1. 2780248Domain d1xypa1: 1xyp A:2-190 [24327]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1xypa2, d1xypb2
      2. 2780249Domain d1xypb1: 1xyp B:2-190 [24328]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1xypa2, d1xypb2
    7. Domain for 2d97:
    8. Domain for 2d98:
    9. Domain for 2dfb:
    10. Domain for 2dfc:
    11. Domain for 3lgr:
    12. Domain for 4hkw:
    13. Domain for 4s2d:
    14. Domain for 4s2f:
    15. Domain for 4s2g:
    16. Domain for 4s2h:

More info for Protein Xylanase II from b.29.1.11: Xylanase/endoglucanase 11/12

Timeline for Protein Xylanase II from b.29.1.11: Xylanase/endoglucanase 11/12: