Lineage for Species: Poliovirus type 1, strain Mahoney

  1. Root: SCOP 1.63
  2. 218896Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (119 folds)
  3. 225197Fold b.10: Viral coat and capsid proteins [49610] (1 superfamily)
    sandwich; 8 strands in 2 sheets; jelly-roll
    variations: some members have additional 1-2 strands
  4. 225198Superfamily b.10.1: Viral coat and capsid proteins [49611] (4 families) (S)
  5. 225328Family b.10.1.4: Animal virus proteins [49656] (18 proteins)
    mammalian viruses
  6. 225435Protein Poliovirus [49666] (3 species)
  7. 225436Species Poliovirus type 1, strain Mahoney [TaxId:12080] [49667] (11 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Poliovirus type 1, strain Mahoney:

  1. Domain(s) for 1al2:
    1. 225446Domain d1al21_: 1al2 1: [23390]
    2. 225447Domain d1al22_: 1al2 2: [23391]
    3. 225448Domain d1al23_: 1al2 3: [23392]
      complexed with myr, sph; mutant
  2. Domain(s) for 1ar6:
    1. 225461Domain d1ar61_: 1ar6 1: [23405]
    2. 225462Domain d1ar62_: 1ar6 2: [23406]
    3. 225463Domain d1ar63_: 1ar6 3: [23407]
      complexed with myr, sph; mutant
  3. Domain(s) for 1ar7:
    1. 225440Domain d1ar71_: 1ar7 1: [23387]
    2. 225441Domain d1ar72_: 1ar7 2: [23388]
    3. 225442Domain d1ar73_: 1ar7 3: [23389]
      complexed with myr, sph; mutant
  4. Domain(s) for 1ar8:
    1. 225464Domain d1ar81_: 1ar8 1: [23408]
    2. 225465Domain d1ar82_: 1ar8 2: [23409]
    3. 225466Domain d1ar83_: 1ar8 3: [23410]
      complexed with myr, sph; mutant
  5. Domain(s) for 1ar9:
    1. 225449Domain d1ar91_: 1ar9 1: [23393]
    2. 225450Domain d1ar92_: 1ar9 2: [23394]
    3. 225451Domain d1ar93_: 1ar9 3: [23395]
      complexed with myr, sph; mutant
  6. Domain(s) for 1asj:
    1. 225458Domain d1asj1_: 1asj 1: [23402]
    2. 225459Domain d1asj2_: 1asj 2: [23403]
    3. 225460Domain d1asj3_: 1asj 3: [23404]
      complexed with myr, sph
  7. Domain(s) for 1hxs:
    1. 225437Domain d1hxs1_: 1hxs 1: [65952]
    2. 225438Domain d1hxs2_: 1hxs 2: [65953]
    3. 225439Domain d1hxs3_: 1hxs 3: [65954]
      complexed with myr, plm
  8. Domain(s) for 1po1:
    1. 225452Domain d1po11_: 1po1 1: [23396]
    2. 225453Domain d1po12_: 1po1 2: [23397]
    3. 225454Domain d1po13_: 1po1 3: [23398]
      complexed with j80, myr
  9. Domain(s) for 1po2:
    1. 225455Domain d1po21_: 1po2 1: [23399]
    2. 225456Domain d1po22_: 1po2 2: [23400]
    3. 225457Domain d1po23_: 1po2 3: [23401]
      complexed with j77, myr
  10. Domain(s) for 1pov:
    1. 225467Domain d1pov0_: 1pov 0: [23411]
    2. 225468Domain d1pov1_: 1pov 1: [23412]
    3. 225469Domain d1pov3_: 1pov 3: [23413]
      complexed with myr, sph
  11. Domain(s) for 2plv:
    1. 225443Domain d2plv1_: 2plv 1: [23384]
    2. 225444Domain d2plv2_: 2plv 2: [23385]
    3. 225445Domain d2plv3_: 2plv 3: [23386]
      complexed with myr, sph

More info for Species Poliovirus type 1, strain Mahoney [TaxId:12080] from b.10.1.4 Poliovirus

Timeline for Species Poliovirus type 1, strain Mahoney [TaxId:12080] from b.10.1.4 Poliovirus: