Lineage for Protein: Comovirus coat proteins (VP37 and VP23)

  1. Root: SCOP 1.71
  2. 546417Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (149 folds)
  3. 569151Fold b.121: Nucleoplasmin-like/VP (viral coat and capsid proteins) [88632] (7 superfamilies)
    sandwich; 8 strands in 2 sheets; jelly-roll; some members can have additional 1-2 strands
    characteristic interaction between the domains of this fold allows the formation of five-fold and pseudo six-fold assemblies
  4. 569256Superfamily b.121.4: Positive stranded ssRNA viruses [88633] (8 families) (S)
  5. 569531Family b.121.4.2: Comoviridae-like VP [88636] (2 proteins)
    duplication: mature coat protein consists of three similar domains that can be in a single chain or in two separate chains
  6. 569532Protein Comovirus coat proteins (VP37 and VP23) [49627] (2 species)
    chain 1 is one-domain VP23; chain 2 is two-domain VP37


  1. 569533BPMV (Bean pod mottle virus) [TaxId:12260] [49628] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1bmv:
      1. 569540Domain d1bmv11: 1bmv 1:1001-1185 [83041]
      2. 569541Domain d1bmv21: 1bmv 2:3001-3182 [83042]
      3. 569542Domain d1bmv22: 1bmv 2:2001-2189 [83043]
    2. Domains for 1pgl:
      1. 569534Domain d1pgl11: 1pgl 1:1-185 [94690]
      2. 569535Domain d1pgl21: 1pgl 2:1-182 [94691]
      3. 569536Domain d1pgl22: 1pgl 2:183-370 [94692]
    3. Domains for 1pgw:
      1. 569537Domain d1pgw11: 1pgw 1:1-185 [94693]
      2. 569538Domain d1pgw21: 1pgw 2:20-182 [94694]
      3. 569539Domain d1pgw22: 1pgw 2:183-370 [94695]
  2. 569543CPMV (Cowpea mosaic virus) [TaxId:12264] [89227] (1 PDB entry)

More info for Protein Comovirus coat proteins (VP37 and VP23) from b.121.4.2: Comoviridae-like VP

Timeline for Protein Comovirus coat proteins (VP37 and VP23) from b.121.4.2: Comoviridae-like VP: