Lineage for Protein: Extracellular region of human tissue factor

  1. Root: SCOP 1.73
  2. 651986Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (165 folds)
  3. 651987Fold b.1: Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich [48725] (27 superfamilies)
    sandwich; 7 strands in 2 sheets; greek-key
    some members of the fold have additional strands
  4. 657193Superfamily b.1.2: Fibronectin type III [49265] (1 family) (S)
  5. 657194Family b.1.2.1: Fibronectin type III [49266] (43 proteins)
    Pfam PF00041
  6. 657284Protein Extracellular region of human tissue factor [49267] (2 species)
    tandem of fibronectin type III domains


  1. 657285Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [49268] (10 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1ahw:
      1. 657304Domain d1ahwc1: 1ahw C:4-106 [21963]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ahwa1, d1ahwa2, d1ahwb1, d1ahwb2, d1ahwd1, d1ahwd2, d1ahwe1, d1ahwe2
      2. 657305Domain d1ahwc2: 1ahw C:107-211 [21964]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ahwa1, d1ahwa2, d1ahwb1, d1ahwb2, d1ahwd1, d1ahwd2, d1ahwe1, d1ahwe2
      3. 657306Domain d1ahwf1: 1ahw F:4-106 [21965]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ahwa1, d1ahwa2, d1ahwb1, d1ahwb2, d1ahwd1, d1ahwd2, d1ahwe1, d1ahwe2
      4. 657307Domain d1ahwf2: 1ahw F:107-211 [21966]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ahwa1, d1ahwa2, d1ahwb1, d1ahwb2, d1ahwd1, d1ahwd2, d1ahwe1, d1ahwe2
    2. Domains for 1boy:
      1. 657294Domain d1boya1: 1boy A:3-106 [21955]
      2. 657295Domain d1boya2: 1boy A:107-213 [21956]
    3. Domains for 1dan:
      1. 657290Domain d1dan.1: 1dan T:,U:91-106 [21953]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1danh_, d1danl1, d1danl2, d1danl3
      2. 657291Domain d1danu1: 1dan U:107-210 [21954]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1danh_, d1danl1, d1danl2, d1danl3
        complexed with ca, cac, ch2, cl, fuc, glc
    4. Domains for 1fak:
      1. 657296Domain d1fakt1: 1fak T:6-106 [21957]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1fakh_, d1faki_, d1fakl1, d1fakl2, d1fakl3
      2. 657297Domain d1fakt2: 1fak T:107-210 [21958]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1fakh_, d1faki_, d1fakl1, d1fakl2, d1fakl3
    5. Domains for 1j9c:
      1. 657302Domain d1j9ct1: 1j9c T:1-106 [103844]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1j9ch_, d1j9cl1, d1j9cl2
      2. 657303Domain d1j9ct2: 1j9c T:107-210 [103845]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1j9ch_, d1j9cl1, d1j9cl2
        complexed with ca, fuc, glc, nag
    6. Domains for 1jps:
      1. 657288Domain d1jpst1: 1jps T:5-106 [67049]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1jpsh1, d1jpsh2, d1jpsl1, d1jpsl2
      2. 657289Domain d1jpst2: 1jps T:107-211 [67050]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1jpsh1, d1jpsh2, d1jpsl1, d1jpsl2
    7. Domains for 1o5d:
      1. 657292Domain d1o5dt1: 1o5d T:6-106 [103883]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1o5dh_, d1o5dl1, d1o5dl2
      2. 657293Domain d1o5dt2: 1o5d T:107-205 [103884]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1o5dh_, d1o5dl1, d1o5dl2
        complexed with cr9; mutant
    8. Domains for 1tfh:
      1. 657298Domain d1tfha1: 1tfh A:5-106 [21959]
      2. 657299Domain d1tfha2: 1tfh A:107-211 [21960]
      3. 657300Domain d1tfhb1: 1tfh B:5-106 [21961]
      4. 657301Domain d1tfhb2: 1tfh B:107-210 [21962]
    9. Domains for 1uj3:
      1. 657308Domain d1uj3c1: 1uj3 C:606-706 [107892]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1uj3a1, d1uj3a2, d1uj3b1, d1uj3b2
      2. 657309Domain d1uj3c2: 1uj3 C:707-810 [107893]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1uj3a1, d1uj3a2, d1uj3b1, d1uj3b2
    10. Domains for 2hft:
      1. 657286Domain d2hfta1: 2hft A:1-106 [21951]
      2. 657287Domain d2hfta2: 2hft A:107-211 [21952]
        complexed with so4
  2. 657310Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) [TaxId:9986] [49269] (18 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1a21:
      1. 657323Domain d1a21a1: 1a21 A:4-106 [21967]
      2. 657324Domain d1a21a2: 1a21 A:107-208 [21968]
      3. 657325Domain d1a21b1: 1a21 B:4-106 [21969]
      4. 657326Domain d1a21b2: 1a21 B:107-208 [21970]
    2. Domains for 1w0y:
      1. 657327Domain d1w0yt1: 1w0y T:6-108 [120571]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1w0yh1, d1w0yl1, d1w0yl2, d1w0yl3
        automatically matched to d1a21a1
        complexed with 771, bgc, ca, cac, fuc
      2. 657328Domain d1w0yt2: 1w0y T:109-209 [120572]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1w0yh1, d1w0yl1, d1w0yl2, d1w0yl3
        automatically matched to d1a21a2
        complexed with 771, bgc, ca, cac, fuc
    3. Domains for 1w2k:
      1. 657345Domain d1w2kt1: 1w2k T:6-108 [120588]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1w2kh1, d1w2kl1, d1w2kl2, d1w2kl3
        automatically matched to d1a21a1
        complexed with 380, bgc, ca, cac, fuc
      2. 657346Domain d1w2kt2: 1w2k T:109-209 [120589]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1w2kh1, d1w2kl1, d1w2kl2, d1w2kl3
        automatically matched to d1a21a2
        complexed with 380, bgc, ca, cac, fuc
    4. Domains for 1wqv:
      1. 657331Domain d1wqvt1: 1wqv T:6-108 [121177]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wqvh1, d1wqvl1, d1wqvl2, d1wqvl3
        automatically matched to d1a21a1
        complexed with bgc, ca, fuc, psm
      2. 657332Domain d1wqvt2: 1wqv T:109-209 [121178]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wqvh1, d1wqvl1, d1wqvl2, d1wqvl3
        automatically matched to d1a21a2
        complexed with bgc, ca, fuc, psm
    5. Domains for 1wss:
      1. 657337Domain d1wsst1: 1wss T:6-108 [121242]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wssh1, d1wssl1, d1wssl2, d1wssl3
        automatically matched to d1a21a1
        complexed with 3cb, bgc, ca, fuc
      2. 657338Domain d1wsst2: 1wss T:109-209 [121243]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wssh1, d1wssl1, d1wssl2, d1wssl3
        automatically matched to d1a21a2
        complexed with 3cb, bgc, ca, fuc
    6. Domains for 1wtg:
      1. 657319Domain d1wtgt1: 1wtg T:6-108 [121266]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wtgh1, d1wtgl1, d1wtgl2, d1wtgl3
        automatically matched to d1a21a1
        complexed with 3bp, bgc, ca, fuc
      2. 657320Domain d1wtgt2: 1wtg T:109-209 [121267]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wtgh1, d1wtgl1, d1wtgl2, d1wtgl3
        automatically matched to d1a21a2
        complexed with 3bp, bgc, ca, fuc
    7. Domains for 1wun:
      1. 657329Domain d1wunt1: 1wun T:6-108 [121302]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wunh1, d1wunl1, d1wunl2, d1wunl3
        automatically matched to d1a21a1
        complexed with bgc, ca, fuc, p5b
      2. 657330Domain d1wunt2: 1wun T:109-209 [121303]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wunh1, d1wunl1, d1wunl2, d1wunl3
        automatically matched to d1a21a2
        complexed with bgc, ca, fuc, p5b
    8. Domains for 1wv7:
      1. 657341Domain d1wv7t1: 1wv7 T:6-108 [121324]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wv7h1, d1wv7l1, d1wv7l2, d1wv7l3
        automatically matched to d1a21a1
        complexed with 5pi, bgc, ca, fuc
      2. 657342Domain d1wv7t2: 1wv7 T:109-209 [121325]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wv7h1, d1wv7l1, d1wv7l2, d1wv7l3
        automatically matched to d1a21a2
        complexed with 5pi, bgc, ca, fuc
    9. Domains for 1z6j:
      1. 657317Domain d1z6jt1: 1z6j T:6-108 [124527]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1z6jh1, d1z6jl1, d1z6jl2, d1z6jl3
        automatically matched to d1a21a1
        complexed with ca, mg, py3
      2. 657318Domain d1z6jt2: 1z6j T:109-209 [124528]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1z6jh1, d1z6jl1, d1z6jl2, d1z6jl3
        automatically matched to d1a21a2
        complexed with ca, mg, py3
    10. Domains for 2a2q:
      1. 657311Domain d2a2qt1: 2a2q T:6-108 [126056]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2a2qh1, d2a2ql1, d2a2ql2, d2a2ql3
        automatically matched to d1a21a1
        complexed with ca, cl, fuc, glc, mg, na, pbz, zn
      2. 657312Domain d2a2qt2: 2a2q T:109-209 [126057]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2a2qh1, d2a2ql1, d2a2ql2, d2a2ql3
        automatically matched to d1a21a2
        complexed with ca, cl, fuc, glc, mg, na, pbz, zn
    11. Domains for 2aei:
      1. 657339Domain d2aeit1: 2aei T:6-108 [126635]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2aeih1, d2aeil1, d2aeil2, d2aeil3
        automatically matched to d1a21a1
        complexed with 03r, ca, cac
      2. 657340Domain d2aeit2: 2aei T:109-209 [126636]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2aeih1, d2aeil1, d2aeil2, d2aeil3
        automatically matched to d1a21a2
        complexed with 03r, ca, cac
    12. Domains for 2aer:
      1. 657313Domain d2aert1: 2aer T:6-108 [126644]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2aerh1, d2aerl1, d2aerl2, d2aerl3
        automatically matched to d1a21a1
        complexed with ben, ca, cl, fuc, glc, mg, na, zn
      2. 657314Domain d2aert2: 2aer T:109-209 [126645]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2aerh1, d2aerl1, d2aerl2, d2aerl3
        automatically matched to d1a21a2
        complexed with ben, ca, cl, fuc, glc, mg, na, zn
    13. Domains for 2b7d:
      1. 657333Domain d2b7dt1: 2b7d T:6-108 [128034]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2b7dh1
        automatically matched to d1a21a1
        complexed with c1b
      2. 657334Domain d2b7dt2: 2b7d T:109-205 [128035]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2b7dh1
        automatically matched to d1a21a2
        complexed with c1b
    14. Domains for 2b8o:
      1. 657347Domain d2b8ot1: 2b8o T:6-108 [128099]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2b8oh1, d2b8ol1, d2b8ol2, d2b8ol3
        automatically matched to d1a21a1
        complexed with ca, cl, fuc, glc, mg, na, zn
      2. 657348Domain d2b8ot2: 2b8o T:109-209 [128100]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2b8oh1, d2b8ol1, d2b8ol2, d2b8ol3
        automatically matched to d1a21a2
        complexed with ca, cl, fuc, glc, mg, na, zn
    15. Domains for 2f9b:
      1. 657343Domain d2f9bt1: 2f9b T:6-108 [133156]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2f9bh1
        automatically matched to d1a21a1
        complexed with n1h
      2. 657344Domain d2f9bt2: 2f9b T:109-205 [133157]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2f9bh1
        automatically matched to d1a21a2
        complexed with n1h
    16. Domains for 2fir:
      1. 657315Domain d2firt1: 2fir T:6-108 [133535]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2firh1, d2firl1, d2firl2, d2firl3
        automatically matched to d1a21a1
        complexed with ca, cl, fuc, glc, mg, na, zn
      2. 657316Domain d2firt2: 2fir T:109-209 [133536]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2firh1, d2firl1, d2firl2, d2firl3
        automatically matched to d1a21a2
        complexed with ca, cl, fuc, glc, mg, na, zn
    17. Domains for 2flb:
      1. 657321Domain d2flbt1: 2flb T:6-108 [133711]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2flbh1
        automatically matched to d1a21a1
        complexed with 6nh
      2. 657322Domain d2flbt2: 2flb T:109-205 [133712]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2flbh1
        automatically matched to d1a21a2
        complexed with 6nh
    18. Domains for 2flr:
      1. 657335Domain d2flrt1: 2flr T:6-108 [133748]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2flrh1
        automatically matched to d1a21a1
        complexed with 7nh
      2. 657336Domain d2flrt2: 2flr T:109-205 [133749]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2flrh1
        automatically matched to d1a21a2
        complexed with 7nh

More info for Protein Extracellular region of human tissue factor from b.1.2.1: Fibronectin type III

Timeline for Protein Extracellular region of human tissue factor from b.1.2.1: Fibronectin type III: