Lineage for Protein: Arrestin

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2352458Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (178 folds)
  3. 2352459Fold b.1: Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich [48725] (33 superfamilies)
    sandwich; 7 strands in 2 sheets; greek-key
    some members of the fold have additional strands
  4. 2375023Superfamily b.1.18: E set domains [81296] (24 families) (S)
    "Early" Ig-like fold families possibly related to the immunoglobulin and/or fibronectin type III superfamilies
  5. 2375767Family b.1.18.11: Arrestin/Vps26-like [81291] (2 proteins)
  6. 2375768Protein Arrestin [49244] (3 species)
    duplication: contains tandem repeat of two elaborated Ig-like domains contacting each other head-to-head


  1. 2375769Cow (Bos taurus), beta-arrestin 1 [TaxId:9913] [69169] (6 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1g4m:
      1. 2375770Domain d1g4ma1: 1g4m A:5-175 [65143]
      2. 2375771Domain d1g4ma2: 1g4m A:176-393 [65144]
      3. 2375772Domain d1g4mb1: 1g4m B:5-175 [65145]
      4. 2375773Domain d1g4mb2: 1g4m B:176-393 [65146]
    2. Domains for 1g4r:
      1. 2375776Domain d1g4ra1: 1g4r A:7-175 [65147]
      2. 2375777Domain d1g4ra2: 1g4r A:176-393 [65148]
    3. Domains for 1jsy:
      1. 2375780Domain d1jsya1: 1jsy A:6-175 [71847]
      2. 2375781Domain d1jsya2: 1jsy A:176-399 [71848]
    4. Domains for 1zsh:
      1. 2375782Domain d1zsha1: 1zsh A:6-175 [125606]
        automated match to d1jsya1
        complexed with ihp, mg
      2. 2375783Domain d1zsha2: 1zsh A:176-397 [125607]
        automated match to d1jsya2
        complexed with ihp, mg
    5. Domains for 2wtr:
      1. 2375778Domain d2wtra1: 2wtr A:4-175 [207012]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wtrb1, d2wtrb2
        automated match to d1jsya1
        complexed with ba
      2. 2375779Domain d2wtra2: 2wtr A:176-397 [207013]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wtrb1, d2wtrb2
        automated match to d1jsya2
        complexed with ba
    6. Domains for 3gc3:
      1. 2375774Domain d3gc3a1: 3gc3 A:5-175 [232261]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3gc3b1, d3gc3b2
        automated match to d1g4ma1
      2. 2375775Domain d3gc3a2: 3gc3 A:176-384 [232270]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3gc3b1, d3gc3b2
        automated match to d1g4ma2
  2. 2375784Cow (Bos taurus), visual arrestin [TaxId:9913] [49245] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1ayr:
      1. 2375793Domain d1ayra1: 1ayr A:1-182 [21915]
      2. 2375794Domain d1ayra2: 1ayr A:183-368 [21916]
      3. 2375795Domain d1ayrb1: 1ayr B:1-182 [21917]
      4. 2375796Domain d1ayrb2: 1ayr B:183-363 [21918]
      5. 2375797Domain d1ayrc1: 1ayr C:1-182 [21919]
      6. 2375798Domain d1ayrc2: 1ayr C:183-368 [21920]
      7. 2375799Domain d1ayrd1: 1ayr D:1-182 [21921]
      8. 2375800Domain d1ayrd2: 1ayr D:183-363 [21922]
    2. Domains for 1cf1:
      1. 2375785Domain d1cf1a1: 1cf1 A:10-182 [21907]
      2. 2375786Domain d1cf1a2: 1cf1 A:183-393 [21908]
      3. 2375787Domain d1cf1b1: 1cf1 B:9-182 [21909]
      4. 2375788Domain d1cf1b2: 1cf1 B:183-385 [21910]
      5. 2375789Domain d1cf1c1: 1cf1 C:7-182 [21911]
      6. 2375790Domain d1cf1c2: 1cf1 C:183-393 [21912]
      7. 2375791Domain d1cf1d1: 1cf1 D:9-182 [21913]
      8. 2375792Domain d1cf1d2: 1cf1 D:183-386 [21914]
  3. 2375801Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId:10116] [235033] (1 PDB entry)

More info for Protein Arrestin from b.1.18.11: Arrestin/Vps26-like

Timeline for Protein Arrestin from b.1.18.11: Arrestin/Vps26-like: