Lineage for Protein: Thio-ester containing domain (TED) from Complement C3, aka C3d or C3dg

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2685877Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (290 folds)
  3. 2722035Fold a.102: alpha/alpha toroid [48207] (6 superfamilies)
    multihelical; up to seven alpha-hairpins are arranged in closed circular array; there may be sequence similarities between different superfamilies
  4. 2722506Superfamily a.102.4: Terpenoid cyclases/Protein prenyltransferases [48239] (5 families) (S)
  5. 2722786Family a.102.4.4: Complement components [48251] (4 proteins)
    probably related to other families, but has no known enzymatic activity
  6. 2722790Protein Thio-ester containing domain (TED) from Complement C3, aka C3d or C3dg [48252] (2 species)


  1. 2722791Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [48253] (19 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1c3d:
    2. Domain for 1ghq:
    3. Domain for 1w2s:
    4. Domain for 2a73:
    5. Domains for 2gox:
      1. 2722811Domain d2goxa1: 2gox A:996-1287 [161433]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2goxa2, d2goxb1, d2goxc2, d2goxd_
        automated match to d1c3da_
      2. 2722812Domain d2goxc1: 2gox C:996-1287 [161434]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2goxa2, d2goxb1, d2goxc2, d2goxd_
        automated match to d1c3da_
    6. Domains for 2noj:
      1. 2722820Domain d2noja_: 2noj A: [148324]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2nojb1, d2nojd_, d2nojf_, d2nojh_
        automated match to d1c3da_
      2. 2722821Domain d2nojc_: 2noj C: [148326]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2nojb1, d2nojd_, d2nojf_, d2nojh_
        automated match to d1c3da_
      3. 2722822Domain d2noje_: 2noj E: [148328]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2nojb1, d2nojd_, d2nojf_, d2nojh_
        automated match to d1c3da_
      4. 2722823Domain d2nojg_: 2noj G: [148330]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2nojb1, d2nojd_, d2nojf_, d2nojh_
        automated match to d1c3da_
    7. Domain for 2wy7:
    8. Domain for 2wy8:
    9. Domains for 2xqw:
      1. 2722817Domain d2xqwa1: 2xqw A:3-294 [170300]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2xqwa2, d2xqwb2
        automated match to d1c3da_
      2. 2722818Domain d2xqwb1: 2xqw B:3-294 [170301]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2xqwa2, d2xqwb2
        automated match to d1c3da_
    10. Domains for 3d5r:
      1. 2722809Domain d3d5ra2: 3d5r A:7-298 [157403]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3d5ra3, d3d5rb3, d3d5rc1, d3d5rd_
        automated match to d1c3da_
      2. 2722810Domain d3d5rb2: 3d5r B:7-298 [157404]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3d5ra3, d3d5rb3, d3d5rc1, d3d5rd_
        automated match to d1c3da_
    11. Domains for 3d5s:
      1. 2722813Domain d3d5sa2: 3d5s A:7-298 [157407]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3d5sa3, d3d5sb3, d3d5sc1, d3d5sd_
        automated match to d1c3da_
      2. 2722814Domain d3d5sb2: 3d5s B:7-298 [157408]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3d5sa3, d3d5sb3, d3d5sc1, d3d5sd_
        automated match to d1c3da_
    12. Domains for 3oed:
      1. 2722815Domain d3oeda1: 3oed A:3-294 [248211]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3oeda2, d3oedb2, d3oedc1, d3oedc2, d3oedd1, d3oedd2
        automated match to d1ghqa_
      2. 2722816Domain d3oedb1: 3oed B:3-294 [248212]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3oeda2, d3oedb2, d3oedc1, d3oedc2, d3oedd1, d3oedd2
        automated match to d1ghqa_
    13. Domains for 3rj3:
      1. 2722798Domain d3rj3a_: 3rj3 A: [195832]
        automated match to d1ghqa_
        complexed with gol; mutant
      2. 2722799Domain d3rj3b_: 3rj3 B: [195830]
        automated match to d1ghqa_
        complexed with gol; mutant
      3. 2722800Domain d3rj3c_: 3rj3 C: [195831]
        automated match to d1ghqa_
        complexed with gol; mutant
    14. Domain for 4m76:
    15. Domains for 4ont:
      1. 2722804Domain d4onta1: 4ont A:3-294 [261235]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4onta2
        automated match to d1ghqa_
        complexed with gol
      2. 2722805Domain d4ontb_: 4ont B: [261369]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4onta2
        automated match to d1ghqa_
        complexed with gol
      3. 2722806Domain d4ontc_: 4ont C: [261370]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4onta2
        automated match to d1ghqa_
        complexed with gol
    16. Domains for 4zh1:
      1. 2722801Domain d4zh1a1: 4zh1 A:3-294 [280572]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zh1a2
        automated match to d1ghqa_
        complexed with gol
      2. 2722802Domain d4zh1b_: 4zh1 B: [280571]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zh1a2
        automated match to d1ghqa_
        complexed with gol
      3. 2722803Domain d4zh1c_: 4zh1 C: [280574]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zh1a2
        automated match to d1ghqa_
        complexed with gol
    17. Domains for 5nbq:
      1. 2722825Domain d5nbqa_: 5nbq A: [342361]
        automated match to d2wy8a_
      2. 2722826Domain d5nbqb_: 5nbq B: [342304]
        automated match to d2wy8a_
      3. 2722827Domain d5nbqc_: 5nbq C: [342300]
        automated match to d2wy8a_
    18. Domains for 6rmt:
      1. 2722794Domain d6rmta_: 6rmt A: [395676]
        automated match to d3rj3b_
        complexed with cl
      2. 2722795Domain d6rmtb_: 6rmt B: [395437]
        automated match to d3rj3b_
        complexed with cl
    19. Domains for 6rmu:
      1. 2722807Domain d6rmua_: 6rmu A: [395427]
        automated match to d3rj3b_
        complexed with edo, peg
      2. 2722808Domain d6rmub_: 6rmu B: [395433]
        automated match to d3rj3b_
        complexed with edo, peg
  2. 2722829Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId:10116] [48254] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1qqf:
    2. Domains for 1qsj:
      1. 2722831Domain d1qsja_: 1qsj A: [18876]
        N-terminally truncated fragment
      2. 2722832Domain d1qsjb_: 1qsj B: [18877]
        N-terminally truncated fragment
      3. 2722833Domain d1qsjc_: 1qsj C: [18878]
        N-terminally truncated fragment
      4. 2722834Domain d1qsjd_: 1qsj D: [18879]
        N-terminally truncated fragment

More info for Protein Thio-ester containing domain (TED) from Complement C3, aka C3d or C3dg from a.102.4.4: Complement components

Timeline for Protein Thio-ester containing domain (TED) from Complement C3, aka C3d or C3dg from a.102.4.4: Complement components: