Lineage for Superfamily a.61.1: Retroviral matrix proteins

  1. Root: SCOP 1.71
  2. 530466Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (226 folds)
  3. 539870Fold a.61: Retroviral matrix proteins [47835] (1 superfamily)
    4-5 helices; right-handed superhelix
  4. 539871Superfamily a.61.1: Retroviral matrix proteins [47836] (6 families) (S)
    the 5th, C-terminal helix is missing in some of the member structures


  1. 539872a.61.1.1: Immunodeficiency virus matrix proteins [47837] (2 proteins)
  2. 539889a.61.1.2: HTLV-II matrix protein [47842] (1 protein)
    the C-terminal helix region is disordered(?)
  3. 539893a.61.1.3: Mason-Pfizer monkey virus matrix protein [47845] (1 protein)
    the C-terminal helix region is missing(?)
  4. 539897a.61.1.4: GAG polyprotein M-domain [47848] (1 protein)
    the C-terminal helix region is missing(?)
  5. 539901a.61.1.5: EIAV matrix antigen [69051] (1 protein)
  6. 539906a.61.1.6: MMLV matrix protein-like [81803] (2 proteins)

More info for Superfamily a.61.1: Retroviral matrix proteins

Timeline for Superfamily a.61.1: Retroviral matrix proteins: