Lineage for Protein: Diol dehydratase, gamma subunit

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.05
  2. 1715731Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (286 folds)
  3. 1726377Fold a.23: Open three-helical up-and-down bundle [47143] (7 superfamilies)
    core: 3 helices; bundle, open
  4. 1726385Superfamily a.23.2: Diol dehydratase, gamma subunit [47148] (1 family) (S)
    contains irregular N-terminal subdomain
    automatically mapped to Pfam PF02287
  5. 1726386Family a.23.2.1: Diol dehydratase, gamma subunit [47149] (1 protein)
  6. 1726387Protein Diol dehydratase, gamma subunit [47150] (2 species)


  1. 1726388Klebsiella oxytoca [TaxId:571] [47151] (8 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1dio:
      1. 1726401Domain d1diog_: 1dio G: [16496]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1dioa_, d1diob_, d1dioe_, d1diol_
        complexed with b12, k, pgo
      2. 1726402Domain d1diom_: 1dio M: [16497]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1dioa_, d1diob_, d1dioe_, d1diol_
        complexed with b12, k, pgo
    2. Domains for 1eex:
      1. 1726389Domain d1eexg_: 1eex G: [16490]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1eexa_, d1eexb_, d1eexe_, d1eexl_
        complexed with coy, k, pgo
      2. 1726390Domain d1eexm_: 1eex M: [16491]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1eexa_, d1eexb_, d1eexe_, d1eexl_
        complexed with coy, k, pgo
    3. Domains for 1egm:
      1. 1726397Domain d1egmg_: 1egm G: [16494]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1egma_, d1egmb_, d1egme_, d1egml_
        complexed with cnc, k, pgo
      2. 1726398Domain d1egmm_: 1egm M: [16495]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1egma_, d1egmb_, d1egme_, d1egml_
        complexed with cnc, k, pgo
    4. Domains for 1egv:
      1. 1726391Domain d1egvg_: 1egv G: [16492]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1egva_, d1egvb_, d1egve_, d1egvl_
        complexed with coy, k, pgo
      2. 1726392Domain d1egvm_: 1egv M: [16493]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1egva_, d1egvb_, d1egve_, d1egvl_
        complexed with coy, k, pgo
    5. Domains for 1iwb:
      1. 1726395Domain d1iwbg_: 1iwb G: [83753]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1iwba_, d1iwbb_, d1iwbe_, d1iwbl_
        complexed with b12, k
      2. 1726396Domain d1iwbm_: 1iwb M: [83755]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1iwba_, d1iwbb_, d1iwbe_, d1iwbl_
        complexed with b12, k
    6. Domains for 1uc4:
      1. 1726393Domain d1uc4g_: 1uc4 G: [88453]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1uc4a_, d1uc4b_, d1uc4e_, d1uc4l_
        complexed with cnc, k, nh4, pgo
      2. 1726394Domain d1uc4m_: 1uc4 M: [88455]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1uc4a_, d1uc4b_, d1uc4e_, d1uc4l_
        complexed with cnc, k, nh4, pgo
    7. Domains for 1uc5:
      1. 1726403Domain d1uc5g_: 1uc5 G: [88459]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1uc5a_, d1uc5b_, d1uc5e_, d1uc5l_
        complexed with cnc, k, nh4, pgr
      2. 1726404Domain d1uc5m_: 1uc5 M: [88461]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1uc5a_, d1uc5b_, d1uc5e_, d1uc5l_
        complexed with cnc, k, nh4, pgr
    8. Domains for 3auj:
      1. 1726399Domain d3aujg_: 3auj G: [198941]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3auja_, d3aujb_, d3auje_, d3aujl_
        automated match to d1egvg_
        complexed with b12, ca, gol, po4
      2. 1726400Domain d3aujm_: 3auj M: [198942]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3auja_, d3aujb_, d3auje_, d3aujl_
        automated match to d1egvg_
        complexed with b12, ca, gol, po4
  2. 1726405Klebsiella pneumoniae [TaxId:573] [81728] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1iwp:
      1. 1726406Domain d1iwpg_: 1iwp G: [76887]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1iwpa_, d1iwpb_, d1iwpe_, d1iwpl_
        complexed with b12, k, pgo
      2. 1726407Domain d1iwpm_: 1iwp M: [76889]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1iwpa_, d1iwpb_, d1iwpe_, d1iwpl_
        complexed with b12, k, pgo
    2. Domains for 1mmf:
      1. 1726408Domain d1mmfg_: 1mmf G: [85021]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mmfa_, d1mmfb_, d1mmfe_, d1mmfl_
        complexed with b12, k
      2. 1726409Domain d1mmfm_: 1mmf M: [85023]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mmfa_, d1mmfb_, d1mmfe_, d1mmfl_
        complexed with b12, k

More info for Protein Diol dehydratase, gamma subunit from a.23.2.1: Diol dehydratase, gamma subunit

Timeline for Protein Diol dehydratase, gamma subunit from a.23.2.1: Diol dehydratase, gamma subunit: