Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (180 folds) |
Fold b.74: Carbonic anhydrase [51068] (1 superfamily) single sheet; 10 strands |
Superfamily b.74.1: Carbonic anhydrase [51069] (2 families) |
Family b.74.1.1: Carbonic anhydrase [51070] (2 proteins) automatically mapped to Pfam PF00194 |
Protein automated matches [190681] (2 species) not a true protein |
Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [187805] (57 PDB entries) |
Domain d6xzoa_: 6xzo A: [393519] automated match to d3d0na_ complexed with o55, zn |
PDB Entry: 6xzo (more details), 1.44 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d6xzoa_:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d6xzoa_ b.74.1.1 (A:) automated matches {Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]} dwgyddkngpeqwsklypiangnnqspvdiktsetkhdtslkpisvsynpatakeiinvg hsfhvnfedndnrsvlkggpfsdsyrlfqfhfhwgstnehgsehtvdgvkysaelhvahw nsakysslaeaaskadglavigvlmkvgeanpklqkvldalqaiktkgkrapftnfdpst llpssldfwtypgslthpplyesvtwiickesisvsseqlaqfrsllsnvegdnavpmqh nnrptqplkgrtvrasf
Timeline for d6xzoa_: