Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2530962Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (388 folds)
  3. 2576610Fold d.110: Profilin-like [55769] (10 superfamilies)
    core: 2 alpha-helices and 5-stranded antiparallel sheet: order 21543; 3 layers: alpha/beta/alpha
  4. 2577625Superfamily d.110.7: Roadblock/LC7 domain [103196] (2 families) (S)
    alpha-beta(2)-alpha-beta(3)-alpha; structurally most similar to the SNARE-like superfamily with a circular permutation of the terminal helices
  5. 2577701Family d.110.7.0: automated matches [375374] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2577702Protein automated matches [375375] (2 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 2577703Myxococcus xanthus [TaxId:246197] [375376] (1 PDB entry)
  2. 2577705Myxococcus xanthus [TaxId:34] [377225] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 6h5b:
      1. 2577726Domain d6h5bb_: 6h5b B: [377244]
        automated match to d1j3wb_
        complexed with 1pe, epe, gsp, mg, peg
      2. 2577727Domain d6h5bc_: 6h5b C: [377226]
        automated match to d1j3wb_
        complexed with 1pe, epe, gsp, mg, peg
    2. Domains for 6hjm:
      1. 2577706Domain d6hjma_: 6hjm A: [377678]
        automated match to d1j3wb_
      2. 2577707Domain d6hjmb_: 6hjm B: [377641]
        automated match to d1j3wb_
      3. 2577708Domain d6hjmc_: 6hjm C: [377725]
        automated match to d1j3wb_
      4. 2577709Domain d6hjmd_: 6hjm D: [377698]
        automated match to d1j3wb_
      5. 2577710Domain d6hjme_: 6hjm E: [377638]
        automated match to d1j3wb_
      6. 2577711Domain d6hjmf_: 6hjm F: [377639]
        automated match to d1j3wb_
      7. 2577712Domain d6hjmg_: 6hjm G: [377669]
        automated match to d1j3wb_
      8. 2577713Domain d6hjmh_: 6hjm H: [377763]
        automated match to d1j3wb_
      9. 2577714Domain d6hjmi_: 6hjm I: [377788]
        automated match to d1j3wb_
      10. 2577715Domain d6hjmj_: 6hjm J: [377804]
        automated match to d1j3wb_
      11. 2577716Domain d6hjmk_: 6hjm K: [377726]
        automated match to d1j3wb_
      12. 2577717Domain d6hjml_: 6hjm L: [377703]
        automated match to d1j3wb_
      13. 2577718Domain d6hjmm_: 6hjm M: [377700]
        automated match to d1j3wb_
      14. 2577719Domain d6hjmn_: 6hjm N: [377677]
        automated match to d1j3wb_
      15. 2577720Domain d6hjmo_: 6hjm O: [377642]
        automated match to d1j3wb_
      16. 2577721Domain d6hjmp_: 6hjm P: [377702]
        automated match to d1j3wb_
      17. 2577722Domain d6hjmq_: 6hjm Q: [377640]
        automated match to d1j3wb_
      18. 2577723Domain d6hjmr_: 6hjm R: [377643]
        automated match to d1j3wb_
      19. 2577724Domain d6hjms_: 6hjm S: [377675]
        automated match to d1j3wb_
      20. 2577725Domain d6hjmt_: 6hjm T: [377721]
        automated match to d1j3wb_

More info for Protein automated matches from d.110.7.0: automated matches

Timeline for Protein automated matches from d.110.7.0: automated matches: