Lineage for d1c2yf_ (1c2y F:)

  1. Root: SCOP 1.57
  2. 64291Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (107 folds)
  3. 67948Fold c.16: Lumazine synthase [52120] (1 superfamily)
  4. 67949Superfamily c.16.1: Lumazine synthase [52121] (1 family) (S)
  5. 67950Family c.16.1.1: Lumazine synthase [52122] (1 protein)
  6. 67951Protein Lumazine synthase [52123] (5 species)
  7. 68006Species Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) [TaxId:3562] [52127] (1 PDB entry)
  8. 68012Domain d1c2yf_: 1c2y F: [30977]

Details for d1c2yf_

PDB Entry: 1c2y (more details), 3.3 Å

PDB Description: crystal structures of a pentameric fungal and an icosahedral plant lumazine synthase reveals the structural basis for differences in assembly

SCOP Domain Sequences for d1c2yf_:

Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)

>d1c2yf_ c.16.1.1 (F:) Lumazine synthase {Spinach (Spinacia oleracea)}

SCOP Domain Coordinates for d1c2yf_:

Click to download the PDB-style file with coordinates for d1c2yf_.
(The format of our PDB-style files is described here.)

Timeline for d1c2yf_: