Lineage for Species: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, PA01 [TaxId: 208964]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2434694Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2511779Fold c.72: Ribokinase-like [53612] (3 superfamilies)
    core: 3 layers: a/b/a; mixed beta-sheet of 8 strands, order 21345678, strand 7 is antiparallel to the rest
    potential superfamily: members of this fold have similar functions but different ATP-binding sites
  4. 2512449Superfamily c.72.2: MurD-like peptide ligases, catalytic domain [53623] (3 families) (S)
    has extra strand located between strands 1 and 2
  5. 2512507Family c.72.2.0: automated matches [254328] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2512508Protein automated matches [254749] (4 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2512514Species Pseudomonas aeruginosa, PA01 [TaxId:208964] [271624] (6 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, PA01 [TaxId: 208964]:

  1. Domain(s) for 4cvk:
  2. Domain(s) for 4cvl:
  3. Domain(s) for 4cvm:
  4. Domain(s) for 5vvw:
    1. 2512533Domain d5vvwa2: 5vvw A:104-319 [334989]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5vvwa1, d5vvwa3, d5vvwb1, d5vvwb3, d5vvwc1, d5vvwc3, d5vvwd1, d5vvwd3, d5vvwe1, d5vvwe3, d5vvwf1, d5vvwf3, d5vvwg1, d5vvwg3, d5vvwh1, d5vvwh3
      automated match to d4hv4a2
      complexed with edo
    2. 2512534Domain d5vvwb2: 5vvw B:104-319 [335035]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5vvwa1, d5vvwa3, d5vvwb1, d5vvwb3, d5vvwc1, d5vvwc3, d5vvwd1, d5vvwd3, d5vvwe1, d5vvwe3, d5vvwf1, d5vvwf3, d5vvwg1, d5vvwg3, d5vvwh1, d5vvwh3
      automated match to d4hv4a2
      complexed with edo
    3. 2512535Domain d5vvwc2: 5vvw C:104-319 [334948]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5vvwa1, d5vvwa3, d5vvwb1, d5vvwb3, d5vvwc1, d5vvwc3, d5vvwd1, d5vvwd3, d5vvwe1, d5vvwe3, d5vvwf1, d5vvwf3, d5vvwg1, d5vvwg3, d5vvwh1, d5vvwh3
      automated match to d4hv4a2
      complexed with edo
    4. 2512536Domain d5vvwd2: 5vvw D:104-319 [334981]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5vvwa1, d5vvwa3, d5vvwb1, d5vvwb3, d5vvwc1, d5vvwc3, d5vvwd1, d5vvwd3, d5vvwe1, d5vvwe3, d5vvwf1, d5vvwf3, d5vvwg1, d5vvwg3, d5vvwh1, d5vvwh3
      automated match to d4hv4a2
      complexed with edo
    5. 2512537Domain d5vvwe2: 5vvw E:104-318 [334954]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5vvwa1, d5vvwa3, d5vvwb1, d5vvwb3, d5vvwc1, d5vvwc3, d5vvwd1, d5vvwd3, d5vvwe1, d5vvwe3, d5vvwf1, d5vvwf3, d5vvwg1, d5vvwg3, d5vvwh1, d5vvwh3
      automated match to d4hv4a2
      complexed with edo
    6. 2512538Domain d5vvwf2: 5vvw F:104-319 [334964]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5vvwa1, d5vvwa3, d5vvwb1, d5vvwb3, d5vvwc1, d5vvwc3, d5vvwd1, d5vvwd3, d5vvwe1, d5vvwe3, d5vvwf1, d5vvwf3, d5vvwg1, d5vvwg3, d5vvwh1, d5vvwh3
      automated match to d4hv4a2
      complexed with edo
    7. 2512539Domain d5vvwg2: 5vvw G:104-319 [335017]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5vvwa1, d5vvwa3, d5vvwb1, d5vvwb3, d5vvwc1, d5vvwc3, d5vvwd1, d5vvwd3, d5vvwe1, d5vvwe3, d5vvwf1, d5vvwf3, d5vvwg1, d5vvwg3, d5vvwh1, d5vvwh3
      automated match to d4hv4a2
      complexed with edo
    8. 2512540Domain d5vvwh2: 5vvw H:104-319 [334992]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5vvwa1, d5vvwa3, d5vvwb1, d5vvwb3, d5vvwc1, d5vvwc3, d5vvwd1, d5vvwd3, d5vvwe1, d5vvwe3, d5vvwf1, d5vvwf3, d5vvwg1, d5vvwg3, d5vvwh1, d5vvwh3
      automated match to d4hv4a2
      complexed with edo
  5. Domain(s) for 6x9f:
    1. 2512516Domain d6x9fa2: 6x9f A:97-311 [393364]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6x9fa1, d6x9fa3, d6x9fb1, d6x9fb3, d6x9fc1, d6x9fc3, d6x9fd1, d6x9fd3, d6x9fe1, d6x9fe3, d6x9ff1, d6x9ff3, d6x9fg1, d6x9fg3, d6x9fh1, d6x9fh3
      automated match to d4hv4a2
      complexed with cl, dms, edo, uxp
    2. 2512517Domain d6x9fb2: 6x9f B:97-311 [393274]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6x9fa1, d6x9fa3, d6x9fb1, d6x9fb3, d6x9fc1, d6x9fc3, d6x9fd1, d6x9fd3, d6x9fe1, d6x9fe3, d6x9ff1, d6x9ff3, d6x9fg1, d6x9fg3, d6x9fh1, d6x9fh3
      automated match to d4hv4a2
      complexed with cl, dms, edo, uxp
    3. 2512518Domain d6x9fc2: 6x9f C:97-312 [393277]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6x9fa1, d6x9fa3, d6x9fb1, d6x9fb3, d6x9fc1, d6x9fc3, d6x9fd1, d6x9fd3, d6x9fe1, d6x9fe3, d6x9ff1, d6x9ff3, d6x9fg1, d6x9fg3, d6x9fh1, d6x9fh3
      automated match to d4hv4a2
      complexed with cl, dms, edo, uxp
    4. 2512519Domain d6x9fd2: 6x9f D:97-311 [393299]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6x9fa1, d6x9fa3, d6x9fb1, d6x9fb3, d6x9fc1, d6x9fc3, d6x9fd1, d6x9fd3, d6x9fe1, d6x9fe3, d6x9ff1, d6x9ff3, d6x9fg1, d6x9fg3, d6x9fh1, d6x9fh3
      automated match to d4hv4a2
      complexed with cl, dms, edo, uxp
    5. 2512520Domain d6x9fe2: 6x9f E:97-311 [393266]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6x9fa1, d6x9fa3, d6x9fb1, d6x9fb3, d6x9fc1, d6x9fc3, d6x9fd1, d6x9fd3, d6x9fe1, d6x9fe3, d6x9ff1, d6x9ff3, d6x9fg1, d6x9fg3, d6x9fh1, d6x9fh3
      automated match to d4hv4a2
      complexed with cl, dms, edo, uxp
    6. 2512521Domain d6x9ff2: 6x9f F:97-312 [393256]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6x9fa1, d6x9fa3, d6x9fb1, d6x9fb3, d6x9fc1, d6x9fc3, d6x9fd1, d6x9fd3, d6x9fe1, d6x9fe3, d6x9ff1, d6x9ff3, d6x9fg1, d6x9fg3, d6x9fh1, d6x9fh3
      automated match to d4hv4a2
      complexed with cl, dms, edo, uxp
    7. 2512522Domain d6x9fg2: 6x9f G:97-311 [393251]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6x9fa1, d6x9fa3, d6x9fb1, d6x9fb3, d6x9fc1, d6x9fc3, d6x9fd1, d6x9fd3, d6x9fe1, d6x9fe3, d6x9ff1, d6x9ff3, d6x9fg1, d6x9fg3, d6x9fh1, d6x9fh3
      automated match to d4hv4a2
      complexed with cl, dms, edo, uxp
    8. 2512523Domain d6x9fh2: 6x9f H:97-311 [393260]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6x9fa1, d6x9fa3, d6x9fb1, d6x9fb3, d6x9fc1, d6x9fc3, d6x9fd1, d6x9fd3, d6x9fe1, d6x9fe3, d6x9ff1, d6x9ff3, d6x9fg1, d6x9fg3, d6x9fh1, d6x9fh3
      automated match to d4hv4a2
      complexed with cl, dms, edo, uxp
  6. Domain(s) for 6x9n:
    1. 2512524Domain d6x9na2: 6x9n A:104-318 [393243]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6x9na1, d6x9na3, d6x9nb1, d6x9nb3, d6x9nc1, d6x9nc3, d6x9nd1, d6x9nd3, d6x9ne1, d6x9ne3, d6x9nf1, d6x9nf3, d6x9ng1, d6x9ng3, d6x9nh1, d6x9nh3
      automated match to d4hv4a2
      complexed with cl, dms, edo, uyd, val
    2. 2512525Domain d6x9nb2: 6x9n B:104-319 [393347]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6x9na1, d6x9na3, d6x9nb1, d6x9nb3, d6x9nc1, d6x9nc3, d6x9nd1, d6x9nd3, d6x9ne1, d6x9ne3, d6x9nf1, d6x9nf3, d6x9ng1, d6x9ng3, d6x9nh1, d6x9nh3
      automated match to d4hv4a2
      complexed with cl, dms, edo, uyd, val
    3. 2512526Domain d6x9nc2: 6x9n C:104-319 [393247]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6x9na1, d6x9na3, d6x9nb1, d6x9nb3, d6x9nc1, d6x9nc3, d6x9nd1, d6x9nd3, d6x9ne1, d6x9ne3, d6x9nf1, d6x9nf3, d6x9ng1, d6x9ng3, d6x9nh1, d6x9nh3
      automated match to d4hv4a2
      complexed with cl, dms, edo, uyd, val
    4. 2512527Domain d6x9nd2: 6x9n D:104-319 [393218]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6x9na1, d6x9na3, d6x9nb1, d6x9nb3, d6x9nc1, d6x9nc3, d6x9nd1, d6x9nd3, d6x9ne1, d6x9ne3, d6x9nf1, d6x9nf3, d6x9ng1, d6x9ng3, d6x9nh1, d6x9nh3
      automated match to d4hv4a2
      complexed with cl, dms, edo, uyd, val
    5. 2512528Domain d6x9ne2: 6x9n E:104-319 [393282]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6x9na1, d6x9na3, d6x9nb1, d6x9nb3, d6x9nc1, d6x9nc3, d6x9nd1, d6x9nd3, d6x9ne1, d6x9ne3, d6x9nf1, d6x9nf3, d6x9ng1, d6x9ng3, d6x9nh1, d6x9nh3
      automated match to d4hv4a2
      complexed with cl, dms, edo, uyd, val
    6. 2512529Domain d6x9nf2: 6x9n F:104-319 [393224]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6x9na1, d6x9na3, d6x9nb1, d6x9nb3, d6x9nc1, d6x9nc3, d6x9nd1, d6x9nd3, d6x9ne1, d6x9ne3, d6x9nf1, d6x9nf3, d6x9ng1, d6x9ng3, d6x9nh1, d6x9nh3
      automated match to d4hv4a2
      complexed with cl, dms, edo, uyd, val
    7. 2512530Domain d6x9ng2: 6x9n G:104-319 [393240]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6x9na1, d6x9na3, d6x9nb1, d6x9nb3, d6x9nc1, d6x9nc3, d6x9nd1, d6x9nd3, d6x9ne1, d6x9ne3, d6x9nf1, d6x9nf3, d6x9ng1, d6x9ng3, d6x9nh1, d6x9nh3
      automated match to d4hv4a2
      complexed with cl, dms, edo, uyd, val
    8. 2512531Domain d6x9nh2: 6x9n H:104-319 [393233]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6x9na1, d6x9na3, d6x9nb1, d6x9nb3, d6x9nc1, d6x9nc3, d6x9nd1, d6x9nd3, d6x9ne1, d6x9ne3, d6x9nf1, d6x9nf3, d6x9ng1, d6x9ng3, d6x9nh1, d6x9nh3
      automated match to d4hv4a2
      complexed with cl, dms, edo, uyd, val

More info for Species Pseudomonas aeruginosa, PA01 [TaxId:208964] from c.72.2.0 automated matches

Timeline for Species Pseudomonas aeruginosa, PA01 [TaxId:208964] from c.72.2.0 automated matches: