Lineage for Species: Dog (Canis familiaris) [TaxId: 9615]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2626587Class f: Membrane and cell surface proteins and peptides [56835] (60 folds)
  3. 2629297Fold f.17: Transmembrane helix hairpin [81334] (6 superfamilies)
    two antiparallel transmembrane helices
  4. 2629710Superfamily f.17.6: Sec-beta or SecG subunit of protein translocation channel [267595] (2 families) (S)
  5. 2629711Family f.17.6.1: Sec-beta subunit [267608] (1 protein)
  6. 2629712Protein Sec-beta subunit [267634] (2 species)
  7. 2629713Species Dog (Canis familiaris) [TaxId:9615] [267694] (1 PDB entry)

PDB entry in Species: Dog (Canis familiaris) [TaxId: 9615]:

More info for Species Dog (Canis familiaris) [TaxId:9615] from f.17.6.1 Sec-beta subunit

Timeline for Species Dog (Canis familiaris) [TaxId:9615] from f.17.6.1 Sec-beta subunit: